Word - building

a) Word - building - student2.ru Recall the meaning of the suffixes.

  Word - building - student2.ru

Noun + -ship

friend (друг) – friendship (дружба)

relation (отношение) – relationship (взаимоотношение)

Word - building - student2.ru

Word - building - student2.ru Adjective + -ty/ity


available (наличный) – availability (наличие)

calm(спокойный ) – сalmness (cпокойствие )

b) Translate the derivatives.

difficulty, happiness, readiness, weakness, reality, publicity, variety, willingness, usefulness, easiness, convertibility, ability, partnership, ownership,membership, leadership.

Read and translate. Guess the meaning of international words.

Business activity, producer, product planning, credit, marketing, strategy, marketing concept, to organize a company, a country's economy, politics, an international marketing plan.

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