VII. Translate into English.

1. Термины «менеджмент», «менеджер» стали очень популярным в России с начала 90-х годов в связи с переходом к рынку.

2. В зарубежной практике английское «менеджмент» употребляется применительно к фигуре менеджера, действующего в определенной организации – предприятии, фирме.

3. Разделение управления и менеджмента по содержанию вполне оправдано, так как управленческая деятельность является более широкой, чем менеджерская.

4. С позиций теории управления предприятие и фирма являются организациями.

5.Менеджер осуществляет координацию деятельности работников и движение организации к поставленным целям.

6.Менеджмент необходим для достижения высоких результатов деятельности, которые, однако, он не сводятся только к выпуску продукции или оказанию услуг.

7.Менеджмент – это деятельность, направленная на эффективное и производительное использование организационных ресурсов, обеспечивающая достижение целей организации, рост эффективности и производительности.

8. Качество менеджмента в организации влияет на общественную эффективность - повышает ее или, напротив, снижает и, в конечном счете, характеризует использование ресурсов страны.

9. Неэффективный менеджмент приводит к расточительству в потреблении имеющихся ресурсов, что особенно недопустимо по отношению к человеческим ресурсам.

VIII. Meet as one group. One of you should lead the meeting.

1. Say what you know about the work of secretaries in Russia.

2. Say what you like and what you dislike in the work of secretaries in Russia.

3. Say how much they are paid monthly now, as far as you know.

IX. Role-Play

Divide into groups of three or four. You are the top management of a department store. You want to attract more young people to the store department. You must decide:

-what young people like about department stores

- what young people do not like about department stores

- what you would have to do to attract young people to the store (new departments, new products, new services)

Think of department stores you go to.

One of you present a brief report to the rest of the class on what you have decided.

Text 2


Most people would agree that managers are leaders. They have to be able to influence the behavior of other people, in order to achieve the objectives of the organization.

What makes a good manager?

The earliest studies of managerial leadership concentrated on the personality of the manager. These studies tried to identify the aspects of personality that were associated with leadership. These aspects of personality are called traits. Traits can be physical characteristics, such as height, or they can relate to Intelligence, personality or social behavior. Typical personality traits that were examined are shown below.

- Intelligence, the leader should be Intelligent, but not a genius. Leaders are good at solving complex problems.

- Initiative, the leader should be Independent. Leaders are good at taking action when this is needed.

- Self-assurance, the leader should be confident. Leaders have a good opinion of themselves and of their abilities.


The traits approach to leadership has not been successful at predicting who will make good leaders, and the traits that have been identified are vague and unscientific. Most analysts have abandoned this approach to understanding management.

A very important theory of leadership was developed by Douglas McGregor. This is known as Theory 'X' and Theory 'Y'. McGregor argued that a manager's leadership depends on how the manager views his workers. He divided managers into two types: Theory 'X' and Theory 'Y'.

Theory 'X' managers have the following beliefs about their workers:

• most people do not like work, and will avoid it when they can

• most people do not like responsibility


• most people have to be told what to do, because they do not like work

• most people want security

Theory ‘X' managers are usually authoritarian with their workers. They give direct orders, and do not discuss their decisions.

Theory 'Y' managers have very different beliefs about their workers:

· most people think work is a natural part of human experience

· most people are capable of taking their own decisions at work

· most people want to take responsibility at work

· most people will work well if they are paid properly

Theory 'Y' managers have a positive view of their workers. They do not give direct orders, but try to encourage workers to make their own decisions. McGregor suggested that Theory 'Y' managers were better leaders than Theory 'X' managers. Theory 'Y' managers expect the best from their workers, and the workers respond to this view by giving their best.

A third approach to leadership concentrates on the manager's style. Style refers to the manager's pattern of behavior.

R. Likert suggested a model of leadership styles which focuses on two variables: authoritarian and democratic styles.

The System One manager is authoritarian, distrustful of employees, and uses fear and punishment to make employees do what he wants. The manager issues orders and instructions, and the workers have no opportunity to express their views.

The System Two manager is benevolent authoritarian, and uses rewards as well as fear and punishment to make employees do what he wants. There is very limited opportunity for consultation.

The System Three manager is consultative, and uses rewards more than fear and punishment. This type of manager encourages employees to make some decisions. The System Four manager establishes a participating group, and trusts employees, encouraging them to take part in decision-making.


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