Translate the extract of the Guide into Russian.

9. Complete and act out a similar dialogue:

—.. afternoon.

—.. , sir

— My name... group... We have got an appointment...

— Mr.... waiting... conference... Follow...

10. Read as in the examples:

• Example 31 December 1996 the thirty first of December nineteen ninety six

25 December, 1997

1 January 1998

12 April 1996

31 March 1995

ü 3-й — third

ü 4-й —fourth

ü 5-й - fifth

ü 6-й — sixth

ü 7-й — seventh

ü 8-й — eighth

ü 9-й — ninth

ü 10-й — tenth

• Example 2,000,000x33%=660,000 two million multiplied by thirty three per­cent is equal to six hundred and sixty thousand
    150,000x33%=49,500 150,000x25%=37,500 100,000x25%=25,000

11. Agree or disagree:

• Small companies of Russia also pay a smaller tax rate.

• It is quite reasonable that small companies pay smaller tax iates.

• Small companies should pay smaller tax rates only during the first years of their existence.

• Tax rates should be the same for big and small companies.

ü existence — существование

Unit thirty

Value added tax (VAT)


Value Added Tax (VAT) is a Government tax. At present the standard VAT rate is 17,5%. Everyone in Britain must pay VAT on almost everything they buy. VAT is usually incorporated in the price.

Visitors to Britain can reclaim the tax when they leave Britain and present the appropriate documents issued by the shop. Usually when they buy rather expensive things like furs, gold, hi-fi goods etc., they should wonder if the shop operates the VAT scheme.

One day during their stay in London one of the participants went shop­ping and came into a small jeweleк's shop to buy a gold chain for his wife.

Here is his talk with the shop assistant:

Participant: Excuse me, may I have a look at one of the chains displayed in the window?

Shop assistant: Certainly, sir. What number is it?

Participant: It's nine three five, over there.

Shop assistant: Just a minute.... Yes, here you are.

Participant: And how long is it?

Shop assistant: 25 inches, sir.

Participant: And how much is it in centimeters?

Shop assistant: Let me see... oh, here is the calculator... I should multiply it by two point five two. Oh, yes, sixty three.

Participant: Very good. Just the length I wanted to have. And how much is it?

Shop assistant: One hundкed and ninety nine pounds.

Participant: Good. I'm buying it.

Shop assistant: ... Here is your box and the receipt please.

Participant: Excuse me, may I reclaim the VAT tax?

Shop assistant: And where are you from?

Participant: From Russia.

Shop assistant: Just a minute, I'll consult the book. Yes, you are eligible to the reclaim. May I have your passport to fill in the form?

Participant: Here you are.

Shop assistant: Here is your passport and the form. Please fill in this sheet before you give it to the customs. How are you leaving? By plane?

Participant: Yes, by plane. And what should I do about this form?

Shop assistant: Fill in this sheet before you leave for the airport and have it stamped at the customs, at the air­port. Then post it. In a month or so you will re­ceive a cheque by post. Have it cashed at the bank stated, in Russia.

Participant: I see. Thank you very much.

Shop assistant: You are more than welcome.

Words and expressions

value   цена, стоимость
value added tax   налог на добавленную стоимость (НДС)
government ['gövnm@nt] правительство
at present   в настоящее время
everyone   каждый
price   цена
to reclaim   предъявить к возмеще­
to issue ['Isjü] выдавать, выписывать
shop   магазин
expensive   дорогой
fur   мех
hi-fi (=high fidelity)   аудио- и видеотехника (высокой надежности)
goods   товар (ы)
to wonder   интересоваться
1 wonder if I can reclaim   Могу поинтересоваться,
the VAT?   смогу ли я получить об­ратно VAT.
scheme [skÖm] схема, система, программа
to operate the scheme     зд. участвовать в этой системе (выплачивать VAT)
to go shopping   делать покупки
jeweler ['³ü@l@] ювелир
chain   цепочка
shop assistant   продавец
to display   выставлять
window   витрина, окно
a chain displayed in the window   цепочка на витрине
length   длина
inch   дюйм (2,25 см)
to multiply   умножить
box   коробка
receipt   чек, квитанция
to consult   проконсультироваться у,
    посмотреть в
book   книга (зд. справочник)
I'll consult the book.   Я посмотрю, что говорит­ся в справочнике
eligible [e'lI³@bl] имеющий право
sheet   лист
to stamp   поставить штамп на
to post   отправить по почте
by post   по почте
to cash   оплатить наличными
have it cashed   получить наличными
to state at the bank stated You are more than wel­come.   указывать в указанном банке Пожалуйста.


1. Match English and Russian equivalents:

the standard rate дорогие вещи
to pay VAT платить НДС
The tax is incorporated in the price. обычная ставка
to reclaim the tax Налог включен в цену.
appropriate documents Если на данный магазин распространяется этот поря­док...
The shop issues the docu­ments. соответствующие документы
If the shop operates the scheme ... Магазин выписывает эти до­кументы.
expensive things попросить вернуть этот налог

2. Complete as in the text:

VAT is a... tax. At present the standard... Everyone in Britain must... on almost... VAT is usually incorporated... Visitors to Britain can... When they leave... and present the appropriate... issued by... Usually when they buy... if the shop operates...

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