Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод герундиального оборота

1. He knows about our working at this problem. 2. The search for oil begins with geologists and geophysicists using their knowledge of the earth to locate geographic areas that contain reservoir rock. 3. Excuse my interrupting you. 4. The professor insisted on our comparing the results of the experiment. 5. We can’t begin this work without the commission approving the plan. 6. Their using the new programme for the computer has improved results of the test. 7. At the lecture on physics the teacher spoke about protons and neutrons being two elementary particles. 8. The rule against visitors entering the laboratory during the experiment is strict.

10. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод герундия и герундиального оборота:

1. The search for oil begins with geologists and geophysicists using their knowledge of the earth to locate geographic areas that are likely to contain reservoir rock. 2. By 1920 it was found that looking for domes, seeps and anticlines on the surface maps was not sufficient. 3. With the seismograph, subsurface structures can be deduced by measuring the transit times of sound waves. 4. Before investing what may be millions of dollars, the operator needs to know if the well will be comercially feasible.

11. Participle II (Причастие II) образуется от III формы нестандартных глаголов. Для стандартных глаглов признаком Причастия II является суффикс -ed. В предложении может выполнять две синтаксические функции:

а) определение

левое правое

(переводится причастием (переводится причастным

на -мый, -ный, -тый) определительным оборотом)

the connected tubes the new device made at our plant

a written letter the mixture divided by the experimentor

the given facts the letter written by me

the developed theory

б) обстоятельство (обычно занимает нулевую позицию)

When asked to read the text, Pete did it well.

Watched from the Earth, Mars looks like a red ball.

Heated to 800 C, the mixture melted.

Причастие II выполняет две важные грамматические функции, а именно:

а) образует сказуемое во всех временах группы Perfect по формуле to have + Participle II

The engineer has brought the drawings to the shop.

I have not seen you since October.

We had finished the work by 6 o’clock.

б) образует сказуемое в страдательном залоге с одной из форм вспомогательного глагола to be по формуле: to be + Participle II

The new method is studied by our group.

He was met by us at the station.

The star is seen only in the morning.

Such pipes will be made by our plant only.

Будьте особенно внимательны при переводе глаголов с суффиксом -ed, т.к. они могут быть сказуемым в форме простого прошедшего времени, а также Причастием II в функции определения.


1. The divided portions of the mixture were put in separate test tubes.

2. The mixture divided by the experimentor was heated in separate tubes.

3. The assistant divided the magnet into two separate pieces.

4. The data obtained helped to study the new substance.

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