Unit 8. Police arrest


Practice the pronunciation of the following words taken from the text which you are going to listen.

License, registration, officer, huge, several, point, nobody, road, promise, to afford, insurance, also, notice, to wear, seatbelt, smell, bucks, arrest, to bribe, right, to remain, silent, court, law, around, to cuff.

Give Russian equivalents to the following English words and word combinations.

License and registration, to pull smb over, to do over 140 in an 80, a huge fine, several points, to promise, to afford the insurance, to notice, to wear a seatbelt, smell, to drink, bucks, to step out of the car, to be under arrest, to bribe an officer, to attempt, to have the right, to remain silent, in a court of law, to play around, to cuff smb.


3. Listen to the text “Police arrest” twice. First time make notes about the numbers, geographical, proper or personal names which you might hear. When you are listening to the text for the second time, try to catch the events and the order in which they are spoken about.

Agree or disagree to the following statements.

1) You were doing over 60 in an 80. That’s going to be a huge fine and several points.

2) Please let me go this time. I will be able to afford the insurance.

3) I also notice that you are wearing a seatbelt.

4) And what’s that smell? Have you been drinking?

5) Here’s 200 bucks. Just take it and let me go.

6) I’m going to have to ask you to step out of the car.

7) You’re under arrest for attempting to bribe an officer.

8) You have the right not to remain silent.

9) Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

10) Oh come on officer. I was not just playing around. You’re cuffing me?

Fill in the gaps using the following words.

Step, license, cuffing, court, over, arrest, fine, points, seatbelt, insurance, bucks, right, bribe, registration, pulling, in.

Police Arrest

A: Good afternoon sir. ____________ and ___________, please.

B: Officer, may I ask why you are __________ me _______?

A: You were doing over 140____ an 80. That’s going to be a huge ______ and several ________.

B: Officer, there’s nobody on the road. I promise I won’t do it again. Please let me go this time. I won’t be able to afford the __________.

A: I also notice that you aren’t wearing a __________. And what’s that smell? Have you been drinking?

B: Here’s 50 ______. Just take it and let me go.

A: I’m going to have to ask you to _____ out of the car.

B: Why?

A: You’re under _______ for attempting to ______ an officer. You have the ______ to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a ______ of law.

B: Oh, come on officer. I was just playing around. You’re ________ me?


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