Request for freight rates and sailings

JV SINGRUSTORG PO 789-99 Magenta Plaza 67-K8 Singapore
  Our ref. Your ref.   North Eastern Shipping Lines 3 July, 20__ 31-45 Orchard Road Singapore   Dear Sirs,   We are about to make up an order for our customer. We intend to ship a consignment of office equipment from Singapore to Vladivostok. The consignment consists of 50 NG 2010 Computers, 50 HP TJ Printers, 50 QU Copiers and special furniture and accessorieswhich have been packed into 10 wooden crates marked Vladivostok measuring 3 x 2 x 2 metres and weighing 560 kg each. The invoice value is $456,000.00.   Could you please inform us which vessels are available to reach Vladivostok before September, 1, and kindly quote us freight rates for the voyage.   We shall also be glad to know time of transit and frequency of sailings, and whether cargo space must be reserved; if so, please send us the necessary application forms. Please advise us of the loading dates and let us know on which day the ship closes for cargo.   Shipped, clean Bs/L, in a set of 3, are to be made out “to order”, and are required by 22 August for delivery to Delta Bank, under the requirements of a LC.   Your prompt reply will be appreciated.   Yours faithfully, Alice Donnik Alice Donnik Senior Sales Manager  


NORTH EASTERN SHIPPING LINES 31-45 Orchard Road Singapore
    Our ref. Your ref.   Ms A.Donnik 5 July, 20__ JV SINGRUSTORG PO 789-99 Magenta Plaza 67 K8 Singapore   Dear Ms Donnik,   Thank you for your enquiry of 3 July. Enclosed you will find details of the NEA Shipping Lines sailings for July-August from Singapore to Vladivostok. To the itinerary we have attached our sailing card for the MV Orion, which loads at the Raffles Docks.   The MV Orion will be accepting cargo from 1 August to 7 August inclusive, and is expected to commence loading on 3 August. We suggest that your goods should be delivered on the opening date.   We sail once a fortnight, and as Vladivostok is our fifth port of call the voyage takes about 10 days. So she is due in Vladivostok on 20 August.   As we can quote favourable groupage rates our freight rate for crated consignments is $45.00 per metric tonne or 10 cubic metres, at steamer’s option.   We enclose our shipping instructions form and will be glad if you will fill this in and return it to us as soon as possible.   Hope to hear from you soon.   Yours sincerely, Tony Lee Tony Lee Supervisor  


JV SINGRUSTORG PO 789-99 Magenta Plaza 67-K8 Singapore
    Our ref. Your ref.     North Eastern Shipping Lines 7 July, 20__ 31-45 Orchard Road Singapore     Dear Mr. Lee,   Thank you for your letter of 5 July. We have noted that your MV Orion is receiving cargo for Vladivostok from 1 August to 7 August. We have applied to our forwarding agents, Chailing, Dowson & Co. Ltd., to make arrangements for our office equipment to be delivered to the Raffles Docks.   We are enclosing your shipping instructions form duly completed, with commercial invoice in triplicate attached.   We are looking forward to your reply.   Yours sincerely,   Alice Donnik Alice Donnik Senior Sales Manager      


JV SINGRUSTORG PO 789-99 Magenta Plaza 67-K8 Singapore
    Our ref. Your ref.   Chailing, Dowson & Co. Ltd. 7 July, 20__ 27-14 Mainway Singapore     Dear Mr. Sutton,   Could you please collect a consignment of 50 NG 2010 Computers, 50 HP TJ Printers, 50 QU Copiers and special furniture and accessories and make the necessary arrangements for them to be shipped to the Raffles Dock, Singapore.   Could you please handle all the shipping formalities and insurance, and send us seven copies of the Bill of Lading and the insurance certificate? As the cargo is to be transshipped at the port of Vladivostok we shall require through bills of lading. All charges are payable by us and the Bs/L are to be marked "freight prepaid". We will advise our customers of shipment ourselves. Your charges may be sent to us in the usual way.   We would be grateful to you if you could treat the matter as urgent.   Yours sincerely, Alice Donnik Alice Donnik Senior Sales Manager  


JV SINGRUSTORG PO 789-99 Magenta Plaza 67-K8 Singapore
    Our ref. Your ref.   OOO Gorodetsky I partnery 11 August, 20__ Vladivostok S.Lazo 19a   Dear Mr. Gorodetsky,   Your Order 678-098 Office equipment, special furniture and accessories We are pleased to inform you that 50 NG 2010 Computers, 50 HP TJ Printers, 50 QU Copiers and special furniture and accessories ordered under the above number have been dispatched as arranged.   The consignment is packed into 10 wooden crates numbered 1-10 consecutively marked Vladivostok measuring 3 x 2 x 2 metres and weighing 560 kg each. The invoice value is $456,000.00.   The consignment is arriving in Vladivostok on 20 August, on the MV Orion, which sailed from Singapore on 10 August.   Clean, shipped on board Bs/L in complete set, together with a commercial invoice and Certificate of Origin, both in triplicate, have been handed to Delta Bank together with our sight draft in accordance with the requirements of the LC opened with them.   We hope that you will be more than satisfied with the order, and look forward to hearing from you again.   Yours sincerely, Alice Donnik Alice Donnik Senior Sales Manager  


Shipper   BILL OF LADING   Vge. u 53 W    
JV SINGRUSTORG PO 789-99 Magenta Plaza 67 K8 Singapore     B/L No.VAL/003/5    
Consignee to order North Eastern Shipping Lines 31-45 Orchard Road Singapore  
OOO Gorodetsky I partnery S.Lazo 19a Vladivostok, Russia  
Notify party, carrier not to be responsible for failure to notify  
OOO Gorodetsky I partnery 737-25-38 Vladivostok Mr Gorodetsky Tél: (33) 4 88 91 90 00 – Fax (33) 4 88 91 90 95 Telex: 401 667 F B 562 024 422 R.C.S e  
Pre carriage by* Place of receipt* Freight to be paid at Number of original Bs/L  
Chailing, Dowson & Co. Ltd. 27-14 Mainway Singapore Singapore 45 USD per metric ton  
Ocean vessel Port of loading Port of discharge Final place of delivery*  
MV Orion Singapore Vladivostok Blagoveshensk  
Request for freight rates and sailings - Marks and seals Nos. NOD and kind of packages Description of packages and goods as stated by Shipper Shippers stow load count and seal Gross weight cargo Tare Measurement  
Vladivostok NG 2010 Computers (50)     3 x 2 x 2 (10)  
seal No. EM-11111 HP TJ Printers (50)        
QV Copiers (50)        
  wooden crates   560 kg    
Above particulars declared by Shipper. Carrier not responsible.  
  RECEIVED by the Carrier from the shipper in apparent good order and condition (unless otherwise noted herein) the total numbers or quantity of Containers or other packages or units indicated above stated by the shipper to comprise the cargo specified above for transportation subject to all the terms hereof (including the terms on page one) from the place of receipt or the port of loading, whichever applicable, to the port of discharge or the place of delivery, whichever applicable. Delivery of the Goods will only be made on payment of all Freight and charges. On presentation of this document (duly endorsed) to the Carrier, by or on behalf of the holder, the rights and liabilities arising in accordance with the terms hereof shall (without prejudice to any rule of common law or statuts rendering them binding upon the shipper, holder and Carrier) become binding in all respects between the Carrier and Holder as though the contract contained herein or evidence hereby had been made between them. All claims and disputes arising under or in connection with bill of lading shall be determined by the courts of MARSEILLE at the exclusion of the courts of any other country. In witness whereof three (3) original Bills of Lading unless otherwise stated above have been issued, one of which being accomplished, the others to be void.(OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT ON PAGE ONE)  
Place and date of issue Singapore, 1 August 20__  
Signed for the Shipper Signed for the Carrier  
* Applicable only when document used as a Through Bill of Lading  

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