Match the English word combinations on the left to their Russian equivalents on the right.

1. to differ in 2. a graduate 3. to divide into 4. an undergraduate 5. to provide 6. a postgraduate 7. the further study 8. to complete a degree 9. to apply to 10. to learn skills 11. advanced 12. to take a study 13. to bring smth up to date 14. a full-time course 15. to present a project 16. compulsory 17. the recognized quality 18. outstanding   а) осваивать навыки b) разделить на …, делить (-ся) на c) продвинутый, углублённый d) полный курс лекций e) дальнейшее изучение f) выдающийся g) представлять проект h) студент ВУЗа, преддипломник i) подавать заявление j) получить степень (диплом) k) признанное качество l) обеспечивать m) лицо, имеющее диплом о базовом высшем образовании и получающее дальнейшее образование n) модернизировать, совершенствовать o) учиться p) обязательный q) выпускник ВУЗа r) отличаться чем-либо

Match the English word combinations on the left to their Russian equivalents on the right. - 3. Guess the words using the note and clue letters.

1. Information and skills as a result of cognitive activity.

  N O   L       E

2. The person who finished general secondary school and intends to enter the university.

      L   C     T

3. Your major educational subjects at the university.

  P   C I       Z       O  

4. Non – state educational establishment in which the students have to pay the tuition fee.

  R   V A         N       T U T      

5. To take, to enroll somebody at the university after successfully passing the entrance exams.

    M   T

6. Financial help, money that is given or lent to students at a university or college by state who cannot pay the full cost of their education

    V E     M E         R   N  

7. Individual conversation with an applicant in order to obtain a complete and thorough understanding of his personal qualities and level of competence.

  N T     V I    

8. Regular monetary payments to students according to their academic progress.

  C H     A     H I  

Match the verbs from the box to the words and word combinations below.

Match the English word combinations on the left to their Russian equivalents on the right. -

to get (4) to go to award to concentrate on to defend to take (2) to achieve to enter to offer (5) to cover to attend to choose to pass

the dissertation, after the interview, specialized instruction, major subject, lectures, a place at the university, to the university, an exam, a degree, advanced knowledge, outstanding results, the costs, a course, a scholarship, a government grant, the university

Put each of the following words or phrases into its correct place in the passage below.

electives \ requirements \ selecting \ amount of freedom\ technical \ choose \ college \ week \ curriculum \ higher education \ class hours \ graduation \ timetable \ major subject \ course \ required subjects \ credits

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