Настоящее совершенное время (Present Perfect)

We have been

You have been

They have been

3. Underline the verb to be and translate the following sentences into Russian:

They are still at the restaurant.

She is not with me now.

Is she busy?

He is on holiday in the mountains.

My elder daughter is also in the mountains.

She is fond of skiing.

There are five of us.

This is my family.

I was in Moscow last year.

Nick and Pete are Russian businessmen.

One day they were at the Sheremetievo airport.

Have you been to London?

Have you been to England?

Now the businessmen are at the restaurant.

4. Make sentences and translate them into Russian:

• They are enjoying their meal their small talk their meal
• It this your first visit to Moscow    
    New York    
    New Zealand    
• I was in Moscow last year
• I like Moscow    
    your city    
    Russian winter    
    English summer    
• I have got a sister    
    a brother    
    a wife    
    a family    
• It's a pity he is not with me now
  they are  

5. Complete the dialogue and act out a similar one:

• P.: David, is this your first...?

D.: Oh no,... last year. I like... It's a pity my sister... She wanted... so much.

Write down everything that Pete said about his sister.

7. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:

D.: Have you got a sister...?

N.: Oh, yes. I have... He is on... mountains.

D.: Oh, really? My elder daughter is also... Chechia now. She... skiing and goes...

D.: • Have you got...?

P.: I wouldn't... There are... Two daughters...

D.: Quite... family!

8. Answer the following questions using the prompts:

• Have you got a sister or a brother?

(Yes, t have...)

• Have you got a big family?

(1 wouldn 't say so. There are...)

ü prompts — подсказки

Unit six

Making an appointment


The three gentlemen have enjoyed their dinner and they are pre­paring to leave the restaurant:

Pete: Thank you for the nice evening, David.

David: Likewise. I enjoyed everything very much. And I liked the orchestra. I like Russian music immensely.

Pete: Very often they play English songs here. They sound su­ perb.

David: Then I was lucky to listen to Russian songs tonight. They are more than beautiful....

The waiter comes up to Pete and hands the bill over to him.

David: Oh, let me pay the bill, Pete.

Pete: Oh, no. It will be my pleasure... And when can you come to our office tomorrow?

David: Will ten o'clock be convenient to you?

Pete: Fine. Then Nick will pick you up tomorrow at ten to ten in the lounge.

David: OK. See you tomorrow then.

Nick: Good-bye. See you tomorrow. I won't be late I promise.

David: I hope I won't be late either.

Pete: Have a good sleep. See you tomorrow.

Words and expressions

six [sIks] шесть (числ.)
to make an appointment [@'poIntm@nt] договориться о встрече
making an appointment   договоренность о встрече
They have enjoyed their dinner.   Они с удовольствием по­ужинали.
to prepare [рrI'ре@] готовить (ся)
They are preparing to leave the restaurant.     Они готовятся уходить из ресторана.
Likewise. ['laIkwaIz] зд. И я благодарю вас.
orchestra ['þkIstr@] оркестр
1 liked the orchestra.   Мне понравился оркестр.
music ['mjüzik] музыка
immensely [I'menslI] очень, чрезвычайно
often ['ofn] часто
to play   играть
song [soÎ] песня
to play a song   исполнять песню
to sound [saund] звучать
superb [sjü'pýb] великолепно
They sound superb.   Они исполняли это
to be lucky ['lökI] иметь удачу
I was lucky.   Мне повезло.
to listen [lIsn] слушать
to listen to a song   слушать песню
more   более, больше
more than   больше чем
beautiful ['bju:t@ful] красивый
bill   счет
to hand the bill over to ...   передать счет ...
to pay   платить
Let me pay the bill.   Разрешите мне оплатить счет.
pleasure ['pleZ@] удовольствие
It will be my pleasure.   Я это сделаю с большим удовольствием сам.
tomorrow [t@'morou] завтра
When can you come to our office tomorrow?   Вы можете приехать в наш офис завтра?
ten   десять (числ.)
o'clock   часов
convenient [k@n'vInj@nt] удобный
Will ten o'clock be con­   10 часов вас устраивает?
venient to you?    
to pick lip   заезжать за ...
He will pick you up at   Он заедет за вами на ма­
ten.   шине завтра в 10 часов.
See you tomorrow.   До завтра.
to promise [promIs] обещать
either ['aID@] тоже (в отрицат. предло­
I won't be late either.   Я тоже не опоздаю.
I won't come either.   Я тоже не приеду.
I am iiot a teacher either.   Я тоже не преподаватель.
I didn't see him either.   Я тоже не видел его.
sleep   сон
Have a good sleep.   Спокойной ночи.


1. Read the following:

• evening • skiing
everything going
preparing inviting
working shaking
• either • I liked the orchestra.
three gentlemen Thank you for the nice evening.
the three gentlemen I won't be late either.
their dinner They sound superb.
They have enjoyed their din­ner.  

• to leave the restaurant

They are preparing to leave the restaurant.

They have enjoyed their dinner.

We enjoyed everything very much.

He hands the bill over to Pete.

2. Translate into Russian:

The three businessmen have enjoyed their dinner and now they are preparing to leave the restaurant.

Pete thanks David for the nice evening.

David thanks him too.

He liked the Russian music at the restaurant.

Then David pays the bill.

Then they discuss when they will meet tomorrow.

They will meet at ten.

Nick will pick up David in the lounge at 10 to 10.

3. Underline the verb to be in the following sentences. Translate the sen­tences into Russian:

They have been at the restaurant for some time.

David was lucky to listen to Russian songs that night.

The songs were more than beautiful.

It will be my pleasure to pay the bill.

Will ten o'clock be convenient to you?

I won't be late.

I have never been to the Russia hotel. I have never been to London.

4. Match English and Russian equivalents:

Likewise. I like Russian music im­mensely. They sound superb. Они звучат прекрасно. Они более чем красивые. Мне посчастливилось послушать русские песни.
I was lucky to listen to Rus­sian songs. И мне тоже (И я тоже).
They are more than beautiful. Я очень люблю русскую музыку.

5. Complete the dialogue and act out a similar one:

P.: Thank you for ...

D.: L ... I enjoyed ... the orchestra. I ... immensely.

P.: Very often... songs. They sound ...

D.: Then I was lucky ... tonight. They ... beautiful.

6. Translate into English the short dialogues:

ü short — короткий

• — Разрешите, я заплачу по счету.

— Нет, что вы. Я сам заплачу с удовольствием.

• — Когда вы завтра сможете приехать к нам в офис?

— Вам удобно в 10 часов?

— Да, прекрасно.

7. Complete the dialogue and act out a similar one:

P.: Then Nick will pick ... lounge.

D.: OK. See ... then.

N.: Good-bye. See ... I won't...

D.: I hope I won't ... either.

P.: Have a good ... tomorrow.

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