XI. Заполните пропуски необходимыми предлогами

1. We enclose … the letter our quotation … telephone equipment.

2. Our contracts … the field … electronic equipment are increasing … year … year.

3. The guarantee period which the company offered … their compressors was 6 months … the date … putting them … operation. The customer wanted it to be extended … two months.

4. The decision was taken … the agreement … the company manager.

5. We’d like to get in touch … your Sales Manager to negotiate some business matters.

6. Our company is looking forward … establishing good relations … your company.

7. As the Seller was responsible … the defects which were found … the equipment, they had to correct them … their expense.

XII. Переведите письменно

Cash Flow

Cash flow is essentially a company’s ability to earn cash. It is the amount of cash made during a specified period that a business can use for investment. (More technically, it is net profit plus depreciation plus variations in reserves). The flow of funds is cash received and payments made by a company during a specific period – except that many people also use the term cash flow to describe this! New companies generally begin with adequate funds or working capital for the introductory stage during which they make contacts, find customers and build up sales and a reputation. But when sales begin to rise, companies often run out of working capital: their cash is all tied up in work – in – progress, stocks and credit to customers. It is an unfortunate fact of business life that while suppliers tend to demand quick payment, customers usually insist on extended credit, so the more you sell, the more cash you need. This provokes a typical liquidity crisis: the business does not have enough cash to pay short – term expenses. A positive cash flow will only reappear when sales growth slows down and the company stops “overtrading”. But companies that have not arranged sufficient credit will not get this far: they will find themselves insolvent – unable to meet their liabilities.

Слова и словосочетания:

1. cash f low – денежный поток

2. to earn – зарабатывать (деньги)

3. amount – сумма денег

4. investment – инвестирование, инвестиции

5. net profit – чистая прибыль

6. depreciation – обесценивание

7. reserves – денежные резервы, запасы

8. adequate funds – достаточные фонды (денежные средства)

9. working capital – оборотный капитал

10. introductory stage – первоначальная стадия

11. to run (run, run) out – иссякать (о деньгах)

12. to tie (tied, tied) up – связывать

13. work – in – progress – незавершенное производство

14. extended credit – продленный кредит

15. liquidity – ликвидность

16. short –term financing – краткосрочное финансирование

17. to slow down – замедлять, снижать темп

18. overtrading – сверхлимитные продажи

19. insolvent – неплатежеспособный; синоним “ банкротство”

XIII. Найдите в тексте и переведите на английский язык словосочетания:

- сумма денег, производимая в течение определенного периода

- поток денежных средств, фондов

- оборотный капитал

- требовать быстрой оплаты

- настаивать на продлении кредита

- ликвидность

- краткосрочные расходы

- снижение темпа продаж (рост продаж падает)

- неплатежеспособность, банкротство

Для специальности "Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит".

"Финансы и кредит".

Контрольная работа 2 вариант 3.

Для выполнения контрольной работы необходимо усвоить следующий грамматический материал:

- The Passive Voice (Simple, Continuous, Perfect Tenses)

- The Passive Infinitive

- The Modal verb Should


- Придаточные предложения времени и условия;

- Эквиваленты модальных глаголов

- Времена группы Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous, модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

Рекомендуемая литература: Г.А.Дудкина, М.В.Павлова, З.Г.Рей, А.Т.Хвальнова. Учебник английского языка для делового общения. Высшая школа, 2001. Часть 3. Уроки 1, 2, 3.

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