FOCUS 1. Read and discuss the following lead-in and letters.


FOCUS 1. Read and discuss the following lead-in and letters.


    Most goods nowadays have to go by ship.   There are various types of vessels available to carry different goods.   Passenger liners are ships that follow scheduled routes and concentrate on passenger services, but also carry cargo.   Passenger cargo vessels concentrate on cargoes, offer more facilities for loading and unloading, but carry few passengers.   Trampstravel anywhere in the world on unscheduled routes, picking up any cargo and delivering it.   Tankers are usually oil carriers, and are like bulk carriers which transport bulk consignments such as grain, wheat and ores.   Container vessels offer facilities to move containers from one country to another, and have special lifting gear and storage space for the huge steel boxes they transport.   Roll-on roll-off ferries are vessels which allow cars and trucks to drive on at one port and off at another without having to load and unload their freight.   There are also barges, large flat-bottomed boats, which transport goods inland along canals and waterways, and lighters which do the same work as a barge, or are used for taking goods from a port out to a ship, or vice versa.    
    The shipowners may belong to a shipping conference and will charge fixed rates for transporting goods.   Other vessels can be chartered, on a time basis (time charter covers a period of time) or voyage basis (voyage charter covers the carriage of goods from one specified port to another) or on a mixed charter, through shipbrokers (e.g. on the Baltic exchange) who will negotiate rates for their clients. Voyage charter charges are calculated on the tonnage value of the cargo. Time charter charges are calculated on the tonnage of the ship.   The main documents used in shipping are the following.   The contract between the shipowner and the charterer is called the charter party.   Sailing cards give particulars of loading and sailing dates.   A freight account is an invoice sent by the shipping company to the exporter stating their charges.   Once the goods are received on the dock, a shipping note with a receipt, is handed to the Superintendent of the docks, advising him that the goods are to be shipped. A dock receipt (sometimes called a wharfinger’s receipt), which is a receipt issued for cargo deposited at dock warehouses, will be returned to the consignor confirming that the goods are stored and awaiting shipment.   Tally is the record or list of cargo loaded or discharged; it is checked by a tally clerk, therefore to tally means to be correct.    

    Once the goods are on board the ship, a mate’s receipt may be sent, acknowledging that the goods have been loaded. The mate’s receipt is often sent when the consignment is loaded directly, and serves as a document of the title until the bill of lading is ready.   The bill of lading is the most important document in shipping as it is a document of legal title to the consignment. Moreover, it is a receipt from shipowners giving details of the shipment in question and the conditions under which they accept it: so it is a contract. The words “to order” written on it mean that it is a negotiable instrument and can be traded. In this case it will be endorsed on the back by the exporter and if the endorsement is blank there will be no restrictions on ownership.   Once the bill has been signed by the master of the vessel, it is known as a shipped bill of lading or “shipped on board”, which means that the goods have been loaded on board and the shipping company will now accept responsibility in accordance with the clauses on the back of the document. Shipped bills are usually required in transactions involving payment through a bank. Bills are marked “clean” to indicate that the goods were taken on board in “the like good order and condition”. Dirty, claused, foul or unclean B/L indicates that on inspection something wrong was found with the consignment, e.g. packing, or the goods were damaged. Thus a clause is added to the BL by the shipowners specifying the discrepancy. This statement protects the shipping company from claims that they were responsible for the damage or bad condition of the consignment.    

    Forwarding agents Carriage by sea can be a complicated business, since the exporter and the importer both have to observe a variety of rules and regulations which involve a great deal of paperwork.   That is why the exporter often applies to forwarding agents to arrange both import and export shipments. In case of the former forwarding agents collect the consignment, arrange shipment, and if required, packing, and handle all documentation including making out the bill of lading, obtain insurance, send commercial invoices and pay the shipping company for their clients.   They also inform the importer's forwarding agent that the shipment is on its way by sending an advice note, and he, in turn, will inform his client, send the goods on to him, or arrange for them to be stored until collected. Many forwarding agents in importing countries also act as clearing agents ensuring that the goods are cleared through the customs and are sent to the importer.   Forwarding agents handle many shipments and they collect consignments for the same destination and get competitive "groupage rates" for sending a lot of consignments in one shipment.    


NORTH EASTERN SHIPPING LINES 31-45 Orchard Road Singapore
    Our ref. Your ref.   Ms A.Donnik 5 July, 20__ JV SINGRUSTORG PO 789-99 Magenta Plaza 67 K8 Singapore   Dear Ms Donnik,   Thank you for your enquiry of 3 July. Enclosed you will find details of the NEA Shipping Lines sailings for July-August from Singapore to Vladivostok. To the itinerary we have attached our sailing card for the MV Orion, which loads at the Raffles Docks.   The MV Orion will be accepting cargo from 1 August to 7 August inclusive, and is expected to commence loading on 3 August. We suggest that your goods should be delivered on the opening date.   We sail once a fortnight, and as Vladivostok is our fifth port of call the voyage takes about 10 days. So she is due in Vladivostok on 20 August.   As we can quote favourable groupage rates our freight rate for crated consignments is $45.00 per metric tonne or 10 cubic metres, at steamer’s option.   We enclose our shipping instructions form and will be glad if you will fill this in and return it to us as soon as possible.   Hope to hear from you soon.   Yours sincerely, Tony Lee Tony Lee Supervisor  


JV SINGRUSTORG PO 789-99 Magenta Plaza 67-K8 Singapore
    Our ref. Your ref.   OOO Gorodetsky I partnery 11 August, 20__ Vladivostok S.Lazo 19a   Dear Mr. Gorodetsky,   Your Order 678-098 Office equipment, special furniture and accessories We are pleased to inform you that 50 NG 2010 Computers, 50 HP TJ Printers, 50 QU Copiers and special furniture and accessories ordered under the above number have been dispatched as arranged.   The consignment is packed into 10 wooden crates numbered 1-10 consecutively marked Vladivostok measuring 3 x 2 x 2 metres and weighing 560 kg each. The invoice value is $456,000.00.   The consignment is arriving in Vladivostok on 20 August, on the MV Orion, which sailed from Singapore on 10 August.   Clean, shipped on board Bs/L in complete set, together with a commercial invoice and Certificate of Origin, both in triplicate, have been handed to Delta Bank together with our sight draft in accordance with the requirements of the LC opened with them.   We hope that you will be more than satisfied with the order, and look forward to hearing from you again.   Yours sincerely, Alice Donnik Alice Donnik Senior Sales Manager  


Shipper   BILL OF LADING   Vge. u 53 W    
JV SINGRUSTORG PO 789-99 Magenta Plaza 67 K8 Singapore     B/L No.VAL/003/5    
Consignee to order North Eastern Shipping Lines 31-45 Orchard Road Singapore  
OOO Gorodetsky I partnery S.Lazo 19a Vladivostok, Russia  
Notify party, carrier not to be responsible for failure to notify  
OOO Gorodetsky I partnery 737-25-38 Vladivostok Mr Gorodetsky Tél: (33) 4 88 91 90 00 – Fax (33) 4 88 91 90 95 Telex: 401 667 F B 562 024 422 R.C.S e  
Pre carriage by* Place of receipt* Freight to be paid at Number of original Bs/L  
Chailing, Dowson & Co. Ltd. 27-14 Mainway Singapore Singapore 45 USD per metric ton  
Ocean vessel Port of loading Port of discharge Final place of delivery*  
MV Orion Singapore Vladivostok Blagoveshensk  
FOCUS 1. Read and discuss the following lead-in and letters. - Marks and seals Nos. NOD and kind of packages Description of packages and goods as stated by Shipper Shippers stow load count and seal Gross weight cargo Tare Measurement  
Vladivostok NG 2010 Computers (50)     3 x 2 x 2 (10)  
seal No. EM-11111 HP TJ Printers (50)        
QV Copiers (50)        
  wooden crates   560 kg    
Above particulars declared by Shipper. Carrier not responsible.  
  RECEIVED by the Carrier from the shipper in apparent good order and condition (unless otherwise noted herein) the total numbers or quantity of Containers or other packages or units indicated above stated by the shipper to comprise the cargo specified above for transportation subject to all the terms hereof (including the terms on page one) from the place of receipt or the port of loading, whichever applicable, to the port of discharge or the place of delivery, whichever applicable. Delivery of the Goods will only be made on payment of all Freight and charges. On presentation of this document (duly endorsed) to the Carrier, by or on behalf of the holder, the rights and liabilities arising in accordance with the terms hereof shall (without prejudice to any rule of common law or statuts rendering them binding upon the shipper, holder and Carrier) become binding in all respects between the Carrier and Holder as though the contract contained herein or evidence hereby had been made between them. All claims and disputes arising under or in connection with bill of lading shall be determined by the courts of MARSEILLE at the exclusion of the courts of any other country. In witness whereof three (3) original Bills of Lading unless otherwise stated above have been issued, one of which being accomplished, the others to be void.(OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT ON PAGE ONE)  
Place and date of issue Singapore, 1 August 20__  
Signed for the Shipper Signed for the Carrier  
* Applicable only when document used as a Through Bill of Lading  


OAO STALTRANSIT Krivokolenny 9 Moscow, Russia tel: (095) 253-12-18 e-mail: [email protected]
    Our ref. Your ref.   Nord Vest Shipbrokers 3rd March, 20__ Beethovenstraase 17 210u Stuttgart 10 Germany   Dear Sirs,   This letter is to confirm our telex to you this morning in which we asked if you could find a ship of six to seven thousand tons which we could charter for six months to take shipments of ore from St. Petersburg to Hamburg.   We will need a ship that is capable of making a fast turn round and will be able to manage at least twenty trips within the period.   We would also like to note that the MV BIRGITTA you chartered the previous time for the similar contract will fully meet our requirements.   In view of general slackness of the market at the moment we hope that you can get us a really good offer.   Yours faithfully, A.Vasiliev Andrey Vasiliev Shipping Depatment    


Adopted by the Documentary Committee of the Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom Code Name :   GENCON RECOMMENDED
Issued to come into force for fixtures on and after 15th September, 2002 The Documentary Council of The Baltic & White Sea Conference
  AS REVISED 2002.
  (Only to be used for trades for which no approved form is in force) __________Hamburg______________________
_____10 March______ 20__
Owners. Position. Charterers. Where to load. Cargo. Destination. No. of voyages Rate of Freight. 1. IT IS THIS DAY MUTUALLY AGREED between _______ ____________Nord Vest Shipbrokers________________________ Owners of the steamer or motor-vessel _______Valgalla_____________ of__20,000___tons-(gross/net) Register and carrying about 8,000 tons of deadweight cargo, now____at Rostok_________________________ and expected ready to load under this Charter about___31 March_____ and Messrs______OAO Stal Transit__________________________ of___Russia______as Charterers. That the said vessel shall proceed to ___St. Petersburg dock__ _____________________or so near thereto as she may safely get and lie always afloat, and there load a full and complete cargo (if shipment of deck cargo agreed same to be at Charterers’ risk) of______Ore_____________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ separations required, the Owners allowing the use of any dunnage wood on board if required) which the Charterers bind themselves to ship, and being so loaded the vessel shall proceed to______Hamburg_______________ ______________________________________________________________________26________________________________________________ as ordered on signing Bills of Lading or so near thereto as she may safely get and lie always afloat and there deliver the cargo on being paid freight – on (delivered/intaken) quantity – as follows ?3 per ton  


? Name the vessels used in marine transportation and give details about their specific features.

? What are the ways of chartering vessels?

? What is a time charter?

? What is a voyage charter?

? What is the difference between the ways of calculating voyage charter charges and time charter charges?

? What are the main documents used in shipping?

? What is each of them for?

? Which of these documents serves as a document of title to a particular consignment?

? What does a bill of lading made “to order” mean?

? What does a blank endorsement imply?

? What is a shipped bill of lading?

? When does the shipping company accept responsibility in accordance with the clauses of a bill of lading?

? What is the difference between a clean B/L and a dirty one?

? What is the purpose of adding a clause to the bill of lading in case of any discrepancy?

? Why do exporters apply to forwarding agents?

? What are forwarding agents’ obligations in case of export shipments?

? What are clearing agents’ functions?

? What are groupage rates?


? What does the supplier intend to do?

? What information is given about the consignment?

? What information is required from the shipping company?

? In what case will application forms be sent to the supplier?

? What documents are required by the supplier?

? What organization shall they be sent to?

? What is the method of payment?


? What is enclosed with the letter?

? What vessel is offered by the shipping company?

? What information is given about the vessel’s loading and sailing?

? How long does the voyage take?

? When is the vessel expected in Vladivostok?

? In what way is the quoted freight rate calculated?


? Has the supplier accepted the offered vessel?

? What arrangements have been made by the supplier to deliver the consignment to the docks?

? What is enclosed with the letter?


? What instructions are given to the forwarding agents?

? What are the forwarding agents supposed to do?

? What bills of lading are required by the supplier? Why?

? Who is to pay freight charges?


? What information is given about the packing of the consignment?

? When is the consignment due in Vladivostok?

? What documents have been handed to the bank?


? Name the shipper and the consignee.

? What is the name of the vessel?

? What is the port of loading?

? What is the port of discharge?

? What information is given about the shipped goods?

? Is the bill of lading clean or dirty?

? How many original Bs/L are usually issued?

? How many original Bs/L are issued in this instance?

? Prove that it is a through Bill of Lading.


? Why has the exporter applied to the shipbroker?

? What kind of ship is needed by the exporter?

? Why is the exporter interested in a particular vessel?

? Why does the exporter expect favourable rates from the shipbroker?


? Why is the shipbroker unable to charter the vessel requested by the exporter?

? What vessel has been secured by the shipbroker?

? What are her characteristics?

? Why are the owners of the vessel ready to consider a special freight rate?

? When is the vessel ready to start loading?

? When will the shipbroker prepare the charter party?


? Name the shipowners and the carriers.

? How many voyages are provided for?

? What is the port of loading?

? What is the port of destination?

FOCUS 3. Study the notes, writing patterns and vocabulary.


Liner vs tramp

Лайнер – это судно, которое совершает рейсы по расписанию, в противоположность грузовому судну, не имеющему твердых маршрутов и расписания и перевозящему грузы в любой порт, на который фрахтователи найдут заказ. Трамповые суда могут фрахтоваться на рейсовый чартер и чартер на срок; многие танкеры относятся к таким судам.

Cargo, freight, load

Следует отметить, что слово «груз» в русском языке может означать 1) непосредственно перевозимый груз и соответствовать английским словам cargo, freightи load, а также 2) партию товара. В этом случае оно перевозится на английский язык как consignment, lot, parcel. Слово shipment означает партию отправленного товара.

Следует отметить, что слово freightв зависимости от контекста может также подразумевать: 1) перевозку грузов морем (sea freight– морские перевозки грузов) или по воздуху (air freight– воздушные перевозки грузов); 2) стоимость доставки грузов по определенному маршруту морем или по воздуху.

Фрахт взимается на основе веса или занимаемого объема (weight and measurement). Обычно плата назначается за тонну или кубический метр, и фрахт платится за то, что выше по показателям. За некоторые грузы оплата производится на основе принципы «по стоимости» (ad valorem) и представляет собой определенный процент от стоимости ФОБ. Обычно фрахт уплачивается при поставке грузов на отправку (freight prepaid), но в некоторых случаях он выплачивается по прибытии на место назначения (freight forward).

Shipping conference

Картель судовладельцев – ассоциация судовладельцев, суда которых эксплуатируют одни и те же линии. Судовладельцы вырабатывают единые фрахтовые ставки, тарифы пассажирских перевозок и условия контрактов. Суда, принадлежащие к картелям, называют линейными судами (conference line ships).

Baltic Exchange

Одним из крупнейших центров по заключению сделок по фрахту судов для перевозки товаров морем и по заказам грузовых и пассажирских чартерных авиарейсов является Балтийская биржа. Это товарная и фрахтовая биржа в лондонском Сити, получившая свое название от торговли зерном с балтийскими портами в XVIII веке.

5. knot- узел

Мера скорости судна или самолета; одна морская миля в час, т.е. 1,15 миль в час.


Вышеуказанные сокращения употребляются в деловой переписке перед названиями торговых судов и означают:

SS – Steamship (steamship) – пароход

MV – motor vessel –теплоход

synMS – motor ship

Данные сокращения могут подчеркиваться: SS, MV, MS

Loading dates

Судовладельцы назначают даты погрузки, т.е. сроки принятия грузов, с тем, чтобы грузы были доставлены в доки заблаговременно и могли быть погружены на борт судна в надлежащий срок. При этом указывается дата начала погрузки, которая определяет момент, с которого фактически приступают к погрузочным работам.

Turn round

Оборачиваемость судна, т.е. время на оборот судна в порту разгрузки, выполнение формальностей и т.д.


1. The consignment is packed into … wooden crates marked … measuring … x … x … metres and weighing … kg each. Товар упакован в … деревянных ящика(ов), на которые нанесена маркировка «…». Вес и габаритные размеры каждого ящика составляют … кг и … метров.
2. The invoice value of the consignment is… Фактурная стоимость груза составляет…
3. Could you please inform us which vessels are available to reach … before …/by …/on … and kindly quote us freight rates for the voyage. Информируйте нас, пожалуйста, о наличии судов, прибывающих по расписанию в … до …/к…/…, и сообщите Ваши фрахтовые ставки.
4. Please advise us of the loading dates and let us know on which day the ship closes for cargo. Сообщите нам даты погрузки и день окончания погрузочных работ.
5. Shipped, clean Bs/L, in a set of …, are to be made out “to order” and are required by … for delivery to … bank, under the requirements of a LC. По условиям аккредитива, комплект чистых бортовых коносаментов, выписанных на предъявителя в количестве … экземпляров должен быть передан … банку.
6. Enclosed you will find details of the … Shipping Lines sailings for … from … to … Прилагаем данные о рейсах, осуществляемых … пароходной компанией по маршруту … - … в период с … по …
7. The vessel will be accepting cargo from … to … inclusive, and is expected to commence loading on … Грузы принимаются судном в период с … по … Ожидаемая дата начала погрузки - …
8. As … is our … port of call the voyage takes … days. Поскольку … является … портом захода на пути следования судна, продолжительность рейса составляет … дней.
9. We can quote favourable groupage rates. Мы можем назначить выгодный групповой тариф.
10. We have applied to our forwarding agents to make arrangements for our consignment to be delivered to … Мы обратились к нашим экспедиторам с просьбой осуществить доставку партии товара в …
11. Could you please handle all shipping formalities and insurance. Просим Вас организовать отгрузку и страхование товара.
12. All charges are payable by us and the Bs/L are to be marked “freight prepaid”. Все расходы по транспортировке товара оплачиваются нашей стороной (нами), поэтому просим выписать коносаменты с пометкой «фрахт уплачен».
13. Your charges may be sent to us in the usual way. Просим прислать счет за Ваши услуги в установленном порядке.
14. The consignment has been dispatched as arranged. Отгрузка товара осуществлена согласно нашей договоренности.
15. Crates are numbered 1 - … consecutively. Ящики пронумерованы от 1 до … по порядку/ последовательно.
16. The consignment is arriving in … on … on the MV/MS/SS … which sailed from … on … Товар прибывает в … … (дата) на теплоходе/пароходе «…», который отплыл из … … (дата).
17. We hope that you will be more than satisfied with the order. Надеемся, что Вы будете удовлетворены тем, как мы выполнили Ваш заказ,
18. We would like to charter a vessel of … tons for … months to take shipments of … from … to … Мы хотели бы зафрахтовать судно грузоподъемностью … тонн сроком на … месяцев для перевозки … из … в …
19. The motor vessel/steamship collided with another vessel in bad weather conditions and has been laid up for repairs. В связи с плохими погодными условиями теплоход/пароход столкнулся с другим судном и в настоящее время находится в портовом доке для проведения ремонтных работ.
20. We have been able to secure a vessel similar to that you asked for. Нам удалось найти судно, аналогичное запрошенному Вами.
21. The vessel will be able to make the number of trips you mentioned/required. Судно способно выполнить упомянутое Вами/требуемое Вам число рейсов.
22. She is a little larger that you require. Грузовместимость/ грузоподъемность судна немного больше, чем требуется Вам/немного превышает требуемую Вам.
23. The vessel has just completed a charter. Данное судно только что закончило выполнение обязательств по предыдущему чартеру.
24. We hope this fixture will suit you. Мы надеемся, что Вас устроят условия данной фрахтовой сделки.


vessel synship synboat - корабль, судно
liner synscheduled liner - лайнер (рейсовое судно)
passenger liner synpassenger vessel synpassenger ship synpassenger carrier - пассажирский лайнер, пассажирское судно
route synitinerary · en route - маршрут, путь следования - фр. в пути (о грузах)
scheduled route antunscheduled route · scheduled service - маршрут согласно расписанию движения судов, твердый маршрут - маршрут, определяемый не расписанием, а заказом на перевозку груза - рейсы по расписанию
passenger service syntravel service - обслуживание пассажиров
cargo synfreight synload · deck cargo · underdeck cargo synhold cargo · shipload - груз - палубный груз - трюмный груз - корабельный груз
passenger cargo vessel syn passenger cargo carrier synpassenger and cargo ship synpassenger and cargo liner syncombination vessel - грузопассажирское судно
tramp syntramp vessel - трамп, трамповое судно, судно нерегулярного плавания
tanker · to carry in tankers · oil tanker synoil carrier - танкер - перевозить в танкерах - нефтяной танкер, нефтеналивное судно
bulk carrier · ore-[bulk] carrier - судно для перевозки груза насыпью, навалом или наливом; насыпное судно, балкер - рудовоз
container vessel syncontainer ship syncontainer carrier - контейнерное судно
lifting gear - подъемный механизм
storage place - место для хранения, складская площадь
roll-on roll-off ferry · roll-on roll-off vessel synroll-on roll-off ship synro-ro vessel synro-ro ship - паром с самостоятельной загрузкой и выгрузкой автомобилей - судно с бескрановой погрузкой, накатное судно типа ро-ро
barge syntowed boat · to deliver by barge synto deliver via barge · tank barge · cargo barge - баржа - доставлять на барже - наливная баржа - грузовая баржа
lighter synstevedore barge (Am.E.) · to deliver by lighter · lighterage - лихтер - доставлять на лихтере - плата за перевозку на лихтере
shipowner synowner of a ship - судовладелец
shipping conference - картель судовладельцев, картельное соглашение судовладельцев
to charter a vessel · chartering · charterer - фрахтовать судно - фрахтование - фрахтователь
to charter on a time basis - фрахтовать судно на определенный срок
time charter - тайм-чартер, чартер на срок
to charter on a voyage basis - фрахтовать судно на определенный рейс
voyage charter - рейсовый чартер
mixed charter - смешанный чартер
shipbroker - маклер по фрахтованию судов, судовой маклер
charter party - чартер, чартер-партия (договор о фрахтовании судна)
sailing card - расписание погрузочных работ и движения судов
freight account synfreight bill synfreight note - счет за фрахт, счет за провоз груза
dock · dockage syndock dues · to deliver to a dock · to lie up synto lie in a dock - док - доковые сборы, плата за стоянку в доке - доставлять в док - стоять в доке
shipping note - ордер на погрузку
Superintendant of a dock - управляющий доком
dock receipt synwharfinger’s receipt - доковая расписка
tally - зд. опись мест груза при погрузке и выгрузке - подсчет, сверка мест груза при погрузке и выгрузке
tallyclerk syntallyman - таллиман (тальман), контролер при погрузке и выгрузке
to tally - зд. соответствовать, сходиться - подсчитывать, сверять
on board [the ship, vessel] synaboard · to place on board [a vessel] · to take aboard synto take on board · alongside ship/vessel - на борту (судна) - размещать на борту (судна) - принимать на борт - вдоль борта судна
mate’s receipt - штурманская расписка, расписка помощника капитана (в принятии груза)
document of title [to the goods] - товарораспорядительный документ
bill of lading (B/L) · bill of lading made to order synorder bill of lading · a shipped bill of lading syna shipped on board bill of lading · a groupage bill of lading · clean bill of lading · claused bill of lading syndirty bill of lading synfoul bill of lading synunclean bill of lading - коносамент - ордерный коносамент - бортовой коносамент - сборный/групповой коносамент (на несколько грузов) - чистый коносамент - коносамент с оговорками, нечистый коносамент
negotiable instrument synnegotiable document - оборотный документ
to endorse · endorsement · blank endorsement - индоссировать, делать передаточную надпись - индоссамент (передаточная надпись) - бланковый индоссамент (без указания лица, которому переуступается документ)
master of a vessel/ship - капитан (торгового судна)
paperwork - оформление документации; канцелярская работа
to obtain insurance synto arrange insurance - организовать страхование
advice note synadvice of dispatch synnotification of dispatch syndespatch note - зд. извещение об отправке товара
clearing agents - агенты по таможенной очистке товаров
groupage rate - групповой тариф
forwarding agent synforwarder synshipping agent - экспедитор
freight rate synrate of freight - фрахтовая ставка
time of transit · in transit - зд. продолжительность перевозки груза морем - в пути(о грузах)
sailings · sailing · frequency of sailings - рейсы - судовождение, навигация, отплытие - частота рейсов
cargo space synshipping space - грузовое место
to reserve cargo space - резервировать грузовое место
loading dates - даты, срок погрузки
to close for cargo - прекращать погрузку
to make out a B/L “to order” - выписать ордерный коносамент
itinerary - зд.сведения о маршруте, пути следования
to accept cargo synto take cargo synto receive cargo - принимать груз
to commence loading - начинать погрузку
opening date - дата начала погрузки
port of call - порт захода
voyage syncruise synpassage - рейс (судна)
crated consignment syn crated cargo - груз в обрешетке, в ящиках
at steamer’s option - по выбору капитана судна
to make arrangements - организовывать, принимать меры для организации чего-либо
insurance certificate - страховой сертификат
through bill of lading syntransshipment B/L - сквозной коносамент
freight prepaid - фрахт уплачен в порту погрузки
freight forward synfreight collect - фрахт подлежит уплате грузополучателем в порту назначения
“Freight Collect/Forward” B/L - коносамент с отметкой «Фрахт подлежит уплате грузополучателем»
“Freight prepaid/Paid” B/L - коносамент с отметкой «Фрахт уплачен»
consecutively synsuccessively · in consecutive numerical order · in consecutive order · out of sequence - последовательно, по порядку - в порядке единой нумерации - в последовательном порядке - не по порядку
complete set - полный комплект
to sail - отплывать
turn round · fast turn round - зд. оборачиваемость судна (в порту) - быстрая оборачиваемость
slackness - застой, превышение предложения над спросом, спад деловой активности

to collide with · collision - сталкиваться - столкновение
to tow synto tug · tow · towing charges syn towage syntuggage - буксировать - буксировка - плата за буксировку
tug syntug-boat syntow syntow-boat - буксир
to lay up a vessel for repairs - ставить судно на прикол для ремонта
to secure a vessel - зд.находить, подбирать судно
to dock a vessel synto lie up synto lie in a dock synto be in a dock synto put a vessel in a dock synto place a vessel in a dock - 1) стоять в доке - 2) ставить судно в док
cargo capacity · freight space · full cargo capacity · tonnage · dead weight syndead weight tonnage syndead weight capacity - грузовместимость, грузоподъемность - грузовместимость - полная грузовместимость - грузоподъемность - полная грузоподъемность
bulk carrier - насыпное судно; судно, предназначенное для перевозки массовых грузов
knot - узел
fixture - сделка, фрахтовая сделка, фрахтование

FOCUS 8. Role play.

1. Student A.You are a representative of an English producer. You have been doing business with a Russian importer of chemicals for several years already. You have established relations with Student’s B company, a firm of shipbrokers through which you have been chartering vessels to ship goods to your counterparts in Russia. You have applied to the shipbrokers and informed them that you require the vessel chartered by them for previous contracts.

Student B.You are a representative of shipbrokers. Student’s A company, an English producer, has established relations with your firm. You have been chartering vessels to ship goods to their counterparts in Russia. Student Ahas applied to you and informed you that they require the vessel chartered by you for previous contracts. At present you are unable to comply with their request (give reasons) and offer a substitute (give details about the vessel’s characteristics and encourage the firm to charter her).

2. Your firm has received an order for electrical equipment from a Russian importer. The goods are to be shipped by sea. Meet the importer’s representative and inform him of all the arrangements made by you in respect to shipment of your equipment.


- Г-н Бэрроуз, мы недавно заключили очень крупный контракт на поставку руды в Великобританию. Поставки должны осуществляться регулярно в течение 4 месяцев из Санкт-Петербурга в Манчестер, начиная с 1 мая. В связи с этим нам необходимо зафрахтовать судно грузоподъемностью 9 тысяч тонн.
- Mr. Lukjanenko, I believe you want a time charter. OK, let me look through our files… Well, I think we can offer you the MV Columbus. She is a bulk carrier with an average speed of 20 knots.
- Что же, скорость судна нас устраивает. А какова его грузоподъемность?
- She is a little larger than you require, as her cargo capacity is ten thousand tons, but I’m sure that we can negotiate a special rate for a time charter with the shipowners, especially if we take into account general slackness of the market at the moment.
- Хорошо. Нас также интересует оборачиваемость судна, поскольку нам необходимо осуществить по меньшей мере 10 рейсов в указанные сроки.
- As far as I’m concerned she is capable of making fast turn round. At the moment the motor vessel has completed a charter and can be at St. Petersburg dock and ready for loading within a fortnight.
- Хорошо, г-н Бэрроуз. Мы обсудим Ваше предложение и в ближайшее время сообщим о нашем решении.
- Very good, Mr Lukjanenko. I hope you will advise us of your decision as soon as possible, so, in case of your acceptance, we’ll have enough time to prepare the charter party.


- Mr. Malov, we have received an order for a consignment of computers from a Russian importer. The goods must be shipped from Manchester to Kaliningrad within two months. As we have applied to you to arrange shipments to Russia several times already and have always been satisfied with your service, I hope you will be of assistance to us this time as well.
- Спасибо, г-н Вудхауз. Мы постараемся сделать все от нас зависящее, чтобы помочь Вам с отгрузкой товара. Чем конкретно мы должны заняться?
- We want you to pick up the consignment and deliver it to Manchester, where it will be loaded on the vessel, handle all the shipping formalities and arrange insurance. You shall also make out through Bs/L as the consignment will be transshipped at Kaliningrad.
- Хорошо. Скажите, должны ли мы выслать извещение об отгрузке Вашим клиентам?
- No, thank you, we will advise our customers of shipment ourselves.
- Я все понял, г-н Вудхауз. Мы немедленно займемся организацией этой поставки.


- Г-н Хайнц, для отправки партии электрооборудования нашим клиентам необходимо судно, отплывающее из Гамбурга в Санкт-Петербург в начале следующего месяца.
- Mr. Satin, I think we can offer you the MV Enigma which sails on 3 August.
- Эта дата нас вполне устраивает. Скажите, пожалуйста, в какие сроки судно принимает грузы? Мы бы хотели доставить товар в док заблаговременно, чтобы успеть к дате начала отгрузки.
- The vessel will be accepting cargo from 20 July to 30 July inclusive. The loading is to commence on 23 July. But you have to reserve cargo space.
- Хорошо. Тогда нам необходимы бланки заявки.
- Certainly, we will provide you with the necessary application forms. Have you got any other questions?
- Нас также интересует продолжительность перевозки и дата прибытия судна в Санкт-Петербург.
- As St. Petersburg is our third port of call, the voyage takes about 8 days. So she is due in St. Petersburg on 11 August.
- Это нас вполне устраивает. Назовите, пожалуйста, Ваши фрахтовые ставки.
- Our freight rate for cased consignment is ?25 per metric tonne or 10 cubic metres, at steamer’s option. If you accept our offer, fill in this shipping instructions form and return it to us together with the completed application form for reservation of cargo space.
- Спасибо, г-н Хайнц, мы свяжемся с Вами в ближайшее время.


FOCUS 1. Read and discuss the following lead-in and letters.


    Most goods nowadays have to go by ship.   There are various types of vessels available to carry different goods.   Passenger liners are ships that follow scheduled routes and concentrate on passenger services, but also carry cargo.   Passenger cargo vessels concentrate on cargoes, offer more facilities for loading and unloading, but carry few passengers.   Trampstravel anywhere in the world on unscheduled routes, picking up any cargo and delivering it.   Tankers are usually oil carriers, and are like bulk carriers which transport bulk consignments such as grain, wheat and ores.   Container vessels offer facilities to move containers from one country to another, and have special lifting gear and storage space for the huge steel boxes they transport.   Roll-on roll-off ferries are vessels which allow cars and trucks to drive on at one port and off at another without having to load and unload their freight.   There are also barges, large flat-bottomed boats, which transport goods inland along canals and waterways, and lighters which do the same work as a barge, or are used for taking goods from a port out to a ship, or vice versa.    
    The shipowners may belong to a shipping conference and will charge fixed rates for transporting goods.   Other vessels can be chartered, on a time basis (time charter covers a period of time) or voyage basis (voyage charter covers the carriage of goods from one specified port to another) or on a mixed charter, through shipbrokers (e.g. on the Baltic exchange) who will negotiate rates for their clients. Voyage charter charges are calculated on the tonnage value of the cargo. Time charter charges are calculated on the tonnage of the ship.   The main documents used in shipping are the following.   The contract between the shipowner and the charterer is called the charter party.   Sailing cards give particulars of loading and sailing dates.   A freight account is an invoice sent by the shipping company to the exporter stating their charges.   Once the goods are received on the dock, a shipping note with a receipt, is handed to the Superintendent of the docks, advising him that the goods are to be shipped. A dock receipt (sometimes called a wharfinger’s receipt), which is a receipt issued for cargo deposited at dock warehouses, will be returned to the consignor confirming that the goods are stored and awaiting shipment.   Tally is the record or list of cargo loaded or discharged; it is checked by a tally clerk, therefore to tally means to be correct.    

    Once the goods are on board the ship, a mate’s receipt may be sent, acknowledging that the goods have been loaded. The mate’s receipt is often sent when the consignment is loaded directly, and serves as a document of the title until the bill of lading is ready.   The bill of lading is the most important document in shipping as it is a document of legal title to the consignment. Moreover, it is a receipt from shipowners giving details of the shipment in question and the conditions under which they accept it: so it is a contract. The words “to order” written on it mean that it is a negotiable instrument and can be traded. In this case it will be endorsed on the back by the exporter and if the endorsement is blank there will be no restrictions on ownership.   Once the bill has been signed by the master of the vessel, it is known as a shipped bill of lading or “shipped on board”, which means that the goods have been loaded on board and the shipping company will now accept responsibility in accordance with the clauses on the back of the document. Shipped bills are usually required in transactions involving payment through a bank. Bills are marked “clean” to indicate that the goods were taken on board in “the like good order and condition”. Dirty, claused, foul or unclean B/L indicates that on inspection something wrong was found with the consignment, e.g. packing, or the goods were damaged. Thus a clause is added to the BL by the shipowners specifying the discrepancy. This statement protects the shipping company from claims that they were responsible for the damage or bad condition of the consignment.    
    Forwarding agents Carriage by sea can be a complicated business, since the exporter and the importer both have to observe a variety of rules and regulations which involve a great deal of paperwork.   That is why the exporter often applies to forwarding agents to arrange both import and export shipments. In case of the former forwarding agents collect the consignment, arrange shipment, and if required, packing, and handle all documentation including making out the bill of lading, obtain insurance, send commercial invoices and pay the shipping company for their clients.   They also inform the importer's forwarding agent that the shipment is on its way by sending an advice note, and he, in turn, will inform his client, send the goods on to him, or arrange for them to be stored until collected. Many forwarding agents in importing countries also act as clearing agents ensuring that the goods are cleared through the customs and are sent to the importer.   Forwarding agents handle many shipments and they collect consignments for the same destination and get competitive "groupage rates" for sending a lot of consignments in one shipment.    

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