Зразок виконання 2 (до вправи iv)


Для правильного виконання контрольної роботи №1 необхідно засвоїти наступні розділи курсу:

1. Іменник. Множина іменників. Артиклі та прийменники як показники іменника. Вираження відмінкових закінчень в англійській мові за допомогою прийменників та закінчення – s.

2. Прикметник. Ступені порівняння якісних прикметників. Порівняльна конструкція типу as ... as, not so ... as.

3. Дієслово. Часові форми англійських дієслів в активному та пасивному станах. Форми Indefinite (Present, Past, Future). Форми Continuous (Present, Past, Future). Форми Perfect (Present, Past, Future). Особливості перекладу речень з пасивним конструкціями на українську мову.

Форма Present Perfect Continuous (Active Voice).

4. Просте поширене речення: прямий порядок слів. Зворот there + to be. Способи перекладу речень, які починаються з цього звороту.


Граматична функція закінчення —s:

1. Great Britain's trading partners visited our country Торговельні партнери Великобританії відвідали нашу країну.

partners — множина від іменника "a partner"' — партнер;

Great Britain's — закінчення присвійного відмінка від іменника "Great Britain" в однині.

2. She works at her English regularly Вона працює над своєю . англійською регулярно

works - третя особа однини від дієслова "to work" в Present Indefinite.

3. My brother's son is an accountant Син мого брата - бухгалтер

brother's — закінчення присвійного відмінка іменника "a brother" в однині.

4. My parents' friends are not government officials Друзі моїх батьків - не урядовці.

parents' - форма присвійного відмінка іменника "a parent" у множині;

friends, officials — множина іменників "a friend", "an official".


1. She ... a new computer last week.

a) buys b) bought c) will buy lb

2. They ... already ... their report.

a) have finished b) are finishing c) have been finishing 2a

3. When you came, I ... the financial statement.

a)read b) has read c) was reading 3c


Вправа І. Перекладіть речення на українську мову, визначте функцію закінчення – s:

1. They will discuss the contract terms tomorrow.

2. Are you phoning from my wife's office?

3. They begin to make cars in all colours and shapes.

Вправа ІІ. Використайте прикметник у необхідній формі, перекладіть речення на українську мову:

1. She is the (large) typist in our office.

2. Mr. Brown is (old) than Mr. Bush, but he knows his profession (good).

3. The job of a sales manager is (difficult) that of an accountant.

Вправа III. Випишіть речення, які повинні починатися із звороту "there + to be ", перекладіть їх на англійську мову:

1. Ділова кореспонденція знаходиться на столі.

2. На столі є ділова кореспонденція.

3. В центрі міста є новий банк.

4. Новий банк стоїть в центрі міста.

5. У Вавилоні понад 2500 років тому існували дорожні знаки..

6. Дорожні знаки існували 2500 років тому у Вавилоні.

Вправа IV. Виберіть форму дієслова, яка відповідає реченню:

1. Who ... the tender last month?

a) wins

b) won

c) has won

2. Tom can't find his key from the Accounting Department. He ... it.

a) is losing

b) lost

c) has lost

3. Our manager ... customers in the afternoon as a rule.

a) met

b) meets

c) has met

4. I... at the plant for three years.

a) worked

b) have worked

c) have been working

5. What... you ... at this time on Sunday?

a) are doing

b) will do , ,;

c) will be doing

6. She ... on the phone now.

a) speaks

b) is speaking

c) has spoken

Вправа V. Випишіть речення з присудком в Passive Voice, перекладіть їх на українську мову:

1. The students passed exams in July.

2. The prices were set two days ago.

3. The papers will be signed by all members of the commission.

4. Corporations can build different modern factories.

5. All complaints should be investigated within the short period of time.

6. It's hard to formulate our business strategy.

Вправа VI. Прочитайте текст. Перекладіть письмово на українську мову 1, 3, 5 абзаци.


1. Manchester is the second largest city in Lancashire after Liverpool. It is an industrial capital of the North of England. It has a good climate which is neither very cold nor very hot. The highest summary temperature is +27° C; the lowest winter temperature is -6° C.

2. Manchester is 56 kilometres away from sea, but it is third largest port in Great Britain. The Manchester Ship Canal connects the city with the sea.

3. Manchester is a very old city. For a long time it was the centre of the cotton trade not only in Britain but in the whole world. Now it has a large industry. At the factories of Manchester different machines, materials, raincoats, foods, soap and other things are made.

4. The population of Manchester itself is about half a million people, but there are nine other cities not far from Manchester. Together they are now Greater Manchester with a population of about three million people.

5. Manchester was the first city in Britain that built an airport. It was in 1929. Today the Manchester airport connects the city with many big cities in Britain and with different countries of the world.

6. Manchester is an important cultural centre. It has many libraries, museums, art galleries. The famous Hall Orchestra is in Manchester and it gives concerts two times are week. The city has many famous theatres.

Вправа VII. Випишіть речення, які відповідають тексту.

1. Manchester is third largest port in Great Britain.

2. Manchester is situated in the south of England.

3. Manchester has no large industry.

4. The population of Manchester is about three million people.

5. There is no airport in Manchester.

6. Manchester is a cultural centre.


Вправа І. Перекладіть речення на українську мову, визначте функцію закінчення —s:

1. Managers hired many people last year.

2. What have you done with Peter's balance sheet?

3. He always follows the sales manager's advice.

Вправа II. Використайте прикметник у необхідній формі, перекладіть речення на українську мову:

1. We purchased the (late) computer.

2. German cars are (bad) than American ones.

3. The volume of sales in our firm is (high) in our city.

Вправа III. Випишіть речення, які повинні починатися із звороту "there + to be ", перекладіть їх на англійську мову:

1. Помилку зробили в п'ятому реченні.

2. В п'ятому реченні була помилка.

3. В новому журналі - багато статей з економіки.

4. Багато статей з економіки є в новому журналі.

5. Вчора на презентації Вашої фірми було багато бізнесменів.

6. Багато бізнесменів відвідали вчора презентацію Вашої фірми.

Вправа IV. Виберіть форму дієслова, яка відповідає реченню:

1. Careless students never ... their work well.

a) does


c) have done

2. She ... her report two days ago.

a) typed

b) was typing

c) types

3. They often ... their business matters with clients.

a) will discuss

b) discuss

c) have discussed

4. The company ... its goods all over the world.

a) has sold

b) will sell

c) sells

5. They ... at the balance sheet, when we came.

a) worked

b) were working

c) are working

6. The partners ... the contract on Monday.

a) will be signed

b) will have signed

c) will sign

Вправа V. Випишіть речення з присудком в Passive Voice, перекладіть їх на українську мову:

1. All promotions were approved by managers yesterday.

2. The product's price is not very high.

3. Does Mr. Smith prepare invoices?

4. The budget draft has been discussed for 5 hours.

5. Who operates this computer?

6. The firm was founded 10 years ago.

Вправа VI. Прочитайте текст. Перекладіть письмово на українську мову 1, 3, 5 абзаци.


1. Washington is the capital of the United States of America. It as been the seat of the American government since 1800. George Washington, the first American president, chose the place, where the city now stands, to build the capital, and the city was named after him.

2. The town is situated on the east coast of the Potomac River. The population of Washington is 640000 people. The climate is one of the worst in the country — very hot and muggy in summer and not too cold but damp in winter.

3. Washington has a lot of interesting things to see and it is difficult to find a park, a square or an open area there without

a monument or a memorial. The best - known ones are the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.

4. Washington has many other famous buildings and monuments the Library of Congress, the Capitol, the National Gallery of Art and others. The Capitol rises in the centre of the city. Not far from the Capitol is the Library of Congress, which is one of the finest picture galleries in America.

5. In Washington you can see the White House, the President's residence, the Pentagon. The offices of the Defence department and Arlington Cemetery, where many Americans are buried.

6. Washington has many universities, such as Georgetown University, George Washington University and Harvard University.

Вправа VII. Випишіть речення, які відповідають тексту.

1. The population of Washington is more than one million.

2. Washington's climate is excellent.

3. Washington has been a capital of the USA since 1800.

4. Washington has a lot of interesting things to see.

5. The White House is the President's residence.

6. Washington is the home of Harvard University.


Вправа І. Перекладіть речення на українську мову, визначте функцію закінчення -у:

1. This bank closes at six p. m.

2. Is your company conducting the marketing studies?

3. Have you asked the General Accountant's opinion?

Вправа II. Використайте прикметник у необхідній формі, перекладіть речення на українську мову:

1. Не works (good) who knows his trade.

2. Next time be (careful) than you are today.

3. This is the (accurate) forecast I have ever heard.

Вправа III. Випишіть речення, які повинні починатися із звороту "there + to be ", перекладіть їх на англійську мову:

1. На цьому ринку немає споживчих товарів.

2. Безліч споживчих товарів є на цьому ринку.

3. Недалеко від нашого дому є новий торговельний центр.

4. Торговельний центр знаходиться недалеко від нашого дому.

5. Кілька років тому в цьому банку було багато клієнтури.

6. Багато клієнтів було в цьому банку кілька років тому.

Вправа IV. Виберіть форму дієслова, яка відповідає реченню:

1. Whenever we come to that office, she always ... us warmly.

a) has welcomed

b) welcomes

c) will welcome

2. He ... since the early morning.

a) is

b) will be

c) has been

3. Our director ... to work every day.

a) is driving

b) has driven

c) drives

4. You ... the 10% profit only tomorrow.

a) receive

b) were received

c) will receive

5. We ... our sales in the western market last year.

a) will reduce


c) have reduced

6. We ... different products by the next year.

a) produce

b) shall have produced

c) will produce

Вправа V. Випишіть речення з присудком в Passive Voice, перекладіть їх на українську мову:

1. They process claims twice a week.

2. The offer will be discussed tomorrow. 3.1 was typing from 8 till 11 yesterday.

4. Computers are being sold at this shop from 10 to 14 a. m.

5. The contract is not ready.

6. Many kinds of software are bought by owners of personal computers.

Вправа VI. Прочитайте текст. Перекладіть письмово на українську мову 1, 3, 5 абзаци.

New York

1. New York is one of the largest cities of the world, with the population of more than eleven million. It is situated on several islands and has five districts. There are many bridges between all the districts.

2. New York is the main seaport and the financial, political and Cultural centre of the United States of America. Wall Street is the busiest street; the largest offices of the USA are situated there.

3. Another famous street is Broadway, which is the longest street in the city. It is known as "The Great White Way" because of the electric signs which turn night into day. There are a lot of

restaurants, music halls, theatres, cinemas and shops. People can buy clothes, shoes, food, vegetables, fruit and a lot of other things.

4. Most business is centred in Manhattan Island. The whole area is very small, that's why the skyscrapers were invented in New York. The most famous is the Empire State Building, a 102-storey building.

5. Fifth Avenue is the great shopping, hotel and club avenue. If you go along this avenue, you come to Harlem where the black of New York live, the coloured workers and poor musicians.

6. There are many places of interest in New York. They are the Statue of Liberty, Columbia University, City Hall, and New York Public Library. The United Nation Organization building is in New York. It is on the bank of the East River. In the main hall there is a model of the first sputnik.

Вправа VII. Випишіть речення, які відповідають тексту.

1. New York is the maim seaport.

2. The largest offices are situated in Broadway.

3. The skyscrapers were invented in New York.

4. The Empire State Building has 120 storeys.

5. The Statue of Liberty is in New York.

6. The model of the first sputnik is in the City Hall.


Вправа І. Перекладіть речення на українську мову, визначте функцію закінчення -s:

1. The clerk's actions were discussed yesterday.

2. The secretary types business letters every day.

3. We have already discussed the payment's terms.

Вправа II. Використайте прикметник у необхідній формі, перекладіть речення на українську мову:

1. You have an (easy) schedule than I do.

2. The (expensive) toy - 25.500 pounds - was sold at Sotheby's auction in London in 1984.

3. The English language is not (difficult) than the Chinese language.

Вправа III. Випишіть речення, які повинні починатися із звороту "there + to be ", перекладіть їх на англійську мову:

1. Київський національний економічний університет був заснований 100 років тому.

2. В нашому місті багато шкіл та інститутів.

3. На столі немає головної бухгалтерської книги.

4. Головна бухгалтерська книга є завжди у Вашому розпорядженні.

5. У кутку кімнати стоїть сучасний комп'ютер.

6. Найсучасніший комп'ютер стоїть у кутку кімнати.

Вправа IV. Виберіть форму дієслова, яка відповідає реченню:

1. Some years ago the enterprise ... all its employees with credit cards.

a) provided

b) is providing

c) provides

2. As a rule, small banks ... to two or three founders.

a) will belong

b) has belonged

c) belong

3. When she comes, we ... the inventory.

a) have taken


c) shall be taking

4. They ... a lot of money on that project.

a) spent

b) were spending

c) spend

5. Our secretary ... busy all day long.

a) was

b) had been

c) has been

6. By this time you ... your examination in Marketing.

a) will have taken

b) took

c) take

Вправа V. Випишіть речення з присудком в Passive Voice, перекладіть їх на українську мову:

1. Orders are sent by U. S. mail.

2. They are using the latest electronic equipment now.

3. They have traveled all over the world on business.

4. The catalogue hasn't been published yet.

5. This road is being repaired by the new construction team.

6. We studied the interest rates carefully.

Вправа VI. Прочитайте текст. Перекладіть письмово на українську мову 1, 3, 5 абзаци.


1. Cambridge is the second oldest university city in Great Britain after Oxford. Cambridge is situated on the river Cam and takes its name from this river. There are twenty-nine colleges in Cambridge. A large part of the population of the city is teachers and students.

2. All students have to live in Cambridge while they study there. In the streets of Cambridge you can see many young men wearing dark blue or black gowns and black square caps. This tradition goes back to the old times when the students had to wear dark clothes. They

could not play games or sing songs and dance in those days, they could not fish either.

3. The academic year is divided into three terms which usually run from the beginning of October to the middle of December, from the middle of January to the end of March and from the middle of April to the end of June or the beginning of July.

4. At Cambridge a degree examination is called Tripos. In the past the student had to show his knowledge of three subjects -Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric. So he was allowed to bring a small stool or "Tripos" - to sit on. And to this day the degree examinations at Cambridge are called "Tripors" examinations.

5. Many great men have studied at Cambridge: Cromwell, Newton, Byron, Darwin and others. The great Russian scientist I. P. Pavlov came to Cambridge in 1912 to receive the degree of Honorary Doctor of Cambridge. The Students made him a present of a toy dog.

6. Cambridge is known all over the world. Many famous scientists have worked there: Rutherford, Kapitza, and others.

Вправа VII. Випишіть речення, які відповідають тексту.

1. The students do not live in Cambridge.

2. The students of Cambridge wear black gowns and square caps.

3. The students had to show knowledge of 4 subjects.

4. The degree examinations are called "Tripors".

5. Newton studied at Cambridge.

6. The students gave to Pavlov a toy cat as a present.


Вправа І. Перекладіть речення на українську мову, визначте функцію закінчення .у:

1. The expert's conclusions were taken into consideration.

2. They have been our business partners for 5 years.

3. My father-in-law's house costs 1 million dollars.

Вправа II. Використайте прикметник у необхідній формі, перекладіть речення на українську мову:

1. She is ... (qualified) as her sister.

2. This is the (good) market I had ever seen,

3. You set (favourable) prices than your competitors do.

Вправа III. Випишіть речення, які повинні починатися із звороту "there + to be ", перекладіть їх на англійську мову:

1. Нещодавно було неможливо придбати комп'ютер.

2. Два роки тому на нашій кафедрі не було комп'ютера.

3. Зразки складання контрактів є завжди у секретаря.

4. На столі лежать зразки складання контрактів.

5. В старовинному Римі існували транспортні проблеми.

6. Транспортні проблеми існували завжди.

Вправа IV. Виберіть форму дієслова, яка відповідає реченню:

1. Не always ... his money on modern computer's software.

a) spends

b) was spending

c) spent

2. Those files ... to our accountants.

a) will belong

b) belonged

c) belongs

3. The secretaries ... a business letter now.

a) have mailed

b) mail

c) are mailing

4. He ... here since 2001.

a) works

b) has been working

c) worked

5. Accountants ... all the records in the Ledger.

a) were keeping


c) keep :

6. We ... at the office at 9 yesterday.

a) arrived

b) have arrived

c) arrives

Вправа V. Випишіть речення з присудком в Passive Voice, перекладіть їх на українську мову:

1. This question is being discussed at the meeting now.

2. I'm afraid I left my papers at home.

3. Have the goods been ordered?

4. The telegram was not sent there.

5. They have seen this report twice.

6. The brand image had been developed in the course of presentation work.

Вправа VI. Прочитайте текст. Перекладіть письмово на українську мову 1, 3, 5 абзаци.


1. Boston is the capital of Massachusetts, as well as the largest city and the cultural and commercial centre of New England. The city was founded in 1630, 10 years after the Pilgrims landed in Plymouth.

2. In the centre of the city is Boston Common, the nation's oldest public park. Early in the city's history, in 1634, this place of land was a military training field and a public cattle pasture. Many of the streets in Boston are narrow and winding because they began as cow paths. In his boyhood Benjamin Franklin grazed his family's cow there.

3. Just across the Charles River from Boston is Cambridge, home of Harvard University and the Institute of Technology, Harvard's

museums are world famous, its Widener Library with about six million books is the world's largest university library.

4. Cambridge also had a part in the American Revolution, it was under an elm tree in the Cambridge Common that George Washington took command of the Continental Army on July 3, 1775.

5. West of Boston are the picturesque and historic towns of Lexington and Concord. It was on Lexington Green in the early morning hours of April 19, 1775, that the capital of the Colonial Militia announced, "Don't fire unless fired on. But if they mean to have a war, let it begin here." - words which, with the battle, that followed, changed the course of history.

Вправа VII. Випишіть речення, які відповідають тексту.

1. Boston Common is the nation's oldest park.

2. In 1634 Boston Common was a market.

3. G. Washington took command of the Army in Cambridge.

4. B. Franklin lived in Boston.

5. Boston is the capital of the USA.

6. The city was founded 100 years ago.



Для правильного виконання контрольної роботи №2 необхідно засвоїти наступні розділи курсу:

1. Прості неособові форми дієслова:

а) Participle I (Present Participle) та Participle II (Past Participle), їх форми та функції;

б) Герундій (Gerund), його прості форми та функції в реченні.

2. Модальні дієслова та їх еквіваленти.

3. Функції дієслів to be, to have, to do.


1. The changes affecting the composition of materials are called chemical changes. Зміни, які впливають на склад матеріалів, називаються хімічними змінами.

affecting — Participle І, означення.

2. When heated to the boiling point, water evaporates Коли воду нагрівають до точки . кипіння, вона випаровується.

heated - Participle II, обставина.

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