Made better to clean better

Nobody does the dishes better than the KitchenAid dishwasher. Not Other dishwashers. Not even you.

That's because the KitchenAid is made to apply more hot water under greater pressure to more of your dish surfaces.

In fact, the KitchenAid has 36 % more dishscrubbing power than the closest competitor.

Automatic hot water. The KitchenAid is built to heat the water lutomatically to approximately 150° - during each and every complete eycle. And really hot water is a key factor in getting really dirty dishes and those pots and pans sparkling clean.

More water power.

The KitchenAid high-pressure washing system has a four-way bottom wash arm (most dishwashers have only two), plus an upper-level power wash. That's your insurance that it gets the easy dirt off, and powers off (he really hard-to-remove dirt, too.

All over your dishes.

The KitchenAid wash system is virtually block-proof. No matter how you load your dirty dishes, nothing gets in the way of getting them clean.

The KitchenAid dishwasher is not only made to do the dishes better. Il'i built to do the dishes better - load after load, year after year. For more Information, write to Hobart Corporation, Troy, Ohio 45374.

№ 17. Read a travel advertisement inviting people who came to Cyprus jot holidays to visit some cities (towns). Then make up apiece of information advertising some Ukrainian places of interest to attract foreign tourists.

Welcome to Cyprus! The island of Gods and Saints, rich history, customs and traditions. It is here where imagination meets desire, legends merge with reality.

Here are some places worth visiting while being in Cyprus.

Lefkosia (Nicosia) lies in the centre of the island and became the capital in the XIlh century. Its historical past with a royal palace, over 50 churches, the Venetian walls, medieval buildings, Byzantine monasteries of bygone times blend with hustle and bustle of a modern city.

Pafos is included in the official UNESCO cultural treasures of world heritage. The goddess Aphrodite herself emerged from its seas. Pafos used to be the capital of Cyprus in Roman times. Here one can visit Ethnographic Museum, Cyprus Handicraft Centre, Tombs of the Kings.

Larnaka. a town with an easy-going pace, has its glorious past. It is the birthplace of the philosopher Zeno, the founder of the Stoic school. It is here that Saint Lazarus lived, worked and built his church. In the XVIII"1 century it was one of commercial centers of Europe due to its port. Larnaka of to-day has delightful

palm promenade, the fort. The salt lake, a favourite stopover for thousands of migrant birds in winter, gives Larnaka a special unique character.

In his time Leonardo da Vinci himself came to Cyprus and was charmed by its nature and handicraft of its people.

Тематичне заняття №18

Module test paper №3

Тематичне заняття № 19-20

Text A: Marketing

Text B: Marketing Channels

Grammar: The Personal and Possessive Pronouns The Present Indefinite, Continuous and Perfect Tenses

Read the following words and word combinations and learn their meanings by heart:

a producer - виробник a consumer - споживач distribution — розподіл, збут marketing - маркетинг, збут, продаж storage - зберігання a price - ціна

promotion - стимулювання

promotion of goods (products) - впровадження товару an exchange - обмін needs, wants, demand - попит a need - потреба

to recognise a trend - розпізнати тенденцію marketing mix - маркетинговий комплекс advertising of goods —рекламування товарів complex - складний likings - уподобання searching of market - пошуки ринку introduction - впровадження to rise (prices) — підніматися to fall (prices) - падати


Marketing is an activity that includes different kinds of business dealings with the movement of goods and services from producer to consumer. It surrounds our everyday life.

Marketing is a very complex process. It includes such activities as product planning, storage, buying, pricing, promotion, selling, traffic, distribution of ideas and research.

What is Marketing? Marketing experts and scientists working in this field, more often disagree with the definition of Marketing. Let us consider here the two definitions given by the two well-known specialists in this field.

Philip Kotler: "Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others."

Peter Drucker: "Marketing is the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer."

"The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customers so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself."

The ability to know some new wants and demands of customers, to recognise new trends and developments is very important in marketing. Those who produce must know what goods and services, where, for what prices, why, for what purpose their customers would like to buy. Marketing research in this respect helps producers very much.

The ABC of marketing is the so-called Marketing Mix. It includes the Four P's: product, price, place and promotion.

Place means the location of certain goods and services as well as distribution of them.

Promotion includes all kinds of communication in marketing, say, advertising, sales, direct mail, free additions, testers, fairs and shows to advertise new products and services, telemarketing with telephone sales, newspaper ads, etc. Promotion is considered to be, perhaps, the most complex element in the Four P's. It should be kept in mind that different groups and sections of people have different likings and dislikings. You have to take it into account making all goods and services appeal to different customers.

The third element in Marketing Mix is Product (Service). It is often connected with research and development of a new product or service, testing it to know for quality, searching the potential markets and, after all, introduction to the market.

Each product has its own "product life cycle". These cycles are different for different products, however, there are 4 stages of "life cycle" for each product. They are: introduction, growth, maturity and decline.

It should be noted that Product is the most controllable of the four elements of Marketing Mix.

The most changeable element of all the four is Price. The definition of price is exchange of something of value for something else. It is as simple us that. And it is very important for customers. As prices rise we can buy fewer things or only things of lesser quality. On the contrary, as prices fall customers can buy more things or things of better quality.

№ 3. Answer the following questions:


1. What do you understand under the word Marketing?

2. What does it include and what meanings of this word do you know?

3. Give the definition of Ph. Kotler. Comment it.

4. Give the definition of P. Drucker. Compare it with that of Ph. Kotler. Which of the two is better? Why?

5. What elements does Marketing Mix include?

6. What does Place in the Four P's mean?

7. What does Promotion include?

8. What is the third element of Marketing Mix?

9. What is the most flexible element?

10. What is the most complex element?

11. What does the so-called "product life cycle" include?

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