Before Presentation

Having spent a lot of time preparing the talk itself, there are still a few things you can do at the last minute which will help ensure a successful presentation. Or, if you are the nervous type, help fill time . . .

1. Before the day begins, or last thing the night before, run through your talk once more. Use a mirror or visualize standing in front of an audience as you practice.

2. If you need specialized equipment, make sure it is available ahead of time – don't spring that information on your host at the last minute.

3. Irrespective of what your presentation medium might be, letting your presentation slides, disk, CD, etc. out of your sight before the presentation begins can lead to disaster.

4. If the room is large, or your voice small, use a microphone. Try it out before the audience arrives (blowing into the mike or counting '1-2-3' they have arrived is tacky, so don't do it).

5. Check to see that accessories are present; chalk, eraser, markers, and especially a pointer. If it is a laser pointer, does it have fresh batteries loaded?

6. Avoid standing behind a lectern or desk during the presentation. Stand to one side of the projection screen or blackboard, and closer to the audience if possible.

7. Moderate movement and hand gestures are OK, but avoid pacing and flapping.

8. Remember to check carefully your appearance before your talk.

5. В кожному реченні знайдіть помилку і виправте її. Речення перекладіть.

1. The price of furniture have risen dramatically in recent years.

2. He proudly told reporters that the company had produce software to prevent the recent increase in computer crime.

3. How many equipment do we need?

4. There isn’t many difference between this and last years’ sales.

5. You’d better to cancel tomorrow’s appointment.

6. Shall I to phone for a taxi for you?

7. Fruit is the small sector of the food market.

8. Tea is most favourite drink in Japan.

9. This year ice-cream sales are high that last year.

10. I’ll call you when I’ll be in the office.

6. Заповніть пропуски, якщо це необхідно, прийменниками, що подані у рамці. Речення перекладіть.

at from to (2) in on (4) of

1. Sales began the year _____ 30,000 units in February and increased slightly to 32,000 units in March.

2. The rise f units to 45000 in October resulted ______ the launch of the new autumn range.

3. There has been a huge increase ______ sales this year.

4. The government should spend more ______ education.

5. There should be higher taxes ______ education.

6. We saved a lot of money ______ our energy bills.

7. The sales rose from 5000 ______ 6000 in August.

8. We owed a lot of money ______ our suppliers.

9. We produce a wide range ______ products.

10. The goods arrived ______ the wrong day.

7. Перекладіть подані нижче речення англійською мовою.

1. Скількох робітників вони звільнили за погану роботу (performance)?

2. У США жінки виходять на пенсію у 60 років.

3. Скільки часу тобі потрібно, щоб завершити цю роботу?

4. У мене залишилося небагато грошей.

5. Наші ціни – найнижчі у цій області.

6. Хто відповідальний за цей проект?

7. Рівень продаж цього року нижчий за минулорічний.

8. Якщо у вас немає власних грошей, ви можете взяти позику в банку.

9. Цього року ми взяли на роботу 15 робітників.

10.Тобі краще відмінити сьогоднішню зустріч.

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