C) Now tell your group-mates about yourself. First read the paragraph below. You may use it as a model if you want to.

About Me

Let me introduce myself. I’m Olexiy Honcharenko. I come from Lubny Poltava region. Now I live in Sumy. I live at the hostel together with two more boys. I am a first-year student of Sumy National Agrarian University. I study at the faculty of food technologies. I want to become an engineer-technologist of food processing industry. My hobby is sport. I go in for football.

Introducing other people.

A) Read the following information.

These types of introductions involve at least three people:

A: The introducer (who knows both B and C)

B: Introducee (knows A but not C)

C: Introducee (knows A but not B)

A: Have you two met each other?

B: No, we haven't.

A: Ben, this is Carol. Carol this is Ben.

(B and C smile and shake hands.)

B: Nice to meet you Carol.

C: Nice to meet you too, Ben.

After you have been introduced to someone, it is polite to ask a few general questions to get acquainted. For example,

B: Where are you from, Carol?

C: I'm from Connecticut.

B: Connecticut, which part?

C: Hartford, the capital. How about you, Ben?

B: Nebraska - a place called Bellevue. It's near Omaha.

C: How do you know Alan (A)?

B: He is my friend from college.

b) Practice introducing your friends to each other. Remember to smile (and use handshakes where appropriate).

*When meeting someone for the first time, it is not appropriate to ask certain types of questions.

Do NOT ask:a person's age; birth date; salary; weight; marital status

You may ask general questions about the situation.

How do you know Alan (the person who introduced us)?

Are you a student at this university?

Is this your first time here?

What do you do for a living?

How long have you been working for (company)?

8. Refer to the situations and make up dialogues:

1) greet your friends;

2) greet your colleagues in the firm;

3) introduce yourself to the students in your academic group;

4) introduce yourself to someone at a party;

5) introduce your boss to your friends at a scientific conference;

6) introduce your friends to each other.


The verb to be in the Present Simple Tense

+ ־ ?
I You He She It We You They am are is is is are are are (I’m) (You’re) (He’s) C) Now tell your group-mates about yourself. First read the paragraph below. You may use it as a model if you want to. - student2.ru (She’s) (It’s) (We’re) (You’re) (They’re) I am not You are not ( aren’t) He is not ( isn’t) She is not ( isn’t) It is not ( isn’t) We are not( aren’t) You are not ( aren’t) They are not ( aren’t) AmI …? Are you …? Ishe …? Is she …? Isit …? Are we …? Are you …? Are they …?

9. Fill in the gaps with am, isorare.

1) This teacher _____ an English one.

2) I _____ very tired today.

3) We _____ so happy to see you!

4) It _____ ten o'clock and I've to go.

5) My friends _____ on holiday.

6) My grandparents _____ very old now.

7) My best buddy _____ always late.

8) Peter _____ not at the university today.

9) I _____ eighteen and it is my birthday.

10) We _____ from Canada.

11) The weather _____ very nice today.

12) Look. That _____ Carol.

13) My brother and I _____ good tennis players.

14) I _____ hot.

15) I _____ a student, my sister _____ a technologist.

10. Make up sentences with the following BE-phrases.

To be happy – бути щасливим; to be sorry – шкодувати; to be ill – бути хворим; to be hungry – бути зголоднілим; to be busy – бути зайнятим; to be late – запізнитися; to be fond of – цікавитися чимось; to be tired – втомитися; to be at home – бути вдома; to be afraid – боятися.

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