Номери телефонів, автобуса тощо.

Tel: 14 – 07 – 44 one – four – oh – seven – double four

Room 203 = room two – oh – three

Bus 67 = bus sixty seven

Page 10 = page ten

5) Хімічні формули:

NaCl (en ei si: el)

2H2 + O2 = 2H2O (tu: eitV tu: plus ou tu: ikwelz tu: eitV tu: ou )

6) Дати:

BC = Before Christ - до різдва Христова , до нашої ери (до н.е.)

AD = anno domini = нашох ери (н.е.)

1900 – nineteen hundred 1999 AD – nineteen ninety nine ( ei di)

2000 – BC – twenty hundred ( bi: si: ) 2002 – two thousand and two

2010 – twenty ten

GB: 3rd January 1998 = 3/1/98 = the third of January nineteen ninety eight

US: January 3, 1998 = 1.3.98 = January the third, nineteen ninety eight.

7) Час:

! Час до 12 00 позначається - a.m. , після 12 00 – p.m.

  GB US Formal
7.00 seven o’clock seven a.m.   seven hundred hours
7.03 three past seven three after seven seven oh three
7.15 a quarter past seven a quarter after seven seven fifteen
7.30 half past seven half after seven seven thirty
7.35 twenty five minutes to eight twenty five minutes before eight seven thirty-five
7.57 three minutes to eight three minutes before eight seven fifty-seven
12.00 midday noon   twelve hundred hours
  midnight   twenty – four hundred hours

8) Гроші:

GB £ 4.91 = four (pounds) ninety one (pence)
  50p. = fifty pence
  1p. = a penny = one p.
US $ 13.19 = thirteen (dollars) nineteen (cent)
$ 1.50 = a dollar fifty = one fifty = one and a half bucks
  50¢ = half a dollar
  = a cent = one cent

Номери телефонів, автобуса тощо. - student2.ru ! Увага: знаки пенні та центу (р.,¢) ніколи не вказуються разом із знаками фунта або долара (£, $) у сумі грошей:

Номери телефонів, автобуса тощо. - student2.ru Номери телефонів, автобуса тощо. - student2.ru Номери телефонів, автобуса тощо. - student2.ru £ 6.25 р £ 6.25 $ 6.25¢ $ 6.25

Вправа 114. Прочитайте числа:

I. 1) 5; 15; 50; 51; 12; 20; 11; 112; 201; 10; 446; 376; 267; 6,000,000; 0.85; 5.3; 0.6; 1/3 ;7 3/8; 1/2; 4 1/4; 1,234; 1.234.

2) 1,005 students; 5,400,000 coins; 6.75 miles; by bus 9; in room 218; the 3rd time.

3) On the 1st of January; on July the 16th, 1661; on August the 2nd, 2002; at the end of 1789; early 1990s.

4) 5.4 tons; 2/3 of an inch; 0.2 pound; 9.152 gallon.

II. 1) 3; 13; 31; 30; 18; 80; 946; 698; 16; 1,022; 425; 778; 5,000,000; 0.34; 2.1; 0.5; 1/4; 2/3 ; 1 1/2; 2 5/6.

2) 506 samples; 4,790 magazines; 627 hrivnyas ; on page 733 ; by tram 27 ; on the 12th day.

3) On June 18, 1997; on December 31, 1991; on the 8th of July; at the beginning of 1770; late 60s.

4) 26.5 ounces; 4/9 of a mile; 0.1 foot; 7.89 grams

Вправа 115. Перекладіть:

50 фунтів; 300 автомобілів; 61 фунт; два мільйони тон; сотни шухляд; тисячі людей; 281 долар; десятки полісменів; шість тисяч гривень, п’ять ваших книжок; троє моїх друзів.

Вправа 116. Напишіть та прочитайте такі дати англійською:

1999; 4 лютого 2001; 25 травня 1837; 17 серпня 1907; 8 червня 43г. н.е.; у червні 305 р. н.е.


Номери телефонів, автобуса тощо. - student2.ru
Вправа 117. Подивіться на годинник. Час на кожному годиннику випереджає час на годиннику у Києві. Наприклад, час у Римі, Італія, на 6 годин попереду київського. Час у Сеулі, Корея, на 14 годин попереду часу у Оттаві. Скажіть, котра година у кожному місті:

Вправа 118. Вставте at, on або in там, де це необхідно:

1. a I'll see you ..on.. Friday.

b I'll see you ..-.. next Friday. ( no preposition)

2. a What are you doing ... Saturday?

b What are you doing ... the weekend?

3. a They often go out ... the evenings.

b They often go out ... Sunday evenings.

4. a Do you work ... Wednesdays?

b Do you work ... every Wednesday?

5. a We usually have a holiday ... the summer.

b We often have a short holiday ... Christmas.

6. a Pauline got married ... 1991.

b Pauline got married ... 18 May 1991.

c Chris is getting married ... this year.

Вправа 119. Вставте at, on, during або in:

1. Mozart was born in Salzburg ... 1756.

2. I haven't seen Kate for a few days. I last saw her ... Tuesday.

3. The price of electricity is going up ... October.

4. I've been invited to a wedding ... 14 February.

5. Hurry up! We've got to go ... five minutes.

6. I'm busy just now but I'll be with you ... a moment.

7. Jenny's brother is an engineer but he's out of work ... the moment.

8. There are usually a lot of parties ... New Year's Eve.

9. I hope the weather will be nice ... the weekend.

10. ... Saturday night I went to bed ... 11 o'clock.

11. I don't like travelling ... night.

12. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived ... 5 o'clock ... the morning.

13. The course begins ... 7 January and ends sometime ... April.

14. It was quite a short book and easy to read. I read it ... a day.

15. I might not be at home ... Tuesday morning but I'll probably be there ... the afternoon.

Вправа 120. Вставте during або for:

1. I fell asleep ... the film.

2. I went to the theatre last night. I met Lucy ... the interval.

3. Martin hasn't lived in Britain all his life. He lived in Brazil ... four years.

4. I felt really ill last week. I could hardly eat anything ... three days.

5. I waited for you ... half an hour and decided that you weren't coming.

6. Sue was very angry with me. She didn't speak to me ... a week.

7. We usually go out at weekends, but we don't often go out ... the week.

8. Jack started a new job a few weeks ago. Before that he was out of work ... six months.

9. I need a change. I think I'll go away ... a few days.

10. The President gave a long speech. She spoke ... two hours.

11. We were hungry when we arrived. We hadn't had anything to eat ... the journey.

12. We were hungry when we arrived. We hadn't had anything to eat ... eight hours.

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