Trade fairs and exhibitions

Trade fairs and exhibitions usually attract thousand of visitors and many potential buyers among them. So foreign trade association of the Ukraine never lose the chance to exhibit their products at international fairs and exhibitions both abroad and at home. They help promote our goods to new markets and launch new products in the markets already developed.

A great deal of profitable business is done at commercial center at the exhibitions: new contracts are made, new transactions are concluded, new orders are placed and new markets are established.

This work goes on after the exhibitions as well: enquiries are sent out for the goods our national economy requires and offers are made for the products our new contracts are interested in.

There are traditional fairs and exhibitions that are held annually, for example the Leipzig fair that is organized twice a year – in the spring and in the Germany, the Plovdiv fair in Bulgaria, the Nizhegorodskaya fair in Nizhnii Novgorod.

Also, there are fairs and exhibitions organized on and off and devoted to scientific achievements in this or that field of national economy. They are called accordingly: “Chemistry – 93”, “Automation – 94”, “Electronics – 94”, ets

I . Прочитайте та перекладіть текст.

ІІ. Визначте, які з поданих тверджень відповідають змістові тексту. Запишіть номери цих речень.

1. Our country organizes traditional fairs and exhibitions from time to time.

2. The participants of international fairs use the established markets.

3. The commercial centers help the partners find each other.

4. The potential buyers and sellers visit trade fairs annually.

5. Trade associations of the Ukraine never took the change of exhibitions their products abroad.

6. The exhibition devoted to scientific achievements was organized in our city last year.

7. A new market is established in Dniepropetrovsk.

IIІ. Прочитайте наступні питання. До кожного питання пропонується 3 варіанти відповідей. Запишіть номер питання та літеру того варіанту, який ви вважаєте вірним.

1. Why do foreign trade associations take part in international fairs and exhibitions?

A. Trade faire usually attract a lot of visitors.

B. International exhibitions are good means to promote goods.

C. Fairs and exhibitions are development to scientific achievements.

2. What kind of work goes on after the exhibitions?

A. Visitors find all products they need.

B. Trade associations exhibit their products.

C. Enquiries for the goods are sent our offers for the products are made.

3. Where is the business usually done?

A. Exhibitions are organized in autumn and in spring.

B. New transactions are concluded at commercial centers at the exhibitions.

C. Exhibitions and trade fairs help promote goods to new markets.

4. Where are new contacts usually made ?

A. At the exhibitions.

B. At the commercial centers.

C. At the market.

5. How often are the traditional fairs organized?

A. Annually.

B. Weekly.

C. Monthly.

6. When are the enquiries sent?

A. Before the exhibitions.

B. After the exhibitions.

C. During the exhibitions.

7. What do the fairs help to do?

A. Promote goods.

B. Sell products.

C. Buy commodities.

IУ. Визначте слова, які відповідають змісту наступних речень:

1. New products are … in the developed markets.

A. bought.

B. promoted.

C. launched.

2. Foreign trade associations … their products at the fairs.

A. exhibit.

B. sell.

C. buy.

3. … business is made at the trade fairs.

A. potential.

B. profitable.

C. international.

4. New … are concluded at commercial centers.

A. transactions.

B. markets.

C. fairs.

5. Exhibition devoted to scientific … take place annually.

A. papers.

B. achievements.

C. societies.

6. International markets are developed… .

A. at commercial centers.

B. abroad

C. everywhere.

7. Trade associations send our … for the goods our economy is in need of.

A. enquiries.

B. offers.

C. promotions.

V. Виберіть і напишіть замість крапок форму дієслова, яка б відповідала правилам граматики англійської мови.

1. Thousand of visitors will come to the exhibition when it …

A. was open.

B. will be open.

C. is open.

2. The trade association will take part in the trade fair if it …

A. has a chance.

B. will have a chance.

C. have a chance.

3. Enquiries for the goods will be sent out after the trade fair …

A. is over.

B. was over.

C. will be over.

4. New contracts will not be made until the trade fair …

A. will be open.

B. is open.

C. was open.

5. Spring fair was in Kyiv.

A. hold.

B. holding.

C. held.

6. Various firms … part in annual exhibitions.

A. take.

B. taking.

C. take.

7. The spring international fair … promote our goods.

A. helping.

B. helped.

C. have helped

V. З підкреслених слів або словосполучень виберіть те, яке треба змінити, щоб речення відповідно правилам граматики англійської мови.

1. The fairs and exhibitions aredevoting to scientific achievements.


2. Thousands of visits are attracted by trade fairs annually.


3. The fairs and exhibitions helps this or that field at national economy.


4. Farm machines and mechanical systems havebeingpromoted.


5. National economy requires new technologys.


6. Buyers and sellersconcludes transactions.


7. Enquiriesfor goods will be send in May.


14. What is Marketing?

Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, price, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.

People have been trying to sell things for years, and you’ve learned something about their techniques – advertisements, price markdowns, special contests, tantalizing displays of merchandise. But despite marketing high visibility, the term itself is difficult to define. The American Marketing Association recently devoted a year of study to the question and evaluated 25 different definitions before reaching a consensus on the meaning of the word. According to its definition, marketing is planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchange that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. Marketing is a broad term, not limited to profit-making businesses alone; it encompasses the efforts of nonprofit organizations to “sell” intangibles.

What does the term marketing really mean? Many people mistakenly think of it as advertising or selling. However, advertising or selling are only two of several marketing functions, and not necessarily the most important ones.

Marketing can be defined as any human activity which is directed at satisfying needs and wants by creating and exchanging goods and value with others.

Marketing has become a key factor in the success of western businesses. Today’s companies face stiff competition and the companies which can best satisfy customer needs are those which will survive and make the largest profits.

For an exchange to take place, four conditions must exist. First, an exchange requires participation by two or more individuals, groups, or organizations. Second, each party must possess something of value that the other party desires. Third, each must be willing to give up its “something of value” to receive the “something of value” held by the other. The objective of a marketing exchange is receiving something that is desired more than what is given up to get it, that is, a reward in excess of costs. Fourth, the parties to the exchange must be able to communicate with each other to make their “something of value” available. Note, though, that an exchange will not necessarily take place just because these four conditions exist. However, even if there is no exchange, marketing activities still have occurred. The “something of value” held by the two parties are most often products and/or financial resources such as money or credit. When an exchange occurs, products are traded for either other products or financial resources.

I . Прочитайте та перекладіть текст.

ІІ. Заповніть пропуски в цих реченнях, використовуючи слова зі списку.

Creative process, design, distribution, end-users, first, hire purchase, image, labels, mail order, need, opportunities, outlets, patterns, place, posters, price, product, production-oriented, promotion, range, rival, satisfy, strengths, threats, weaknesses

1. What is marketing? Marketing is the … of satisfying customer needs… .

2. What is the ‘marketing mix’? It consists of ‘the four P’s’: providing

the customer with the right P …, at the right P …, presented in

the most attractive way (P …) and available in the easiest way (P …).

3. What is ‘a product’? A product is not just an assembled set of components:

it is something customers buy to … a … they feel they have.

The … and the … of the product are as important as its specification.

4. What is ‘price’? The product must be priced so that it competes

effectively with … products in the same market.

5. What is ‘promotion’? The product is presented to customers through

advertising (TV commercials, …,etc.), packaging (design, …, etc.),

publicity, P.R. and personal selling.

6. What is ‘place’? Your product must be available on … or by … .

7. What is meant by S.W.O.T.? A firm should be aware of its S … and

W … and the O … and T … it faces in the market place.

8. Why are firms becoming more customer-oriented and less …?

Because new products must be created to meet the changing …

of customers’ needs – a firm can’t rely on the success of its existing …of products. The customer and his or her needs must come …!

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