Заполните пропуски артиклями там, где это необходимо. Объясните свой выбор

  1. There are … special agencies which can provide you with … legal advice if you need it.
  2. …corporal punishment can’t be used at schools or any other educational institutions.
  3. There is … evidence that proves his guilt.
  4. If you need … further information call our centre.
  5. As … rule … plaintiff starts … litigation against … defendant.
  6. … constitutional law is … important subject in every law school.
  7. The process of making … laws is called … legislation.
  8. … family law prohibits … child labour in any forms.
  9. Presumption of innocence is … important principle of … criminal law.
  10. … law is … system of … rules that citizens of a country must obey.

Самостоятельная работа. В английском языке существуют слова, которые могут быть как исчисляемыми, так и неисчисляемыми. Это, как правило, зависит от значения, в котором то или иное слово употребляется. Найдите подобные слова в упражнении 12 и, используя толковый словарь или Интернет, с помощью примеров проиллюстрируйте разницу значений и особенности употребления артиклей с подобными существительными.

Повторение грамматики: The Use of Quantifiers with Countable and Uncountable Nouns Использование количественных наречий с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными

Прочитайте и переведите предложения. Найдите в них наречия. Сформулируйте правило употребления количественных наречий с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными.

  1. I have a lot of work.
  2. There are a lot of branches of law.
  3. I don’t have much work at the weekend.
  4. There are not many employees in this company.
  5. There is a little evidence in the case.
  6. There are a few difficult subjects on the first year.
  7. Unfortunately, we have little money, we can’t afford it.
  8. There are few witnesses in this case.

Переведите словосочетания, обращая внимание на употребление количественных наречий.

Несколько полезных советов, множество претензий, мало свидетельских показаний, несколько принципов, мало юристов, мало информации, недостаточно денег, много работы, несколько бумаг, множество отраслей права, несколько судебных процессов, мало новостей, несколько правил, мало доказательств, множество государств.

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление артиклей и количественных наречий с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными.

  1. Какие отрасли права вы знаете? – Я знаю много отраслей права, но думаю, что самыми основными являются конституционное, уголовное и гражданское право.
  2. К сожалению, в деле очень мало доказательств. Их недостаточно, чтобы доказать его вину.
  3. Эти судебные процессы (тяжбы) продолжаются уже несколько лет.
  4. Раньше смертная казнь считалась наивысшей мерой наказания. Позже она была отменена и заменена пожизненным сроком.
  5. У него немного информации, т.к. очень мало свидетелей, которые видели это преступление и могут дать показания по этому делу.



Прочитайте и переведите текст со словарем.

Active Vocabulary

Public law –публичное право

Private law –частное право

Substantial law –материальное право

Procedural law –процессуальное право

Administrative unit –административная единица

To impose punishment –назначить наказание

An offence against the public –преступление против общества

Parties to a contract –стороны договора

Binding agreement –соглашение, имеющее обязательную силу

Tort law –деликтное право

Defamation –клевета;syn: slander, libel

Product liability –ответственность производителя за качество товара

Employment law/Labour law –трудовое право

Trade union -профсоюз

To file an appeal –подавать апелляцию

To breach a contract –нарушить договор

To be entitled to damages –иметь право на возмещение ущерба

Enforceable agreement –соглашение, имеющее исковую силу (может быть принудительно осуществлено в судебном порядке)

Every country has its own historically developing system of norms, legal institutions and branches of law, which regulates different types of social relations. In order to understand different aspects of a system of law it is necessary to look at various classifications of law, as branches of law are traditionally considered to be the most important elements of this system. Numerous classifications that vary from country to country usually reflect the peculiarities of different systems of law. Nevertheless there are the most common divisions singled out by contemporary jurists. Thus law is frequently classified into public and private and substantive and procedural.

The distinction is often made between public and private law. Public law governs the relationship between the state and the individual, who is either a company or a citizen. Public law covers three subdivisions: Constitutional, Administrative and Criminal law.

Constitutional law deals with the structure of the government and the relations between private citizens and the government.

Administrative law deals with the decision-making of administrative units of government (for example, tribunals, boards or commissions) in such areas as police law, international trade, manufacturing, the environment, taxation, immigration and transport.

Criminal law, or penal law, is the body of law that relates to crime, i.e. illegal conduct that is prohibited by the state and sets out the punishment to be imposed on those who break these laws. A crime is considered to be an offence against the public, although the actual victim may be an individual.

Private law is also known as civil law. It involves relationships between individuals, or private relationships between citizens and companies. The main branches of private law are contract, tort, family, employment and land law.

Contract law deals with legally binding agreements between people or companies that are called parties to a contract.

Tort law deals with civil wrongs which result in physical, emotional or financial harm to a person or property. Tort cases comprise road accidents, defamation, product liability (for defective consumer products), copyright infringement, environmental pollution (toxic torts), etc.
Family law is an area of the law that deals with family-related issues such as marriage and divorce, adoption, custody of children, child abuse and alimony.

Employment law is the law relating to the employment of workers, their contracts, conditions of work, trade unions and legal aspects of industrial relations. Employment law is also called labour law.

Land law is the law which deals with rights and interests related to owning and using land. Land is the most important form of property, so the name land law is often used for the law of property.

The next classification which is widely used is subdivision of law into substantiveand procedural. There are many laws and legal rules found in statutes, cases decided by courts (legal precedents) and other sources that are applied by courts in order to decide lawsuits. These rules and principles of law are classified as substantive law. On the other hand, the legal procedures that provide how lawsuit is begun, how the trial is conducted, how appeals are filed, and how a judgment is enforced are called procedural law. In other words, substantive law is the part of the law that defines rights, and procedural law establishes the procedures which enforce and protect these rights. For example, two parties entered into a contract, but then one of the parties breached this contract. The rules of bringing the breaching party into court and the conduct of the trial are rather mechanical and constitute procedural law. Whether the agreement was enforceable and whether the other party is entitled to damages are matters of substance and will be determined on the basis of the substantive law of contract.

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