Скрипт записи 3 -2.1 (приводится без изменений)

Electronic assistant:Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the new healthcare centre. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how people feel about keeping fit. Please answer the six questions. The survey is anonymous – you don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

Electronic assistant: How many classes do you have on an average weekday?

Student: I have 6 or 7 classes. It’s can be Math’s or Russian language. I take English classes two. I er I’ll pass exams on these subjects so I study it hard.

Electronic assistant: Do you do sports activities on weekdays? What sports do you do?

Student:I do swimming and motocross. I enjoy swimming. Swimming is my favourite kind of sport because it can make you healthy and stronger. Motocross is too very interesting sports. You can do some tricks or maybe just ride. It needs from you good reaction and physical strong.

Electronic assistant: What is your favourite pastime?

Student: My favourite pastime is after school when I came to some other classes. It’s very interesting and for example I have English extra classes and I like themvery much because I’m talking to native speakers.

Electronic assistant:How much time do you spend on your homework?

Student: On my homework I spend one or two hours. It depends how much exercises in school teachers gave me. ….I think the most difficult homework is for Russian language because it’s very big.

Electronic assistant: What would you like to change in your daily routine?

Student: I’d like to spend more time maybe in nature because in my daily routine I sits at home usually and sit at class. So maybe it will be better to be to go for country house on a weekends or to my friends maybe.

Electronic assistant: What would you recommend teenagers do to spend their time effectively?

Student: I recommend teenagers to read books because it’s very exciting and from book you can take some words to make your vocabulary more strong and better. Or you can prepare to exams because in my opinion it’s very important to prepare to pass exams because it can to open you more abilities.

Electronic assistant: That is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Итого: 6 баллов (на все вопросы были даны полные ответы; допущенные ошибки не затрудняли понимание)

Задание 2. Аудиозапись: 3 – 2.2

Скрипт записи 3 -2.2 (приводится без изменений)

Electronic assistant:Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the new healthcare centre. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how people feel about keeping fit. Please answer the six questions. The survey is anonymous – you don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started.

Electronic assistant: How many classes do you have on an average weekday?

Student: We Physical Education lessons in a week.

Electronic assistant: Do you do sports activities on weekdays? What sports do you do?

Student:Yes, I do. I play tennis and swim in swimming pool two days a week.

Electronic assistant: What is your favourite pastime?

Student:My favourite pastime is tennis.

Electronic assistant:How much time do you spend on your homework?

Student: It depends how much lessons I need to do. In one day I could do my homework two hours and another maybe three hours.

Electronic assistant: What would you like to change in your daily routine?

Student: I would like to have more free time for my after class activities. Maybe have more free time to spend this time with my friends.

Electronic assistant: What would you recommend teenagers do to spend their time effectively?

Student: I could recommend them to go to sports centre er walk around the streets, go to parks and other places where you could do some active exercises.

Electronic assistant: That is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Итого: 5 баллов (были даны ответы на 5 вопросов (ответ на 1-й вопрос не соответствовал заданному вопросу; допущенные ошибки не затрудняли понимание)

Задание3. Аудиозапись: 3 – 3.1

Скрипт записи 3 -3.1 (приводится без изменений)

In my opinion fantasy films are the best. I enjoy them because of there ..there are a lot of sptseffects and story which they gives are really interesting and enjoyable.

Usually I see films twice a week in Thursday because this day of the week I have a lot of free time and some sometimes on Saturdays I with my best friend going to the cinema to see something new films or to resee films which we enjoy.

Today’s Friday and yesterday I have seen my best ..I have seen Harry Potter and the Philosophy Stone. It is about the little boy who is a wizard and he is going to the wizard school called Hogwarts. I love this story because it is really good and it is enjoyable to see how wizards are going through all through all his years at school studying and giving us magic.

1) Решение коммуникативной задачи: 2 балла (1-й аспект раскрыт неполно, 2-й и 3-й аспекты раскрыты полно и развернуто; 1объем высказывания 10-12 фраз)

2) Организация высказывания: 1 балл (В целом, высказывание логично; средства логической связи использованы правильно: in my opinion, because, and, or; нет вступительной и завершающей фраз).

3)Языковое оформление высказывания: 1 балл (Допущены языковые и фонетические ошибки и неточно употреблены некоторые лексические единицы).

Оценка: 4 балла

Задание 3. Аудиозапись: 3 – 3.2

Скрипт записи 3 -3.2 (приводится без изменений)

I mostly enjoy science fiction films because they are always interesting, they help …I can see the future in the.. I can see the past and it can be very useful in real life sometimes.

I watch films not very often because there are er …there are few really good films in cinemas. I go to the cinema about maybe 20 times a year. The last film I’ve seen was Martian with Matt Damon. It was about a man who was left alone on Mars and then he was saved.

1) Решение коммуникативной задачи: 1 балл (все 3 аспекта раскрыты в ограниченном объеме; объем высказывания 6 фраз)

2) Организация высказывания: 1 балл (практически нет средств логической связи; нет вступительной и завершающей фраз).

3)Языковое оформление высказывания: 1 балл (использована элементарная лексика; языкового материала не всегда хватало для построения предложений).

Оценка: 3 балла

Решение коммуникативной задачи Организация высказывания Языковое оформление высказывания
Достигнут минимальный объем высказывания в 6 фраз. Первый аспект раскрыт в ограниченном объеме. I mostly enjoy science fiction films because they are always interesting, they help …I can see the future in the.. I can see the past and it can be really useful in real life sometimes. Второй аспект раскрыт в ограниченном объеме.. I watch films not very often because there are er …there are few really good films in cinemas. I go to the cinema about maybe 20 times a year. Третий аспект раскрыт в ограниченном объеме. The last film I’ve seen was Martian with Matt Damon. It was about a man who was left alone on Mars and then he was saved. Итог: все аспекты раскрыты в ограниченном объеме 1 балл   Нет вступительной и заключительной фраз. Практически отсутствуют средства логической связи. Используются только and и because. Есть нарушения логики: I can see the future in the.. I can see the past and it can be really; there are few really good films in cinemas. I go to the cinema about maybe 20 times a year. 1балл Учащийся не допустил ошибок, но языкового материала не всегда хватает для решения коммуникативной задачи. Есть затруднения при построении предложений. they help …I can see the future in the.. I can see the past and it can be really useful in real life sometimes. I watch films not very often because there are er …there are few really good 1 балл

[1] Федеральный компонент государственных образовательных стандартов начального общего, основного общего и среднего (полного) образования, 2004.

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