ІV. Вкажіть літеру правильного варіанту пропущеної частини речення (1,6 бала)
1. Teams motivate people by providing external _____ in the form of praise and certain benefits.
a) employment | b) assistance |
c) debts | d) rewards |
e) vacancy | f) earnings |
2. Relevant group norms are fairly important, but not as critical as the _____ norms.
a) recent | b) additional |
c) pivotal | d) changing |
e) flexible | f) exact |
3. The factors that _____ the effectiveness of work groups most directly are those found within the group or team itself.
a) influence | b) eliminate |
c) fit | d) infringe |
e) demand | f) value |
4. The manager must _____ prevailing positive norms and try to change dysfunctional or negative ones.
a) oppose | b) resist |
c) calculate | d) support |
e) designate | f) assess |
5. A very important principle used in developing selection devices is that the content of the questions should reflect the activities of the _____ to be filled.
a) career | b) task |
c) job | d) assignment |
e) duty | f) purpose |
6. Delphi Group Technique employs a written _____ to gather expert opinions from a number of people without holding a group meeting.
a) composition | b) arrangement |
c) survey | d) agreement |
e) deal | f) disparity |
7. At the initial stage of recruiting, lengthy advertisements _____ relatively large amounts of information attract more applicants than do shorter advertisements.
a) denying | b) accepting |
c) recognizing | d) discovering |
e) rejecting | f) providing |
8. Groups and teams can be powerful forces for satisfying employee _____ and accomplishing organizational goals.
a) excesses | b) supplies |
c) difficulties | d) worries |
e) needs | f) doubts |
V. Вкажіть літеру правильного визначення кожного терміну (1 бал).
1) Recruiting 2) Human resource planning 3) Forecasting demand for employees 4) Job analysis 5) Human resource management | a) All activities that forecast the number and type of employees on organization will need, then find and develop employees with necessary skills. |
b) Programs that typically simulate managerial tasks. | |
c) Programmes that measure the thoughts, feelings, and actions that define an individual and determine that person’s pattern of interaction with the environment. | |
d) Predicting how many employees the firm will need in specific jobs in the future. | |
e) The process of familiarizing newly hired employees with fellow workers, company procedures, and the physical properties of the organization. | |
f) The process of attracting potential new employees to the organization. | |
g) The process of instructing employees in their job tasks and socializing them into the organization’s values, attitudes, and other aspects of its culture. | |
h) The process of collecting systematic information about applicants and using that information to decide which applicants to hire. | |
i) The systematic process of gathering information about important work-related aspects of a job. | |
j) The forecasting of an organization’s future demand for employees and the future supply of employees within the organization, and the designing of programs to correct the discrepancy between the two. |
VІ. Прочитайте текст.
One common problem that many teams face is dealing with the related issues of conformity and agreement. In the context of a group, conformitymeans adherence to the group's norms, values, and goals. While member acceptance of pivotal norms is important for both individual and group success, too much conformity - especially to the point of blind adherence even to all peripheral norms - can result in reduced creativity and objectivity in addressing issues and solving problems. For example, in a set of experiments in which subjects were asked to judge whether three lines were equal or different in length, many individuals conformed to the consensus of a group, judging lines that were obviously different in length to be the same just because the rest of the group said they were. This kind of conformity, when applied to work situations, can detract from the generation of new ideas and from appropriate disagreements with inappropriate behaviours the group might be demonstrating.
We defined the concept of groupthink as a condition in which poor decision making occurs because the desire to maintain group cohesiveness precludes the critical evaluation of alternative courses of action. For example, to avoid "rocking the boat" or upsetting the positive shared feelings of group solidarity, members may withhold information or opinions that would go against an apparent group consensus. The result is decisions made and implemented without considering all possible alternatives, or the alternatives offered being given less than full examination.
1) Перепишіть твердження і позначте ті, що відповідають змісту тексту, знаком "+", а ті, що не відповідають змісту тексту, знаком "-" (1,6 бала).
a) Not infrequently, teams have to deal with the problems of conformity and agreement.
b) Speaking about conformity, we mean neglecting the group's norms, values, and goals.
c) Extra conformity can cause blind devotion to all norms and therefore increase creativity and objectivity of people.
d) In a set of experiments, many individuals opposed the consensus of a group just because they wanted to be different from the rest of the group.
e) Blind conformity can weaken the production of original ideas and damage useful disagreements with unacceptable behaviours of the group.
f) Groupthink is a condition in which bad decision making may occur because the wish to maintain group solidity may prevent the analysis of other courses of action.
g) Group members may refuse to give information or judgments that would break an obvious group consensus to encourage "rocking the boat" or upsetting the feelings of group solidarity.
h) Groupthink may result in decisions that do not take into account all possible options or in decisions based on the options that were not thoroughly studied.
2) Напишіть запитання до наданих відповідей (за змістом тексту) (1,2 бала).
a. It means adherence to the group's norms, values, and goals.
b. It can result in reduced creativity and objectivity in addressing issues and solving problems.
c. Because the rest of the group said they were.
d. They may withhold information or opinions that would go against an apparent group consensus.