Retell the text with the help of the questions
3.3. Define the following statements as true (T) or false (F):
1. The goldsmiths of the 17-century were at the bottom of the banking appearing.
2. Merchants usually rented extra space in goldsmiths’ strong rooms for living. 3. The goldsmiths gave certificates of deposit in exchange of coin to merchants. 4. Deposit taking characterizes by given someone some values for safekeeping. 5. One merchant could give money to another by writing a document to his goldsmith. 6. Chequing means the process of payment for something without using cash. 7. Generally the goldsmiths were rich people. 8. The goldsmiths never lent their own money to merchants. 9. There is no any distinction between notes issued by goldsmiths and those that were given to merchants in exchange of deposit of coin. 10. Governments never supported the goldsmiths.
4. Let’s play the game:
Nowadays banks are extremely popular. Payment in them is good enough too of course. That’s why graduates are keen on working there. What about you? Can you work in a bank? Let’s check it now. Firstly write down the names of the main bank professions and definitions to them:
Accountant (бухгалтер) should be very responsible and well-organized in order not to make accounting mistakes.
Bank teller (банковский кассир)should be able tocount money correctly and to draw cheques.
Marketolog (маркетолог)is a specialist who studies tastes of buyers and promotes goods.
Finance Manager (заведующий финансами) is responsible for financial resources of the organization.
Financial director (финансовый директор)is the head of the financial service of the organization, knows everything about money flow in the organization.
Financial analyst (финансовый аналитик) organizes computer networks to make information exchange better.
Auditor (аудитор) checks accounting and tax reporting of the companies
Consultant (консультант)consults clients.
Administrative director (административный директор) is responsible for stability of working of the organization, buys the office equipment, and chooses the administrative personnel.
PR-specialist (специалист по связям с общественностью)createsimage of the company, promotes its interests, contact with Mass Media, and organizes press-conferences.
Risk manager (риск-менеджер)is responsible for the risk of the Bank system.
Office manager (руководитель отдела)controls the activity of the department.
Choose the profession which better suites you.
Your partner will be a Bank Director, you – a job-seeker. You will come to his/her office and apply for a job. First of all you should write a CV – Curriculum Vitae. You can see the plan:
NAME: ……………………………………………
DATE OF BIRTH: ……………………………….
ADDRESS: ……………………………………….
MARITAL STATUS: …………………………….
HEALTH: ………………………………………
EDUCATION: …………………………………..
OTHER QUALIFICATIONS: …………… (E.g. computer skills, communicative English)
HOBBIES: ………………………………………
REFFERENCES: the following people have offered to write reference for me:… ……………………………………………………………………………………….
4.2. Your partner should ask you the following questions:
1.What job will you apply for? 2. If you get this job, how long will you work
here? 3. Why are you better suited for this job than other applicants? 4. What are your career plans? 5. Are you ready to work overtime? 6. What pay do you expect? 7. Do you work better in a team or alone?
Start working!
5. Here is the active vocabulary which will be useful for you. Read it very attentively and remember:
advanced computer technology | современная компьютерная система |
at interest | под проценты |
ATM (Automatic / Automated Teller Machine) cashmachine | банкомат |
to withdraw some money from a bank | снять деньги со счета в банке |
get the money out of the ATM | взять деньги из / в банкомата (е) |
bank | банк |
bank of issue / circulation | эмиссионный банк |
clearing bank | клиринговый банк |
commercial bank | коммерческий банк |
correspondent / agent bank | банк-корреспондент |
databank / data base / pull of data | банк данных |
investment bank | инвестиционный банк |
issuing bank | банк, выставивший аккредитив |
local bank | местный банк |
merchant bank | торговый банк |
originating bank | банк, выдающий / открывающий аккредитив по поручению покупателя |
private bank | частный банк |
savings bank (Br.En.), thrift (Am.En.) | сберегательный банк |
to deposit money with a bank | депонировать, положить деньги в банк |
to pay money into a bank | вносить деньги в банк на текущий счет |
bank branch | филиал банка |
international branch | международный филиал |
a branch system | система работы филиала |
banking know-how | банковская технология, ноу-хау |
be at the forefront of smth. | быть лидером в отрасли |
capability | способность |
cash flow | движение наличности |
computerised banking system | компьютеризированная банковская система |
confirmation of the deal | подтверждение сделки |
corporate | крпоративный акционерный |
corporate customer | фирма-заказчик, клиент |
corporate plan | план работы фирмы |
corporate property | корпоративное имущество |
corporate structure | структура фирмы |
corporate bond | облигации акционерных предприятий |
corporate image | репутация фирмы |
currency position | курс валюты, соотношение валют |
customer services | обслуживание клиентов |
data | данные |
dealings | торговые дела, биржевые сделки |
direct dealings in foreign trade | прямое участие во внешней торговле |
to have dealings with smb. | вести торговые дела с кем-либо, заключать биржевые сделки |
deposit | вклад, депозит |
bank deposit | банковский депозит |
demand deposit, sight deposit | бессрочный вклад |
fixed deposit, time deposit | срочный вклад |
short deposit | краткосрочный депозит |
safe deposit | хранилище |
to place money on deposit | вносить деньги на депозит |
to pay a deposit | выплачивать деньги по депозиту |
duty | обязанность, долг, налог, пошлина |
clerical duties | обязанности клерка |
global interbank telex | глобальный межбанковский телекс |
go on-line | подсоединиться к сети |
hardware | электронная и механическая часть компьютерной системы |
to interface with a network | соединяться с сетью |
interface | интерфейс, связующее звено |
to market | торговать, заниматься бытом |
to market the goods to retailers | продавать товар в розничную сеть |
network | сеть |
to be connected / linked to a network | быть подсоединенным к сети |
on-line computer | компьютер, подключенный к базе данных или к центральной части компьютерной системы |
on-line data base | интерактивная база данных |
on-line diagnostics | диалоговая текстовая программа |
on-line processing | оперативная обработка данных |
on-line system | интерактивная система |
on-line tutorial | обучающая программа, диалоговое руководство |
to have on-line access to the database | иметь интерактивный доступ к базе данных |
portfolio | «портфель» ценных бумаг |
portfolio management | управление портфелем ценных бумаг |
real-time data | данные работы в реальном режиме времени |
software | программное обеспечение |
word processing software | текстовый редактор |
a software application | программное приложение |
a software house | магазин компьютерных программ |
a software supplier | поставщик программного обеспечения |
state-of-the-arts | соответствующий последнему слову науки и техники, самый современный |
state-of-the-arts technology | новейшая технология |
teller / bank teller / bank clerk | банковский служащий, кассир |
via | посредством чего-либо, через |
6. Match the words with their synonyms:
a bank | the act of rendering valid |
teller | bank machine |
via | a subdivision or a subdepartment |
modem | the means by which the accomplishment of anything is rendered easier |
ATM | percent |
confirmation | cashier |
facility | by way of, by means of |
interest | an establishment for the deposit, custody, remittance and issue of money |
a branch | a device that links a computer system and a telephone line |
7. Read the text and translate it paying attention to the vocabulary:
Bank is an organization that holds money, important documents and other valuables in safe keeping, and lends money at interest. It can also arrange mortgages and insurance, and be involved in a number of financial trading activities.
Quintrop, one of Northland’s leading banks is to begin exporting computerized banking systems to the USA, Europe and the Far East. The bank which is well-known for being at the forefront of electronic banking, is confident that there is a world-wide market for its state-of-the-arts solutions to the rapidly changing needs of international banking. Quintrop’s rise to electronic market leadership began in 1985, when it established a subsidiary company for the sole purpose of selecting hardware, developing sophisticated software applications and building a comprehensive on-line network for the bank.
All the bank’s 260 domestic branches have been connected to the network since 1989. The bank’s other international branches in 21 countries were linked to the network in 1990.
Among the real-time software packages which the bank has designed and operated, and which it now intends to market, is the Sylvia system. This integrates a dealing function, global interbank telex and telecommunications system, a branch system including management, clerical and teller functions and an ATM function.
A portfolio and trust management system is also available, which includes a securities facility providing an on-line and real-time connection to the stock-exchange. Purchases can be made via a terminal, and the whole operation is paperless. A feature which Quintrop is developing as part of its concept of tomorrow’s bank is a display service whereby corporate customers will be able to interface personal computers directly with the bank’s network by means of the telephone line and a modem.
7.1. Answer the following questions:
1.What countries did Quintrop begin exporting its computerized banking
systems to? 2. What is the bank well-known for? 3. What is the bank confident of? 4. For what purpose was a subsidiary Quintrop established? 5. How many branches are connected with the bank’s network? 6. What does the Silvia system integrate? 7. What is an application module in the Silvia system? 8. What does a portfolio and management system provide? 9. What feature is Quintrop developing?
7.2. Translate the word combinations from Russian into English using your active vocabulary: быть лидером в сфере производства электронных банковских систем, посредством банковской технологии, учредить дочернюю компанию, быть подсоединенным к сети, основные заграничные филиалы, присоединиться к линии, быть инсталлированным в сеть, система Сильвия, быть разработанным банком, пакет программного обеспечения; объединять дилерские функции, глобальный межбанковский телекс и систему телекоммуникации; данные в реальном времени, сделать закупки через терминал, концепция банка будущего, корпоративные клиенты, подсоединить персональный компьютер к банковской сети через интерфейс, посредством телефона и модема.
1. A network is …
a) a programme which instructs a computer what to do.
b) a number of computers in different places.
c) a number of computers that are linked for shared use.
2. ATM withdrawals are …
a) sums of money transferred to an account electronically.
b) sums of money taken out of a bank account via an automatic telling machine.
c) statements issued by an automotive telling machine.
3. An interface is …
a) a connecting link between two computer systems.
b) a place where someone sits to work with a computer.
c) a system where two or more texts appear on the screen at the same time.
8. Write down the names of the general bank financial products in your exercise books:
Bank’s financial products
loan credit card mortgage savings account
9. Read the following definitions:
ATM(automatic teller machine)an automatic machine by means of which one can get some cash.
Bankan organization that holds money, important documents and other valuables in safe keeping, and lends money at interest.
Bank accountmoney held at a bank for a client’s use whenever he wishes to withdraw it.
Bank chargesinterest on an overdraft, or for handling a client’s affairs while abroad, etc.
Bank ratethe rate of interest charged by a central bank for loans.
Bank statementa record of withdrawals and payments of a client’s account, including charges made by the bank sent at the end of each month.
Branchthe local office of the bank.
Chequea means of paying money by writing a request to a bank to pay a person a sum of money.
Current accountmoney lodged with a bank which can be withdrawn on demand by means of cheques. No interest is paid by a bank on current account.
Deposit accountused for saving money. There has to be given a notice some time in advance before money can be withdrawn.
Dutya government levied, put on goods entering a country.
Interfacea connecting link between two computer systems.
Long credit(also long-term credit) bills need not be paid for a certain period of time.
Mortgagemoney lent at a rate of interest to enable a property, or
(fixed rate m./ variable business, to be bought.
Rate m.)
Networka number of computers in different places.
Night safeprovides a useful means of putting cash or cheques into safety after banking hours by opening a small steel door or letter-box in the outer wall of a bank.
Outstanding accountmoney which has been owned to smb or smth for a long time.
Overdraftmoney lent by a bank, who normally charge interest, to enable a client to draw cheques from his current account up to an agreed amount.
Short credit (also short-term credit) bills must be paid very soon after receipt of goods
To give a creditto give a time allowance before payment is due.
10. Now check the knowledge of your partner! In Ex.10 close the left column with the left hand. Read the definitions from the right column. Your partner should guess the term.
11. In the following text you will find the information about the usage of the banking services. Read the text carefully and give a summary of it in pen:
Banking Services
Nowadays banks perform the main part of the work of transferring money from a customer to a seller by operating the system of payments in the economy. Almost everyone in the world uses or has ever used banking services. Families keep their savings there, and banks pay them interest rates on their deposits and give them loans to buy expensive goods. Companies conduct payments through them. Commercial organizations which work at the market and in production take loans for their needs and conduct all payments with buyers and sellers through them. Landowners and owners of real estate take loans from the banks to buy an estate or to make use of it and pay back loaned money.
There are a great number of services provided by banks:
1) The provision of safe deposit facilities for money and valuables.
2) The lending of money: this is the most profitable activity of the banks and the one which provides most of their income.
3) The issuing of banknotes: in England and Wales this right is restricted to the Bank of England. But some banks in Scotland and Northern Ireland retain the right to issue their own banknotes.
4) The provision of efficient money transmission services (e.g. cheques, credit cards).
In addition to these basic functions modern banks provide a wide range of other financial services. For instance, establishing a bank account. One of the first things you should do after arriving the United States is to establish a bank account. It is not a good idea to carry large amounts of cash or keep it in your living quarters.
Most banks have main offices in the center of cities and towns, and also have smaller offices called “branches” in other parts of the city or town as well as in suburban locations.
Bear in mind that banks are private businesses. They are all different and each wants to get your business. You should check with several banks in order to determine which bank offers the best services for your needs.
You should also plan to open both a checking and savings accounts at the same bank, simply because it will be more convenient for you. For example, if you have a savings account and a checking account in the same bank you can often make a call and ask to transfer funds from your saving account to your checking account. Interests rates on saving and checking accounts vary from bank to bank. Investigate and compare various banks and their rates of interests on accounts before you decide where to open an account.
Cashier’s cheques. A cashier’s cheque is a cheque written for you by your bank. You give the bank the money (or it is taken from your account) and the clerk writes a cashier’s cheque charting a small fee for the service. Usually cashier’s cheques are written for large amounts to transfer money from one place to another.
A cashier’s cheque is easier to cash than a personal check, and it is safer than carrying a large amount of cash. You are not to cash a cashier’s cheque at a branch of your bank – it can be cashed at any bank or business.
It is vital to remember that everything in the economy is controlled by money, and banks are a tool-kit for the economy – controlling the money circulation between firms, depositors and loaners, and offering services to make that circulation easier for them.
12. Let’s play the game. You are a bank employee. Clients will come and ask you information about financial products that your bank offers, such as loans, credit cards, mortgages, and savings accounts.
a) First, you will explain your bank’s financial products. Then when the client opens an account or applies for a loan, mortgage, or a credit card, you will write down their credit profile.
As a bank employee you should ask your clients the following questions:
What do you do for a living? How much is your monthly salary? What was your gross income last year?
Do you have any credit cards? How much debt do you have on your credit card?
Do you own a car? How much is it worth? Do you make monthly payments on it? How much do you owe?
Do you have any outstanding loans? What are your monthly payments? How much do you owe?
Do you own a house? What is your house appraised at?
Do you have a mortgage? What is your monthly mortgage payment?
Are you renting? How much is your monthly rent payment?
b) To begin with, let’s read the dialogue as an example of your dialogue with a client:
BE: Please have a seat. How can I help you?
C: Well, I’m interested in taking out a mortgage, but I would like some information first.
BE:I’d be happy to answer any questions you have. What would you like to know?
C: What kind of mortgages do you offer?
BE:We have a variable rate mortgage and a fixed rate mortgage.
C: Could you explain the difference please?
BE:Sure. (Explains different mortgages)
Do you have any questions regarding what I just told you?
C: No. I’d like to apply for a fixed mortgage.
BE:Ok. I’ll need to set up a bank profile list. So I’ll need to ask you some questions about your personal finances. Can you spell your name for me?
(Bank employee starts a credit evaluation and asks questions about the client’s personal finances).
c) The list of clients is for the bank employee, the cards with roles – for the clients. If you are ready to play, let’s start.
The list of clients
Roles for the clients:
13. Read and translate the text, then do the tasks after it:
Canadian Payments System
Although a wide variety of payment media are available in Canada today, the largest number of payments is still settled by the hand-to-hand exchange of currency – coin and Bank of Canada notes. In terms of the value of all transactions, however, cheques and other drawn on transferable held at banks and near-banks are the most important payment media.
Central to Canadian payment system are institutional arrangements for the clearing and settlement of money transfers between financial institutions. Such arrangements are necessary because during each business day deposit-taking institutions accept thousands of cheques and other payment orders, each representing a cash claim. Clearing refers to the process of settling these claims against each other in a manner that reduces the number of settlements that have to be made and thereby increases the efficiency of the clearing process.
In 1980 the federal government established the Canadian Payments Association (CPA) as a regulated public purpose organization to establish and operate a national clearing and settlements system and to plan the evolution of the national payment system.
Today individuals frequently make payments with plastic credit cards instead of with currency and, particularly, cheques. When credit card holders use their cards to pay for purchases, the card-issuing institution guarantees the payee payment and at the same time extends a loan at prearranged terms to the card user. Credit cards are not money, but, like cheques, are a means for transferring money, typically from an individual’s deposit account to those of sellers of goods and services.
Although the Canadian payment system is still largely paper based, electronic funds transfer systems are increasingly replacing the use of paper. Many companies as well as governments offer direct deposit or pre-authorized debits services whereby customers pre-authorize companies to debit their accounts automatically for money owed each billing period and to pay their salaries directly by crediting their accounts.
A growing number of individuals conduct their day-to-day banking transactions using Automated Teller Machines (ATM). ATMs allow individuals to withdraw cash, make deposits, transfer funds between accounts, and inquire about their account balances. In 1991, almost 12,000 ATMs were used throughout the country.
Businesses use electronic transfer systems for cash concentration. Large companies with many offices or stores move funds, typically overnight, electronically from scattered accounts into one account. This allows them to economize on their cash balances and to earn higher interest on them.
13.1. State whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):
1.Still the most Canadians use cash and cheques to pay goods and services.
2.Institutional arrangements for transferring money are used for avoiding a pile of cheques during routine of the day.
3.CPA is an organization which deals with money day-to-day matters and is busy with arranging of the national payment system.
4.Plastic credit cards are not popular and old-fashioned in Canada today.
5.ATMs are very convenient only for business people who deal with electronic transferring of money.
13.2. Find the sentences in the text expressing the same idea as in the statements given below:
1.Today money transactions are easier done by means of so-called credit card.
2.We can have overdraft if it is arranged in advance.
3.Many companies now prefer to transfer wages and salaries of their employees directly to their accounts.
4.Via ATM one can be aware of his account transactions.
5.More and more companies intend to use electronic technologies when they are dealing with money.
13.3. Add to your active vocabulary the following words and word combinations and keep them in mind:
a 20% increase in … | 20 процентное увеличение чего-либо… |
a 4 % increase over… | 4 процентное увеличение за… |
in advance | заранее |
to advance a salary | выплатить зарплату авансом |
after tax profit | прибыль после уплаты налога |
charge | цена, плата, расходы, издержки |
abnormal charge | колоссальные издержки |
an annual charge | ежегодная плата |
a maximum charge | максимальные расходы |
a monthly charge | ежемесячная плата |
a standard charge | стандартная плата |
a weekly charge | еженедельная плата |
free of charge | бесплатный |
at one’s own charge | за свой счет |
for a small charge | за небольшую плату |
extraordinary surplus | непредвиденный излишек |
housing lending | ссуды на жилищное строительство |
in the year to end | в году, заканчивающемся |
intense competition from smb | сильная конкуренция со стороны |
fierce competition from smb | жесткая конкуренция со стороны |
loan | заем, ссуда. Кредит |
bank loan / advance / credit | банковский заем / кредит |
business loans outstanding | непогашенные долги |
back to back loan | заем в одной валюте в обмен на заем в другой валюте |
bridging loan | промежуточное финансирование |
foreign loans | иностранные займы |
government loan | правительственный заем |
hard loan | заем, предоставляемый одной страной другой на условии, что заем будет выплачен в стране кредитора |
interest-free loan | беспроцентный кредит |
no-purpose loan | нецелевой заем |
personal loan | ссуда частному лицу |
secured loan | обеспеченный заем |
short-term loan | краткосрочный заем |
soft loan | льготный кредит |
tied loan | связанный заем (заем, предоставляемый одной страной другой на условии закупки товаров страны кредитора) |
loan account | ссудный счет |
loan agreement | договор / соглашение о кредите |
loan capital | заемный капитал |
loan market | ссудный рынок |
loan note | долговая расписка / вексель |
loan stock | долговые обязательства компании |
loan value | сумма отказа |
arrange / organize a loan | организовать получение кредита |
ask the bank for a loan | просить кредит в банке |
ask for a bank loan | просить банковский кредит |
negotiate a loan | получить заем / кредит |
pay interest on a loan | платить проценты по кредиту |
take out a loan | получить заем / кредит |
on loan | быть взятым взаймы, арендованным |
to lend / loan | давать взаймы, суживать |
net interest income | чистый доход по процентам |
net profit | чистая прибыль |
operating express / loss | операционные расходы, расходы от операционной деятельности |
operating profit | операционная прибыль, прибыль от производственной деятельности |
profit before tax | прибыль до вычета налога |
slowdown | замедление |
13.4. Translate word combinations from Russian into English:
1.прибыль за вычетом налогов;
2.быть проданным другому банку;
3.в году, заканчивающемся в конце сентября;
4.показатели 1996 года включали непредвиденный излишек;
5.результаты предыдущего года;
6.колоссальные расходы;
7.прибыль от производственной деятельности;
8.прибыль до вычета налогов;
9.добиться увеличения чистой прибыли;
10.конкуренция со стороны банков;
11.ссуда на жилищное строительство;
12.непогашенные доли составляли пять миллионов долларов;
13.расходы на производственную деятельность;
14.выплатить заем к концу года;
15.отпуск за свой счет.
13.5. Choose the suitable answer:
1.The bank’s exposure is … a) how much financial risk the bank is open to. b) how much advertising does the bank does. c) how much the bank earns. | 2.A data base is … a) the place where a company keeps its main computer. b) a room with a lot of computers in it. c) a large collection of data stored in a structured form. |
3.The bank’s books are … a) a useful list of customers’ addresses and phone numbers. b) plans showing how much money the bank expects to earn and spend. c) a set of records in which the bank’s accounts are kept. | 4.Credits are … a) plastic cards used instead of money. b) sums of money paid into a bank account. c) the amount of money in a bank account. |
5.The economic environment is … a) an area of the economy. b) financial laws and regulations. c) the economic situation. |
13.6. Fill in the gaps where necessary:
1.A 20% increase … profits … 100m.
2.Which is being sold … Bank … Scotland … 900m.
3.… the year to end March.
4.Be depressed … a change.
5.Be sold … December 1995.
6.… a truly comparative basis.
7.An increase … net profit.
8.With the slowdown … housing lending.
9.A 3% increase … the year-earlier figure.
10.Be distorted … the sale … its unit.
13.7. Match the words with their synonyms:
Operating profit | To distort |
Outstanding | Static |
To let fall to a lower state or position | Slowdown |
An increase | A group of things or persons regarded as a n individual |
Environment | The net profit made by a company before adding or deducting extraordinary items |
To change from the true meaning | Remaining after all amounts owed have been taken off |
Exhibiting no change, movement or development | Augmentation |
Unit | The conditions in which people live, work, etc. |
Net | Still existing or unpaid |
13.8. Insert the suitable word:
loan | automatic teller machine | commercial credits |
bank | “closed down” | loan interest |
deposit | earnings | banker |
account | amount | safety |
teller | with |
1. Nowadays people have got used to … … … . This kind of service saves time
and is quite convenient. 2. My father is the …, he runs the … . 3. I was somewhat frustrated: the notice on the door of the bank said … . 4. If you are concerned about the … of your …, make a … in your bank. 5. He was very curious about the bank … which I’ve opened my account. 6. Currently they’ve got no money in their … . 7. The … is very high. 8. The banks in this country grant … to promote trade. 9. Our company was very happy to get a … . 10. The … checks the … of money left in somebody’s account.
14. Make up the dialogues using your active vocabulary in the following situations:
1. Discuss the current situation in the sphere of banking in your own country. 2.
Discuss the advantages of the electronic banking systems. 3. Discuss the problem of bankruptcy of banks in your country. 4. A client of your bank has expressed an interest in opening a Sterling Current Account. Offer him the facility on your terms and conditions: you would operate a current account in his name, transact all standard banking items, and operate the account free of charge for six months, except for a daily telex statement charge. 5. Discuss questions of security at the bank whose services you use. Do you think it is safe to deposit your money in that bank?
This applause is for you!
Your business partners.
1. Андрушко, С. Я. Искусство составления деловых писем на английском языке / C. Я. Андрушко. – Одесса : Два Слона – Вариант, 1993.
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