Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на герундиальные обороты и отглагольные существительные
1. His coming so early surprised me. 2. We thanked the doctor for helping. 3. Thank you for doing this work for me. 4. I don’t mind your reading this letter aloud. 5. Swimming early in the morning gives you a real pleasure. 6. The strengthening of contacts with other countries is very important for all of us. 7. The manager was surprised at her coming so late.
Замените придаточные предложения герундиальным оборотом. Используйте предлоги, данные в скобках.
Example: Не trained hard for a long time and decided to take part in the competition. (after) – After training hard for a long time he decided to take part in the competition.
1. When he received the telegram he left for his home town. (on). 2. When he finished his work he wrote to us about it. (on). 3. You will never play the piano well unless you practice two or three hours every day. (without). 4. You can speak with foreigners if you work hard at your foreign language. (by).
Расскажите, чем вы любите заниматься в выходные дни.
– What do you do on Sunday? (Read and write, watch TV)
– I like reading, writing and watching TV on Sunday.
(to sleep, to rest, to work in the garden, to do the room, to read, to go to the theatre, to go to the cinema, to visit friends, to ski, to skate, to paint, to draw)
Образуйте Participle I от следующих глаголов и переведите их.
Example: to make – making
to be, to go, to come, to give, to receive, to take, to tell, to help, to sit, lo read, to write, to fight, to decorate, to send, to do, to work.
Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на причастные обороты.
1 . The girl reading a book on the sofa is my sister. 2. The boys playing football in the yard are my classmates. 3. The girl showing the way to the office was the manager’s daughter. 4. Reading the letter he was smiling. 5. Thinking that I have forgotten the key I ran home. 6. Walking about the town every evening he met a lot of his old friends. 7. Speaking English well he could help me. 8. An old man sitting at the window was a talented painter. 9. Travelling about Italy he saw many beautiful places. 10. They liked to sit on the sofa watching TV.
3. Составьте предложения. Употребите Participle I в функции: а) определения, б) обстоятельства.
Example 1:The boy playing tennis is my friend.
(to work, to build, to help, to move, to write, to read)
Example 2:She stood at the blackboard answering the teacher’s questions.
(working at the plant, crossing the street, swimming across the river, running about the stadium)
Образуйте Participle II от следующих глаголов и переведите их.
to translate – translated переводить – переведенный;
to write – written писать – написанный
to make, to do, to give, to read, to break, to know, to take, to hear, to forget, to solve, to conduct, to adopt.
Переведите на русский язык.
A translated text, a planned trip, a forgotten poem, a well-dressed girl, a well-known writer, a well-done steak, a badly-done homework.
Переведите на английский язык.
а) сломанный, прочитанный, сделанный, помытый;
б) забытая книга, написанное сочинение, отправленное письмо, помытое окно, обсуждённый фильм;
в) спящая девочка, играющие дети, законченная работа, принесенные книги, разбитый стакан, хорошо известный фильм, плохо сшитый костюм.
Переведите предложения. Определите Participle.
1. The crying boy was standing in front of the closed door. 2. He saw a broken glass on the floor. 3. She showed us her article translated into English. 4. After graduating from the University he went to work to Norilsk. 5. While leaving school the pupils were talking about their meeting. 6. The modern houses built in our city made the capital of Belarus more beautiful. 7. Knowing much about the secret society “Young Italy” and its organizer Mazzini, Voynich made her leading character, Arthur Barton, after him.