Додаткові джерела у вигляді статей на російській та англійській мовах
Факультет“Інфрастуктура та рухомий склад залізниць”
Кафедра “Автоматизація та комп’ютерно-інтегровані технології транспорту”
Київ -2015
Розробник:Мараховський Л.Ф. – д.т.н., професор
Джерело:www.trinitas.ru - список авторов
Никитин Андрей Викторович
1. Никитин А.В. На пути к Машинному Разуму. Круг третий. (Части 1,2) // «Академия Тринитаризма», М., Эл № 77-6567, публ.12887, 31.01.2006
2. Никитин А.В. На пути к Машинному Разуму. Круг третий. (Часть 3) // «Академия Тринитаризма», М., Эл № 77-6567, публ.12907, 03.02.2006
3. Никитин А.В. На пути к машинному разуму. Круг третий. (Часть 4) // «Академия Тринитаризма», М., Эл № 77-6567, публ.12914, 06.02.2006
4. Никитин А.В. На пути к машинному разуму. Круг третий. (Часть 5) // «Академия Тринитаризма», М., Эл № 77-6567, публ.12928, 08.02.2006
5. Никитин А.В., Логика автономных систем // «Академия Тринитаризма», М., Эл № 77-6567, публ.15858, 28.03.2010
6. Никитин А.В., Логика управления клетки // «Академия Тринитаризма», М., Эл № 77-6567, публ.17037, 29.11.2011
7. Никитин А.В., Где Логика…? // «Академия Тринитаризма», М., Эл № 77-6567, публ.18075, 19.06.2013
8. Никитин А.В., Где-то на пути к пониманию… // «Академия Тринитаризма», М., Эл № 77-6567, публ.18092, 07.07.2013
9. Никитин А.В., Немного о мемристоре… // «Академия Тринитаризма», М., Эл № 77-6567, публ.19539, 12.09.2014
10. Никитин А.В., Искусственный нейрон // «Академия Тринитаризма», М., Эл № 77-6567, публ.20230, 20.02.2015
11. Никитин А.В., Общая логика. Теория связей // «Академия Тринитаризма», М., Эл № 77-6567, публ.20544, 04.05.2015
12. Никитин А.В., Общая логика. Эволюция мышления // «Академия Тринитаризма», М., Эл № 77-6567, публ.20747, 18.06.2015
Задача по контрольній роботі:Треба зробити звіт по одному із джерел по вказівки викладача та виступити з ним на семінарі кафедри АКІТТ.
Тема роботи:Штучний интелект
Структура контрольній роботи
Титульний лист
Зміст роботи
Презентація звіту
Об’єм контрольнійроботи 10–15 сторінок.
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Приклад оформлення титульної сторінки контрольної роботи
Додаткові джерела у вигляді статей на російській та англійській мовах.
A Digital Neurosynaptic Core Using Event-Driven
QDI Circuits
Nabil Imam1,2,3, Filipp Akopyan2, John Arthur2, Paul Merolla2, Rajit Manohar1, Dharmendra S Modha2
1Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
2IBM Research - Almaden, San Jose, CA
Abstract—We design and implement a key building block
of a scalable neuromorphic architecture capable of running
spiking neural networks in compact and low-power hardware.
Our innovation is a configurable neurosynaptic core that
combines 256 integrate-and-fire neurons, 1024 input axons,
and 1024x256 synapses in 4.2mm2 of silicon using a 45nm SOI
process. We are able to achieve ultra-low energy consumption
1) at the circuit-level by using an asynchronous design where
circuits only switch while performing neural updates; 2) at
the core-level by implementing a 256 neural fanout in a single
operation using a crossbar memory; and 3) at the architecturelevel
by restricting core-to-core communication to spike events,
which occur relatively sparsely in time. Our implementation is
purely digital, resulting in reliable and deterministic operation
that achieves for the first time one-to-one correspondence with
a software simulator. At 45pJ per spike, our core is readily
scalable and provides a platform for implementing a wide array
of real-time computations. As an example, we demonstrate a
sound localization system using coincidence-detecting neurons.
Neural systems in biology [1] are capable of an incredible
range of real-time computations with metabolic constraints
that require them to maintain strict energy efficiency. Tasks
such as pattern recognition, sensory reconstruction and motor
pattern generation are carried out by these dense, lowpower
neural circuits much more efficiently than traditional
computers. In these systems nerve cells called neurons are
the basic computational units. Neurons communicate with
one another through the generation and modulation of spike
trains where an individual spike is an all-or-nothing pulse.
The junction between the output of one neuron and the input
of another is called a synapse. The human brain consists of
a staggering number of neurons and synapses—over a 100
billion neurons and over 1 trillion synapses.
While the simulation of large-scale brain-like networks
has become feasible with modern supercomputers [2], the
power and space they require prevent them from being useful
in mobile systems for real-world tasks. On the other hand,
VLSI implementations of these networks—referred to as
neuromorphic chips [3]—can approach the area and power
efficiency of their biological counterparts and can therefore
be used for a wide range of real-time applications involving
machine perception and learning.
Traditionally, neuromorphic designs used continuous-time
analog circuits to model biological components, and digital
asynchronous circuits for spike communication [4]. Analog
circuits have been popular in the past, since they are
compact, and reduce power consumption by directly using
the I-V relationship of transistors to mimic the dynamics
of neurons. Dense analog circuits however are sensitive
to fabrication process variations, ambient temperatures and
noisy environments, making it difficult to configure circuits
that operate reliably under a wide range of external
parameters. This limited correspondence between what the
software (the neural algorithm) has been configured to do
and how the hardware (the analog implementation) functions
is an obstacle to algorithm development and deployment and
therefore limits the usefulness of these chips. In addition the
lack of high-density capacitors and increasing sub-threshold
currents in the latest fabrication technologies make analog
implementations even more difficult and unreliable.
In contrast to the continuous-time operation of analog
circuits, the discrete-time operation of digital circuits can
also be used to replicate neural activity. In fact, discreteevent
simulations are the primary method of study in computational
neuroscience research [5]. In this paper we introduce
a purely digital implementation of a neuromorphic system.
Using low-power event-driven circuits and the latest process
nodes we overcome the problems of analog neuromorphic
circuits without sacrificing area and power budgets. The
operation of the digital implementation is completely deterministic,
producing one-to-one correspondence with software
neural simulators, thereby ensuring that any algorithm
developed in software will work in hardware despite process
Deterministic operation of brain-like networks can also
be achieved on digital commodity chips, namely a DSP,
a GPU or a FPGA. However the parallel and event-driven
nature of these networks is not a natural fit to the sequential
processing model of conventional computer architectures.
A large bandwidth is necessary to communicate spikes
between the physically separated processor and memory
in these architectures, leading to high power consumption
and limited scaling. In contrast, we integrate a crossbar
synapse array with our neurons resulting in a tight locality
between memory (the synapses) and computation (the neurons).
The asynchronous design methodology that we use
fits naturally to the distributed processing of neurons and
ensures that power dissipation of inactive parts of the system
are kept at a minimum. Our quasi-delay-insensitive (QDI)
[6] implementation leads to extremely robust circuits that
remain operational under a wide range of process, voltage
and temperature variations, making them ideally suited to
mobile, embedded applications.
As our main contribution, we present the design and
implementation of a scalable asynchronous neurosynaptic
core. In this paper we discuss: (i) the asynchronous circuits
that mimic central elements of biological neural systems;
(ii) an architecture that integrates computation, communication
and memory; (iii) the asynchronous communication
infrastructure required to accomodate the architecture; and
(iv) the synchronization mechanisms required to maintain
a one-to-one correspondence with software (this is the
first neuromorphic system to demonstrate such an equivalence).
Our prototype chip consists of a single core with
256 digital leaky-integrate-and-fire neurons, 1024 inputs,
and 1024Ч256 programmable binary synapses implemented
with a SRAM crossbar array. The entire core fits in a
4.2mm2 footprint in IBM’s 45 nm SOI process and consumes
45pJ per spike in active power.
A. Neurons and Synapses
The computational power of brain-like networks comes
from the electrophysiological properties of individual neurons
as well as their synaptic connections that form a
neural network. Neurons may be modeled at various levels
of biophysical detail. The leaky integrate-and-fire model
is a standard approximation widely used in computational
studies since it captures the behavior of real neurons in a
range of situations and offers an efficient implementation.
We use this neuron model as the basic computational unit
of our core.
The neurons in the chip are interconnected through axons
and synapses. Each axon may correspond to the output of
a neuron in the same core or somewhere else in a large
system of many cores. Some axons may also be driven by
embedded sensors or some external driver. The connection
between axon j and neuron i is represented as Sji. Each
axon is parameterized by a type Gj that can take one of three
different values indicating the type of synapse (e.g. strong
excitatory, weak excitatory or inhibitory) that the axon forms
with neurons it connects to. Each neuron is parameterized
by a leakage current L, a spike threshold θ and three synapse
weights W0, W1, W2 that correspond to the different axon
types. All these parameters are configurable during start-up.
The core implements a discrete-event simulation where
the neuron states are updated at each timestep according to
external input and interconnectivity. The state of neuron i
Fig. 1. Top: Architecture of the neurosynaptic core with K axons and
N neurons. Each junction in the crossbar representes a synapse between
an axon (row) and dendrite (column). Each neuron has a dedicated column
in the crossbar. Active synapses are represented by an open circle in the
diagram. An example sequence of events in the core is illustrated. The
scheduler accepts an incoming address event and communicates with the
axon token-ring. The token-ring activates axon 3 (A3) by asserting the third
wordline of the SRAM crossbar array. As a result, a synaptic event of type
G3 is delivered to neurons N1, N3, and NM. The AER transmitter sends
out the addresses of these neurons if they consequently spike. Bottom:
State variables and parameters of the system. All values are represented as
integers, and all constants are configurable at start-up.
at some time t, is represeted by its voltage Vi[t], while the
state of axon j is represented by its activity bit Aj [t].
The parameters and state variables of the system are
tabulated in Fig. 1(bottom). Neuron i receives the following
input from axon j:
i .
The neuron’s voltage is updated at each time step by
subtracting a leakage from its voltage and integrating the
synaptic input from all the axons:
When V [t] exceeds a threshold θ, the neuron produces
a spike (represented by a digital ‘1’ in its output) and its
voltage is reset to 0. We also enforce that negative voltages
are clipped back to 0 at the end of each time step (to replicate
a reversal potential of 0).