Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий
Исходная форма Сравнительная Превосходная
степень степень
односложные short shorter the shortest
и некоторые короткий короче самый короткий
двусложные easy easier the easiest
прилагательные лёгкий легче самый лёгкий
и наречия late later latest
поздно позднее позднее всего
двусложные и important more important the most important
многосложные важный более важный, самый важный
прилагательные важнее
и наречия easily more easily most easily
легко легче легче всего
Прилагательные и наречия, образующие степени сравнения не по правилу
Исходная форма Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень
Good-хороший better-лучше the best-наилучший
Well-хорошо better-лучше best-лучше всего
Bad-плохой worse-хуже the worst-наихудший
Badly-плохо worse-хуже worst-хуже всего
Many-много more-больше, более the most-наибольший
Much-много more-больше most-больше всего
Little-маленький less-меньше, менее the least-наименьший
Little-мало less-меньше least-меньше всего
Far- далекий farther-более отдаленный the farthest-самый отдаленный
Far-далеко further-дальше further-дальше всего
Exercise 1. Переведите предложения
1. This classroom is larger and lighter than other classroom. It is the largest and the lightest room here.
2. The red line of this drawing is shorter than other lines. It is the shortest line.
3. Mathematics is more important for technical students than many other subjects. It is one of the most important subjects at any technical institute.
4. The results of his last experiment were worse than before. He got the worst results this time.
Exercise 2. Поставьте данное в скобках слово в нужной степени сравнения
1. The (good) time to see Venus is spring.
2. Mercury is the (little) planet in our solar system.
3. We gave the (many) possible pressure.
4. The pressure in the boiler is (little) than it is necessary.
5. Silver is the (good) conductor of electricity. Gold conducts the electricity (bad) than silver.
Найдите в словаре и запишите транскрипцию следующих слов. Правильно прочитайте данные слова несколько раз вслух и постарайтесь запомнить их произношение
Precisely, identify, circling, maintenance, weapon, engage, surveyor, missile, munitions, guidance, reconnaissance
Words to be learnt
precisely identify – точно определить
by measuring – путем измерения
ongoing maintenance – постоянно ведущиеся эксплуатационные работы
military application – военное применение
troop deployment – расположение войск
recreational – прогулочный, развлекательный, для отдыха
surveyor – наблюдатель
weapon – оружие
commonplace – привычная вещь
emergency roadside assistant – помощь при аварии на дорогах
to span – охватывать, включать
saving – сбережения, спасение
to flag – сигнализировать
hostile – вражеский, неприятельский
howitzer – гаубица
reconnaissance – разведка, рекогносцировка
detonation – взрыв, детонация
to keep track – проследить
turning – хронирование
unmanned monitoring station – автоматическая станция
master control station – ведущая станция контроля
uplinks – спутниковый канал связи
Global Positioning System is a network of satellites that continuously transmit coded information, which makes it possible to precisely identify locations on earth by measuring distance from the satellites. GPS stands for Global Positioning System, and refers to a group of U.S. Department of Defense satellites constantly circling the earth. The satellites transmit very low power radio signals allowing anyone with a GPS receiver to determine their location on Earth.
This remarkable system was not cheap to build, costing the U.S. billions of dollars. Ongoing maintenance, including the launch of replacement satellites, adds to the cost of the system. GPS actually predates the introduction of the personal computer. The designers originally had a military application in mind. The first satellite navigation system, Transit, used by the United States Navy, was first successfully tested in 1960. It used a constellation of five satellites and could provide a navigational fix approximately once per hour. In 1967, the U.S. Navy developed the Timation satellite which proved the ability to place accurate clocks in space, a technology that GPS relies upon. In the 1970s, the ground-based Omega Navigation System, based on phase comparison of signal transmission from pairs of stations, became the first worldwide radio navigation system. The design of
GPS is based partly on similar ground-based radio navigation systems, such as LORAN and the Decca Navigator developed in the early 1940s, and used during World War II. The military applications of GPS span many purposes:
• Navigation: GPS allows soldiers to find objectives in the dark or in unfamiliar territory, and to coordinate the movement of troops and supplies. The GPS-receivers that commanders and soldiers use are respectively called the Commanders Digital Assistant and the Soldier Digital Assistant.
• Target tracking: Various military weapons systems use GPS to track potential ground and air targets before they are flagged as hostile. These weapon systems pass GPS co-ordinates of targets to precision-guided munitions to allow them to engage the targets accurately. Military aircraft, particularly those used in air-to-ground roles use GPS to find targets.
• Missile and projectile guidance: GPS allows accurate targeting of various military weapons including ICBMs, cruise missiles and precision-guided munitions. Artillery projectiles with embedded GPS receivers able to withstand accelerations of 12,000g's or about
117,600 meters/second2 have been developed for use in 155 mm howitzers.
• Search and Rescue: Downed pilots can be located faster if they have a GPS receiver.
• Reconnaissance and Map Creation: The military use GPS extensively to aid mapping and reconnaissance.
• The GPS satellites also carry a set of nuclear detonation detectors consisting of an optical sensor (Y-sensor), an X-ray sensor, a dosimeter, and an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) sensor (W-sensor) which form a major portion of the United States Nuclear Detonation Detection System.
Fortunately, an executive decree in the 1980s made GPS available for civilian use also. Land-based applications are more diverse. The scientific community uses GPS for its precision timing capability and a myriad of other applications. Surveyors use GPS for an increasing portion of their work. GPS offers an incredible cost savings by drastically reducing setup time at the survey site. It also provides amazing accuracy. Basic survey units can offer accuracies down to one meter. More expensive systems can provide accuracies to within a centimeter! Recreational uses of GPS are almost as varied as the number of recreational sports
available. GPS is becoming increasingly popular among hikers, hunters, snowmobilers, mountain bikers, and crosscountry skiers, just to name a few. GPS is rapidly becoming commonplace in automobiles as well. Some basic systems are already in place, providing emergency roadside assistance at the push of a button (by transmitting your current position to a dispatch center).
The NAVSTAR system (the acronym for Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging, the official U.S. Department of Defense name for GPS) consists of a space segment (the satellites), a control segment (the ground stations), and a user segment (you and your GPS receiver).The space segment, which consists of at least 24 satellites (21 active plus 3 operating spares) is the heart of the system. The satellites are in what's called a "high orbit" about 12,000 miles above the Earth's surface. Operating at such a high altitude allows the signals to cover a greater area. The satellites are arranged in their orbits so a GPS receiver on earth can always receive from at least four of them at any given time. The "control" segment does what its name implies — it "controls" the GPS satellites by tracking them and then providing them with corrected orbital and clock (time) information. There are five control stations located around the world — four unmanned monitoring stations and one "master control station". The four unmanned receiving stations constantly receive data from the satellites and then send that information to the master control station. The master control station "corrects" the satellite data and, together with two other antenna sites, sends ("uplinks") the information to the GPS satellites. The user segment simply consists of you and your GPS receiver. As mentioned previously, the user segment consists of boaters, pilots, hikers, hunters, the military and anyone else who wants to know where they are, where they have been or where they are going.
Задание I. Выберите правильное утверждение и выучите его наизусть:
1. a) GPS is a network of satellites transmitting coded information to identify locations on Earth
b) GPS is a system of stations for measuring distance from the satellites
c) GPS is a network for monitoring satellite data
2. a) GPS actually predates the introduction of Internet
b) GPS actually predates the introduction of radar technology
c) GPS actually predates the introduction of the personal computer
3. a) The designers of GPS originally had commercial purposes in mind
b) The designers of GPS originally had educational application in mind
c) The designers of GPS originally had a military application in mind
4. a) Military aircraft can’t use GPS to find targets
b) GPS allows soldiers to find commanders
c) Various military weapons systems use GPS to track potential ground and air targets before they are flagged as hostile
5. a) GPS is popular among hikers, hunters, snowmobilers, mountain bikers and cross-country skiers.
b) GPS is not used for recreational uses
c) GPS is commonplace in automobiles in Russia
6. a) The NAVSTAR consists of the satellites
b) The NAVSTAR consists of the ground stations
c) The NAVSTAR consists of a space segment (the satellites), a control segment (the ground stations), and a user segment (you and your receiver)
Задание II. Задайте в группе все возможные виды вопросов, используя предложения, данные в задании I .
Задание III. Выполнив все задания, будьте готовы побеседовать по теме «GPS» на английском языке с группой и с преподавателем
Unit 23.
Grammar Revision
Сравнительные конструкции
При сравнении двух действий, которым присущ один и тот же признак, и с прилагательными и с наречиями, употребляется парный союз as … as
This plane moves asquickly Этот самолет движется так же быстро,
asthe sound does как и звук (т.е. со скоростью звука)
Сочетание as well asможет, наряду со сравнительной конструкцией, быть составным союзом так же, как (и). Сравните:
He knows mathematics as well as Он знает математику так же хорошо,
his friend does как и его друг
The English system of weights Английская система весов
was used in England as well as применялась в Англии так же,
in a number of other countries как и в ряде других стран
В сравнительной конструкции the (more) … the (better)артикли, стоящие перед прилагательными или наречиями в сравнительной степени, переводятся чем … тем:
The higherthe temperature, Чем выше температура,
the more rapidis the motion тем быстрее движение
of the molecules молекул
Exercise. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сравнительные конструкции
1. No planet is as hot as the Sun.
2. The speed at which the Earth revolves round the Sun is nearly as high as that of Venus.
3. The nearer the Earth, the denser the atmosphere.
4. The more experiments scientists make, the greater is their knowledge of the structure of matter.
5. Gold is not so light as aluminium.
6. A solid has length as well as width.
7. The bigger the mass, the bigger the weight of the body.
8. The stronger the magnet, the greater the distance through which it acts
9. Metals as well as minerals are of great importance in industry.
10. The nearer the centre of the Sun, the higher the temperature.
Galileo – European Satellite Navigation System
Найдите в словаре и запишите транскрипцию следующих слов. Правильно прочитайте данные слова несколько раз вслух и постарайтесь запомнить их произношение
Compliant, redundancy, negotiations, efficient, revenue, capturing, coverage, reliability, unfettered, envisage, genuine
Words to be learnt
to improve – улучшать
compliant – согласованный
requirement – требование
redundancy – достаточность, избыточность
integrity – целостность
high precision navigation – высокоточная навигация
public obligations – обязательства перед обществом
intense negotiations – активные переговоры
validation – соглашение, утверждение
to justify – оправдывать
capturing – овладение, захват
impediment – препятствие, задержка
reliability – надежность
implementation – осуществление, выполнение
to comply with – уступать, подчиняться, соглашаться
unfettered – неограниченный, нестесненный
to concern with – заниматься чем-либо, иметь дело с чем-либо
to gather pace – ускорять темп
constellation – набор (созвездие)
to envisage – предназначать, предусматривать
launcher – пусковая установка
Europe is moving closer to the launch of its satellite navigation system Galileo. This will lead to a fully civilian controlled global satellite navigation system, with much improved navigation services and a certified positioning service. It is fully compliant with ICAO's requirements for satellite navigation systems. The overall benefits include redundancy and integrity to meet the safety requirements of civil aviation and help the foil introduction of satellite navigation for all phases of flight. Whilst the battle with GPS is likely to be bitter, in the end
these two systems will benefit each other and massively extend the role of satellite navigation.
Galileo is an initiative of the European Union, in collaboration with the European Space Agency and European Industry, to launch a European financed global satellite navigation system under civilian control. Current work aims to develop the architecture and design required to provide high precision navigation, position, timing and integrity information to meet both user needs and public obligations, such as safety for all transport modes.
Galileo is proposed as a Public Private Partnership formed between the European Union, ESA and a consortium of private companies. The PPP partners include Astrium, Alcatel Space, Alenia Spazio and Thales. Galileo is, naturally enough, still a subject of intense negotiation and debate between the EU and its commercial partners, with the EU Council of Ministers pressing for a single and efficient management structure. Galileo is also a part of the EU's wider strategic plan for space exploitation, which includes its program for Global Monitoring, Environment and Security (GMES). Although largely a European program, Galileo will also involve much international cooperation e.g. with the Russian Federation (on frequency sharing and validation).The calculated benefits and the direct and indirect revenues from Galileo are expected to be substantial, fully justifying Europe's commitment. Galileo is very much a commercial initiative aimed at capturing a significant share of the satellite navigation market.
Galileo is a system that will benefit all modes of transport including road, rail, sea and air travel. Galileo will, in particular, result in real and direct benefits to civil aviation. The clearest of these is the fact that satellite navigation will become a fully redundant service for civil aviation users in the event of a satellite failure. The number of satellites in view will grow dramatically and become fully independent in the case of failure to either GPS or Galileo. Galileo will work with GPS to provide greatly improved satellite coverage and availability, ensuring that sufficient satellites are always in view to obtain an optimal navigation solution. This has been one of the major impediments of a GPS only system and one stumbling block to the potential wider benefits that satellite navigation could offer civil aviation, but which it has not so far been able to deliver.
Certified services will also be offered, with guaranteed service levels (in terms of accuracy, redundancy, integrity, reliability and availability) and a more robust signal in space. This will enable the global implementation of ICAO’s CNS/ATM
concept. These benefits will bring satellite navigation forward as a realistic replacement for conventional navigation aids in civil aviation. Despite the fact that satellite navigation has been with us for some time and that airlines have made significant investments, there has been, so far, relatively little return in terms of improved navigation services to airlines. Galileo looks set to change this and accelerate the introduction and benefits of satellite navigation for civil aviation Users. Galileo also complies with the need for civil aviation services to be free and unfettered, a fundamental requirement enshrined in the ICAO convention.
The definition phase of Galileo is already complete. The current phase is concerned with the detailed design and development of the full Galileo system. The schedule for Galileo will gather pace with a Galileo Test-Bed to be launched as piggyback payload on a next generation GLONASS satellite. Following this, the 'In-Orbit Validation' phase will begin, deploying a small constellation of satellites. An initial operational capability consists of twelve satellites. There is a definite "window of opportunity" for Galileo and it is believed that any delay in fully operational launching Galileo will lead to significant damage to Europe's entry into the mass navigation market. Hence there are strong incentives for the launch of Galileo to be brought forward.
Galileo consists of a constellation of 30 satellites in Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) only. The 30 Galileo satellites are 3 orbital planes inclined at 54° and at an altitude of around 23,000 km. This is the simplest system to launch, operate and maintain and one that provides the greatest reliability for an operational service. Galileo satellites weigh around 650 kg when in orbit and generate approximately 1,500 watts of electrical power. The satellite geometry has been designed for the launch of multiple satellites with an Ariane launcher. Smaller launchers are envisaged for the replacement of individual satellites. A lot of sophisticated technology will go into Galileo, including highly advanced atomic clocks -giving greater accuracy and stability and being light weight with low power requirements. Sophisticated (next generation) electronics and the latest high performance antennas will be incorporated into the satellite, to generate the signal-in-space.
The implementation of Galileo is a welcome improvement to navigation services. Galileo vastly improves the accuracy, redundancy, integrity, reliability and availability of satellite navigation. It provides certified services and a level of integrity not achievable with GPS. More than anything else, it enables the full exploitation of satellite navigation for the benefit of civil aviation and hastens the
implementation of ICAO's CNS/ATM concept. This leads to genuine improvements for all phases of flight and a significant safety benefits.
Задание I. Выберите правильный ответ в соответствии с содержанием текста.
1. What is Europe moving to?
a) redundancy and integrity of European Union
b) a fully civilian control of ICAO
c) the launch of its satellite navigation system Galileo
2. What does current work aim to provide?
a) safety for all phases of flights
b) comfort and design
c) high precision navigation, position, timing and integrity information
3. What does Galileo plan include?
a) intense negotiation and debate
b) ESA and a consortium of private companies
c) program for Global Monitoring, Environment and Security
1. What is Galileo?
a) a military strategy
b) a commercial initiative
c) a state plan
2. Where is Galileo used in?
a) in all modes of transport
b) in all types of satellite stations
c) in all kinds of ground stations
3. In what cases will satellite navigation become a fully redundant service for civil aviation users?
a) in the case of a spacecraft absence
b) in the event of global war
c) in the event of a satellite failure
4. Why will Galileo work with GPS?
a) to get some benefits
b) to ensure integrity
c) to provide improved satellite coverage and availability
5. What certified services are offered by Galileo?
a) the help in the case of failure
b) a significant share of the satellite navigation market
c) accuracy, redundancy, integrity, reliability and availability
6. What does Galileo consists of?
a) 30 ground stations
b) 54 electrical power stations
c) satellites
7. What are envisaged (offered) for the replacement of individual satellites?
a) spacecrafts
b) rockets
c) small launchers
Задание II. Сформулируйте основную мысль каждого абзаца в виде кратких, логичных (от 1 до 3) своих собственных высказываний на английском языке
Задание Ш. Выполнив все задания, будьте готовы побеседовать по теме на английском языке в группе и с преподавателем
Unit 24.
Grammar Revision