Task 4. Choose the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets.

Курс, 2 семестр

I вариант

Task 1. Read the text to answer some questions in writing.


The English word “law” means various forms of behavior. Some laws are descriptive: they simply describe how people usually behave. Other laws are prescriptive – they prescribe how people ought to behave. For example, the speed limits are laws that prescribe how fast we should drive.

In all societies, relations between people are regulated by prescriptive laws. Some of them are customs – that is informal rules of social and moral behaviour. Some are rules we accept if we belong to particular social and cultural groups.

Customs need not be made by governments, and they need not be written down. We learn how we are to behave in society through the instruction of family and teachers, the advice of friends, etc. Sometimes, we can break these rules without any penalty. But if we continually break the rules, other members of society may criticize us, or refuse to have anything to do with us.

However, when governments make laws for their citizens, they use a sys­tem of courts and the police to enforce these laws.

Answer the questions to the text “What is Law?”(in writing):

1. What is a descriptive law?

2. What is a prescriptive law?

3. What is the difference between a custom and a law?

Task 2. Find the English equivalents for:

(See the text “What is Law?”)

Полиция; отношения в обществе; поведение; ограничение скорости; нарушать правила; система судов; отказываться принять наказание; исполнять (применять) законы; учиться, как вести себя в обществе.

Task 3. Match left and right:

a) Descriptive law 1) совершить преступление
b) To make laws 2) гражданский иск
c) Punishment 3) предписывающий закон
d) Justice 4) понести наказание
e) To commit a crime 5) описательный закон
f) To enforce laws 6) создавать законы
g) Civil action 7) правосудие
h) Prescriptive law 8) проводить законы в жизнь
i) To suffer a penalty 9) наказание

Task 4. Choose the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. Lawyers (be) responsible for people’s destinies.

2. We (study) Criminalistics next year.

3. The students (have) a meeting yesterday.

4. She usually (come) home at 7 o’clock p.m.

5. He (work) as a detective in the Police Department since 2008.

6. We just (pass) through the Customs examination.

7. Mr. Grey (put) his suit-case into x-ray baggage scanner now.

8. He already (check) the passenger’s visa.

9. They (wait) for their luggage at the moment.

10. He (talk) to her when I saw him.

Task 5. Translate into English.

1. Он работает следователем.

2. Я часто хожу в таможенную академию пешком. Я добираюсь за 20 минут.

3. Какой иностранный язык вы изучаете?

4. Где вы проводите выходные?

5. Обычно он осуществляет патрулирование района в вечернее время.

Task 6. Put the questions to the words in italics:

1. He studied law at Moscow University.

2. They worked in Police two years ago.

3. He is a judge at a people’s court.

4. We take police sciences classes twice a week.

5. He helped detectives with their investigations last year.

Task 7. Which category of law deals with?

a) Budget, taxation, state credits

b) Relations in the economic sphere of life

c) Matters arising from employment relations

d) Individual types of crimes and punishment

e) Legal forms of executive and administrative activity.

II вариант

Task 1. Read the text to answer some questions in writing.

The Customs Law

The Customs rules are closely connected with financial law which regulates the budget, taxation, state credits and other spheres of financial activity.

The Customs functions are: to calculate and collect the duty on imported dutiable goods; to issue import and export licenses for restricted goods, to prevent trade in forbidden goods.

So, the Customs business of the Russian Federation (as it is stated in the Customs Code) is the activity which includes the procedures and terms for transporting goods and vehicles across the Customs border of the Russian Federation, the levying of the Customs payments, Customs registration, Customs control and other instruments for implementing the Customs policy.

Answer the questions to the text “Customs Law”(in writing):

1. What are the customs functions?

2. What does financial law regulate?

3. What does the customs business include?

Task 2. Find the English equivalents for:

(See the text “Customs Law”)

Таможенное дело; бюджет; транспортные средства; таможенный контроль; облагаемые пошлиной товары; налогообложение; выдавать лицензии; граница; финансовое право; деятельность; взимание таможенных платежей.

Task 3. Match left and right:

a) To establish a system 1) норма права
b) A category (of law) 2) принимать вид кодекса
c) The principle source of law 3) применять наказание
d) To deal with 4) индивидуальные виды преступлений
e) The right in property 5) отрасль права
f) Rule of law 6) право на имущество
g) To take the form of a code 7) иметь дело с, заниматься
h) Individual types of crimes 8) устанавливать систему
i) To apply punishment 9) основной источник права

Task 4. Choose the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. She (work) as an investigator for ten years.

2. He (present) their passport and visa at this counter now.

3. A lawyer (protect) the innocent and (fight) against criminals.

4. He (graduate) from the police academy seven years ago.

5. Their duty (be) to make uniform patrol in the district.

6. He (pass) through the Customs control already.

7. They (get) an entry visa in two days.

8. I dropped my key when I (try) to open the door.

9. Listen to those people! What language they (speak)?

10. You (buy) the tickets yet?

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