IX. Прочтите текст упражнения

Методические указания по устной теме

«Моя специальность»

для студентов радиотехнического факультета II курса

Омск – 2002

Составитель: Е.В. Тихонова


I. Прочтите и запомните следующие слова

1. to train specialists – готовить специалистов

2. to be interested in – интересоваться (чем – либо)

3. to deal with – иметь дело с

4. to design – конструировать, проектировать

5. to develop – развивать, разрабатывать

6. to investigate – исследовать

7. chair – кафедра

8. to deliver lectures (on) – читать лекции (по)

9. term – семестр

10. test – зачет

11. to graduate from the University – оканчивать университет

12. a graduate – выпускник

13. a term paper – курсовая работа

14. grant, scholarship – стипендия

15. a graduation paper – дипломный проект

16. a diploma project – дипломный проект

17. to defend a graduation paper – защищать дипломный проект

18. to equip – оборудовать

19. equipment – оборудование

20. reliability – надежность

21. UHF(Ultra – High Frequency) – СВЧ

22. to receive – принимать

23. receiver – приемник

24. to do (to carry out) research – проводить исследование

25. to have facilities (for) – иметь условия, благоприятные возможности

26. theoretical foundations – теоретические основы

27. to be good at smth – быть способным к чему-л.

28. to do well in smth – хорошо справляться с чем-л.

29. weight – вес

30. to reduce – снижать, уменьшать

II. Прочтите и переведите следующие интернациональные слова

Radio materials, producing of radio apparatus, radio elements, microelectronics, theoretical fundamentals, radio engineering systems, technological method, course project, technology.

III. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания

Radio engineering department, to train radio engineers, to design radio apparatus, to develop and investigate electronic circuits, to reduce the price and the weight of radio apparatus, to increase productivity, the fundamentals of designing radio apparatus, the reliability of radio apparatus, UHF devices, to deal with radio electronics, a design office.

IV. Найдите в каждом ряду слово, которое обобщает значение остальных

Слов этого ряда

1. department, University, course, group, dean, scholarship

2. radio engineer, technologist, specialist, polygraphical engineer, designer

3. radio engineering systems, microelectronics, UHF devices, radio materials, special subjects, electronic devices

4. TV set, radio receiver, device

V. Скажите по-английски, используя в каждом ряду слова одного корня

1. Инженер, радиоинженер, радиотехника, технический, радиотехнический

2. Конструировать, конструктор, конструкторское бюро.

3. Производить, производство, производительность, продукция.

4. Наука, ученый, научное общество, кандидат наук.

5. Специальные предметы, будущая специальность, молодой специалист, специализироваться.

6. Окончить институт, выпускник института, дипломный проект.

7. Оборудовать, оборудование, радиооборудование, современное оборудование.

8. Практика, лабораторная практика, практическое применение.

VI. Назовите синонимы к следующим словам

faculty, to be established, radio-set, graduation paper, scientific work, device, way, to apply, to learn, to make, to get.

VII. Составьте по подстановочной таблице правильные предложные



department   laboratories
chair of radio apparatus
master   science
designing at faculty
laboratories   plants
practice   microcircuits
construction   a radio receiver
work   our university


to study to radio electronics
to be interested for students
to give lessons from the University
to look at radioengineering
to graduate on new ways of increasing
to work with productivity
to deal in research institute
to take part   research
to deliver lectures   computer science
    radioengineering department

VIII. Для следующих глаголов подберите существительные, данные под


To deliver, to train, to defend, to graduate from, to design, to apply, to increase, to develop

Device, technology, science, graduation paper, lectures, specialists, productivity, the University

IX. Прочтите текст упражнения


I am a second year student of the Omsk State Technical University which was founded in 1942. There are 10 departments at our University. I study at the Radioengineering department. It is one of the largest departments. The Radioengineering department was founded in 1961. Our department is closely connected with the industry of the Omsk region. The Radioengineering department trains radioengineers of the following specialities:

· Designing and technology of radioelectronic apparatus

· Radioengineering

· Systems of diagnostics and non-destructive control

· Mobile means of communication

· Complex information protection

· Industrial electronics

A radioengineer should have a skill of designing and “making alive” new original devices of versitile application: for communication, broadcasting, audio and video recording processing, medicine, space investigation, measuring instruments. The leading chairs of the Radioengineering department are Designing and producing radioapparatus, Radioengineering devices and means of diagnostics, Technology of electronic apparatus, Means of communication.

There are many laboratories at the Radioengineering department: the laboratory of the fundamentals of metrology, the laboratory of microprocessors systems, the laboratory of design, the laboratory of analog technique, acoustic systems, electricalradiomeasurements signal processors, the laboratory of physical and sensor electronics, technological design, pirometers investigations, physical and chemical methods of analyses and sources of supply, the laboratory of technical means of information protection, digital devices, radiotechnical circuits and signals, the laboratory of UHF devices.

The students of the Radioengineering department study the following special subjects: designing electronic devices, fundamentals of automation and automation control systems, electrodynamics and designing UHF devices, analog and digital electronics, designing receiving and transmitting devices, application of microprocessors systems, acoustic control, computing modelling in radioengineering, radiowave, heat and acoustic control, fundamentals of television, radioreceiving and radiotransmitting devices, automation systems of quality control and diagnostics, light technique, physical electronics, microelectronics and solid body electronics, electronic devices, industrial electronics, microsystem technique, fundamentals of the theory of circuits, electronics, electrical engineering, digital radioreceiving devices, systems and mobile means of communication circuits.

A radioengineer can work in scientific research laboratories, at industrial enterprises, in design offices, at television centers, in workshops for repairing complex home radioapparatus.

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