Direct Method of Distribution

Producer       Consumer
    Indirect Method of Distribution  

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Manufactures Direct Method of Distribution - Wholesaler Direct Method of Distribution - Retailer Direct Method of Distribution - Customer

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6 Сканирование – чтение с целью поиска конкретной информации тексте.

Scan the text to determine whether these statements are true (T) or false (F), and if they are false say why.

e.g. In my opinion it is true that …

I’m afraid it is false that … because …

TF 1. As incomes rise consumers are able and willing to buy less and less goods and services.

TF 2. Raw materials are obtained from land and sea.

TF 3. A typist providing a service in steel-works is just as much a pro-ducer as those directly involved in making steel.

TF 4. Advertising makes goods known to the public.

TF 5. Industrial workers can be divided into wholesalers, retailers and clerks.

TF 6. Chains of production illustrate increasing value at each stage of production, interdependence, the distinction between consumer goods and producer goods.

TF 7. Extractive industry consumes raw materials from manufacturing industry.

TF 8. Examples of direct service workers are doctors, dentists, the po-lice, teachers.

TF 9. In foreign trade, goods are just bought from other countries.

TF 10. The basic commercial activity is trade.

1.4.4.Reading for Detail 7

A. What words from the text are being defined here?

1. The process of providing goods and services to the public.

2. Things such as televisions, cameras, dishwashers, automobiles, phones etc., which are not important for our survival.

3. A plural noun for things that are made to be sold.

4. The general activity of distributing goods and services to those who wish to buy them.

5. A person or business that sells goods to the public.

6. Activities that make trade easier to take place.

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7 Чтение с целью детального (точного) понимания текста.


7. The place where finished products are stored before they are sold.

B. Give definitions to the following words:

1. Producer

2. Consumer

3. Necessities

4. Trade

5. Wholesaler

6. Consumer goods

7. Producer goods

8. Services

Spe ech Practice

1.5.1.Say it in English

A:Обеспечение товарами и услугами, необходимыe для выжива-ния, остальное, необходимо осознавать, примерами таких ра-ботников являются, для изготовления лобовых стекол авто-машин, покупка и продажа товаров, хранить товары, действи-тельно так, различные этапы производства, обеспечить сырь-ем, в личное пользование.

B:1. В производство вовлечены виды человеческой деятельности

по обеспечению общества товарами и услугами.

2. Промышленные рабочие могут быть подразделены на рабо-чих добывающей, сырьевой отраслей, а также отрасли про-изводства конечного продукта.

3. Коммерсанты могут быть заняты как в торговле, так и в обеспечении торговой деятельности, например, в банковском деле, рекламе, страховании, транспортной службе и осу-ществлении связи.

4. Работники сферы услуг не связаны с коммерцией, но пред-ставляют обществу частные услуги.

5. Система производства отображает различные производ-ственные этапы, проходя через которые, продукт достигает своего конечного потребителя.

Presentation 1

Sum up everything you came to know about the process of production, its branches and chains, producers and consumers, goods and services.

Make up a presentation on the topic “Production”. Arrange your speech with the topic sentence, several developers, a restatement and a conclusion. Be enthusiastic to give your personal view on the topic of speaking or the text itself. Address the listeners with your presentation. Use the following helpful phrases:

Topic sentence:

This text is about such points /
The text we have read deals with questions /
  describes problems /
  is devoted to topics as …

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· The main idea /purpose /intention of the text is …


· The text can be divided into (5) logical parts. They are …

· Let`s go point by point …

· First of all, I`d like to focus on …

· First comes …

· Then /next / secondly comes …

· Now let me turn to …

· We now can look at …

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Restatement and conclusion:

· So, now you see that …

· So, to make a long story short…

· Now it is obvious that …

· It should be once more underlined that …

· In conclusion I can say that …

· To finish with …

· In view of the above, I`d like to conclude that …

· All in all, …

· I think / believe / suppose …

· Personally …


Dialogue 1: Recruitment

Read dialogue 1 and put the points Personnel Manager (P.M) talks about in the right order.

- the mistakes a candidate can make in an interview;

- the qualities and abilities a candidate must have;

- his advice to interviewees;

- what a candidate is expected to know and understand .

When a company needs to recruit or employ new people, it may decide to advertise the job or position in the appointing page of a newspaper. People who are interested can then apply for the job by sending in a letter of application and curriculum vitae containing de-tails of their education and experience. The company will then draw up

a list of candidates, who are invited to attend an interview. See how the Personnel Manager (P.M.) of a company answers questions about the way he interviews and selects candidates.

Reporter:What do you think is the most important thing to pay atten-tion to when interviewing a candidate?

Personnel Manager:There are some of them, to my mind. The mostimportant things, in my view, are the character, the ability to re-act, intelligence and suitability for the position for which the candidate is being interviewed.

R.And to what extent does the person’s appearance influence your decision?

P.M.It is important that the person is well presented, is neat and tidy,and that he or she has good manners, because that shows a lot about personality.

R.Do you expect the candidate to be prepared in any way for the inter-view, or how should he prepare himself for the interview?

P.M.Normally the candidate has had one or two interviews with juniormembers of the staff before he gets to my level, and I expect the

person concerned to have a good knowledge of what the compa-ny does, what he’s expected to do, and who he is going to report to. If the candidate doesn’t give an impression of understanding one of those three items, then he gets marked down accordingly.

R.How does a candidate go wrong?

P.M.The major way a candidate goes wrong is by basically becoming

a yes-man or a yes-woman and agreeing with everything you say. Also you have to feel that the candidate is going to be good and he has to show himself to be not just «Yes, sir, thank you very much. Yes, I agree with that». Sometimes I lay dummyquestions, in which I want a «no» answer, and if he continues to say «yes», then he goes down.

R.What would you advise to a candidate, going to an interview? P.M.I would say to him first of all to listen; secondly, to ask the right

questions; and, thirdly, perhaps, the most important, to create the right kind of relationship, I would call it an adult-to-adult rela-tionship with the interviewee or the interviewer. When you get a yes-man in front of you, he is creating an adult-to-a-child con-versation and in most cases managers are not interested in em-ploying a child.

1.6.2.Dialogue 2: An Interview for a Job

Read dialogue 2; study the notes and do the exercises on the dialogues.

Secretary:Come in! (A young woman enters, rather formally dressed,smiling to cover her nervousness.) Janet Nicholson, isn’t it?

Janet: Yes, that’s right.

SDo sit down, Janet. Now – you’re 21, and you’ve just finished at the University of Kent. Your professor thinks you ought to get a good degree in French, statistics and finance. What made you

choose finance? It’s not a subject studied in school – perhaps that was why?

JWell, partly.

SAnd partly what else?

JI thought I’d like to learn something about financial matters.

SNow you have applied to work with us as a junior assistant: sup-

pose you tell me a bit more about yourself?

J (rather taken aback): What sort of thing?

SDo you think you’d like working in an office?

JI did so for three weeks as a temp in my Easter vac – just filing, and that sort of things. But I want to use my university subjects re-ally.

SOf course. Do you think you would mind routine work, like read-

ing foreign papers for us every day?

JI’d love it.

SAnd wouldn’t you mind being just a back-room girl?

JI don’t think so. I like making digests. I did a little for my Prof. last vac.

SGood, good. Now isn’t there anything you want to ask me?

J(Nervously): You said «good salary» in the advertisement, but you actually didn’t say how much.

SWe were thinking of $ 900 as the rate for the first three months:

You’d have to be on probation for three months, and then if every-thing was satisfactory we’d raise it to $ 1,000 after that.

J(rather surprised at her own boldness) I suppose you couldn’t make it $ 1,000 for a start and $ 1,100 afterwards?

SWell, I’ll tell you what we’ll do. My partner wants to give you a written test now, if you’ll go to the room at the end of the corridor.

Assuming you pass that, write to us when you’ve got your degree results, and if you get an upper second we’ll start you at $1,000.

JThank you. (Rising) I’ll let you know. Goodbye. (She goes out.) Notes on the Dialogues

1. Personnel Manager – менеджер по работе с кадрами (по персоналу)

2. intelligence – ум, интеллект, смышленость

3. to what extent – до какой степени, насколько

4. to get marked down – получать низкую оценку

5. to lay dummy questions – задавать подставные вопросы

6. temp n – (сокр. от temporary) разг. временный работник (особенно секретарь)

7. Easter vac – (сокр. от vacations) пасхальные каникулы

8. filing – подшивка бумаг, документов, ведение картотеки

9. to make a digest – составлять протокол, отчет

Exercises on the Dialogue

1. Give English equivalents to the following Russian words and ex-


Кандидатура, нанимать на работу, приглашать на собеседова-ние, влиять на решение, подготовиться к собеседованию, по трем пунктам, занижать оценку, создать правильные взрослые взаимо-отношения, быть незаинтересованным, закончить университет, младший ассистент, оклад, ставка, для начала, письменный тест, предположим, заявление о приеме на работу, автобиография, от-читываться.

2. Complete the following sentences using the appropriate words from the box below:

application, apply, curriculum vitae, candidates, fill in, probation, salary, report, file

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1) When you see an advertisement for a job, and you want to

_________ for this job, you send in an _________.

2) You usually enclose a __________ with your letter.

3) Sometimes there are a great many __________ for a single job.

4) Please, ___________ the application form.

5) After having been on ____ for 2 months his ____ was raised to $1,500.

6) It will be quite enough if you ____ to a senior assistant once a week.

7) What will happen if I __________ the documents in the wrong place?

3. Study the following CV carefully to see how the information is pre-sented and decide where each of the following headings should be placed.






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Curriculum Vitae

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1 _____________  
Name: Susan Robertson
Date of Birth 6 June 1968
Nationality: British
Address: 52 Hanover Street Edinburgh EH4 3LM Scotland
2 _____________  
1991-1992 London Chamber of Commerce and Industry
1988-1991 Diploma in Public Relations
  University of London
  BA (Honours) In Journalism and Media Studies
  Fettes College, Edinburgh
1981-1988 A-levels in German (A), English (B), History (B)
3 _____________  
1992 to present: Scottish Wildfire Trust
Summers of Department of Public Relations
1990 and 1991 Three-month training period with the Glasgow Herald.
Summer of 1989 Assistant to the sports editor.
  Sales assistant in the record department of Harris
  Stores Ltd., Edinburgh

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4 _____________

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Sports: Cross-country skiing, rock-climbing and swimming.

Secretary of the local branch of «Action», an association organizing sum-mer camps for disabled children.

5 ____________

Camp counselling certificate

Grade 3 ski instructor

Driver’s licenсe (car and motorcycle)

IBM PC user

Fluent German and good working knowledge of French 6_______________

Geoffrey Williams, Professor of Journalism, University of London Bill Denholm, Sports Editor, Glasgow Herald

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4. Study the following letter of application. What paragraphs does it

contain? Use the model to make up the body of Jannet’s letter of a p-plication. (Go back to Dialogue 2).

The letter of application normally contains three or more para-graphs in which you should:

• confirm that you wish to apply where you learned about the


• say why you are interested in the position and relate your inter-ests to those of the company;

• show what you can contribute to the job by highlighting your most relevant skills and experience;

• indicate your willingness to attend an interview (and possibly state when you would be free to attend).

Edith Roberts

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6 Carlswood Street



8th January

Mrs Cynthia Dryden

44 Randolf Square

London EC 14BE

Dear Mrs Dryden,

I would like to apply for the post of personal assistant advertised in to-day’s Guardian.

As you can see from my curriculum vitae, I have had six year’s experi-ence as a personal secretary. Five of these have been in films and tele-vision and I am particularly keen to continue working in this industry.

I enclose my curriculum vitae and will be available for interview any day after 21 September and able to take up a new appointment from 1 October.

I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely

Edith Roberts

Enc: 1

5. Assuming

1) you have read an interview with the P.M. of the “N” company in a daily newspaper. It is of great interest to you. Discuss the topic questions of the interview with your friend (s).

2) you are invited to a job interview and you feel a bit nervous about it. Discuss the situation with your friend to get his (her) encourage-ment.

Role – Play

Consumer skills8: Finding a Job


You start looking for a job and learn how to do it using every op-portunity.

What you must decide

Find out where to start looking for a job, which documents should be presented/ filled out, how to get ready for an interview.

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