To deal with - иметь дело с..
Hardware - аппаратура
computer - компьютер
software - программное обеспечение
process word - обрабатывать слова
powerful - мощный
early history - ранняя история
drive - привод
calculating machine - калькулятор
processor - процессор
vacuum tube - вакуумная трубка
memory - память
capacity - мощность
revenue - оборот
to occupy - занимать
to guide - управлять
laptop computer - портативный компьютер
to control - контролировать
transistor - транзистор
business - бизнес
microchip - микрочип
science - наука
microprocessor - микропроцессор
to store - складировать
Exercise 1
Ответить на вопросы:
1. What modern computers can do?
2. From what time the early history of the computers can be traced?
3. Who was the inventor of the calculating machine?
4. When did crucial breakthrough in the computing come?
5. When did the transistor replace the vacuum tube?
6. What was the advantage of the vacuum tube?
7. What are the functions of the microchip and microprocessor in the computer?
8. What industry was the fastest growing in 1992?
9. What are the worldwide revenues of the computer industry today?
10. Did computers become the heart of modern business, science, medical research, industry and agriculture?
11. When did computers become progressively smaller, better and cheaper?
12. With what you can compare the worldwide revenues of the computer industry?
Exercise 2
Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:
Иметь дело с цифрами; ранняя история; современные компьютеры; выполнять функции; теоретически; площадь равная; паровой двигатель; более практичный план; вычислительная машина; впечатляющий; портативный компьютер; транзистор; более быстрый; более дешевый; персональный компьютер; большие драйверы; более быстрые процессоры; большая память; ежегодные обороты; управлять самолетами; контролировать дорожное движение.
Exercise 3
Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:
Computers were first designed to deal with numbers.
2. Modern computers process words, draw, reproduce sound and perform many other functions.
3. American inventor Herman Hollerith patented a calculating machine in 1889.
4. British developed a computer using vacuum tubes.
5. A crucial step forward in computing came in 1947 with the invention of a transistor.
6. The microchip was invented along with the microprocessor.
7. The microchip allowed the information to be stored and manipulated in a small area.
8. During 1980’s, computers became progressively smaller, better and cheaper.
9. Hardware became more powerful and software became more sophisticated.
10. In 1992 the computer industry was the fastest growing industry in the world.
11.Worldwide revenues of the computer industry is the second only to
agricultural revenues.
12. Computers guide airplanes.
13. Computers became the heart of modern business.
Exercise 4
Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:
1. Современные компьютеры используются во всех отраслях народного хозяйства.
2. Наиболее практичный план построения парового двигателя пришел от английского изобретателя Джеймса Ватта.
3. Мощность данного компьютера равна 1% мощности самых современных компьютеров.
4. Программное обеспечение для компьютеров можно купить в магазинах города.
5. Компьютеры управляют космическими кораблями.
Практически все банки оборудованы компьютерами.
Exercise 5
Составьте рассказ об истории компьютера используя синонимы к основной лексике данного урока (правая колонка):
1. to compute - to calculate, to add, to multiply, to divide
2. inventor - discoverer, originator, creator, architect,
3. equal - equivalent, identical, like, alike, the same
4. part - fraction, element, ingredient, piece,
component, branch
5. successful - winning, victorious, triumphant, unbeaten,
flourishing, doing well, booming
6. patented - original, untested, unproved
7. vacuum - void, space, emptiness, nothingness,
blankness, vacuity
8. enigma - mystery, riddle,, puzzle
9. sophisticated - complicated, stylish, difficult, classy, chic
10. microchip - chip, microprocessor, computer chip, memory
chip, central processing unit
11. personal - individual, private, not public, own, special
12. capacity - ability, capability, aptitude, power
13. computer - processor, central processing unit, mainframe,
supercomputer, workstation, PC, laptop.
14. progressively - increasingly, more and more, with time,
- gradually ever more, little by little
15. guide - direct, show, steer, lead, conduct, point
16. control - manage, organize, be in charge of, direct,
power, be in command of, have power over.
Exercise 6
Расскажите, что вы знаете о компьютере ( история, этапы развития, современные компьютеры, возможности современного компьютеры, его использование и т.д.)
Text B
Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)
DEC is amajor manufacturer of computers and related products based in Maynard, Massachusetts. Digital’s products include personal computers, microprocessors, servers, network systems, mainframe computers, printers, and software. The company also provides a variety of services, such as planning and managing computer networks for other companies.
Kenneth Olsen and Harlan Anderson, engineers and graduates of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, founded Digital in 1957. They concentrated on creating computers and computer products that could be used by people other than computer programmers. Digital introduced its first computer, the PDP-1 (Programmable Data Processor 1), in 1960. The PDP-1 featured a cathode-ray tube monitor and was substantially smaller than the standard mainframe computers of the time. Although it sold for around $120,000 the PDP-1 was much less expensive than mainframes, which then cost about $1 million.
In 1965 Digital introduced the PDP-8, one of the first minicomputers, which at $18,500 was one of the least expensive computers on the market at the time. By 1973 the PDP-8 was the largest-selling computer in the world. Customers for the PDP-8 and subsequent models included university computing facilities and research labs. The PDP-11, introduced in 1970, sold extremely well and was not discontinued until 1997.
During much of the 1970s and 1980s, Digital ranked second to International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) in the overall computer market. In the late 1970s Digital developed the VAX line of computers, which offered more power than previous minicomputers and an operating system that simplified software development. The VAX line sparked renewed growth in sales.
Digital’s profits began to decrease in the late 1980s as competition in the computer industry increased. Digital also was late in entering the market for personal computers, which emerged as the industry’s leading product. In 1991 the company lost money for the first time, forcing its first large-scale layoffs. In 1992 Olsen, who had guided the company from its creation, resigned as chief executive officer. After more financial losses, the company avoided collapse by reducing costs and cutting thousands of jobs.
In 1995 the company introduced an Internet search engine called AltaVista, which became one of the most widely used search engines on the World Wide Web. Digital also created alliances with other leading corporations in the computer industry to use Digital’s 64-bit Alpha microprocessor, the AltaVista search engine, and other network products.
Words and expressions
computer - компьютер
microprocessor - микропроцессор
server - сервер
network systems - сетевые системы
printer - принтер
computer programmers - компьютерные программы
mainframe computers - базовый компьютер
least expensive - менее дорогой
largest-selling - наиболее продаваемый
research labs - исследовательские лаборатории
computer market - компьютерный рынок
operating system - операционная система
competition - конкуренция
personal computer - персональный компьютер
collapse - банкротство
Internet search engine - двигатель поиска для интернета
World Wide Web - мировая компьютерная сеть
network products - сетевые продукты
Exercise 1
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Is Digital Equipment Corporation amajor manufacturer of computers and related products?
2. What do Digital’s products include?
3. What kind of services does the company provide?
4. When did Kenneth Olsen and Harlan Anderson establish the Digital company?
5. When did Digital introduce its first computer?
6. What product of Digital was one of the least expensive computers on the market at the time?
7. Did Digital rank second to International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) in the overall computer market?
8. When did Digital’s profits begin to decrease in the computer industry and what was the reason of it?
9. How did the company avoid the collapse in 1990-th?
10. When did the company introduce an Internet search engine called AltaVista?
Exercise 2
Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:
Компьютерная промышленность; рынок; менее дорогие компьютеры; представлять; прибыль; крах; основной производитель; компьютерные программы; миникомпьютеры; интернет; хорошо продаваемый продукт; нести убытки; широкомасштабные увольнения; последующие модели; университетские лаборатории.
Exercise 3
Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:
1. DEC is amajor manufacturer of computers and related products.
2. The company also provides a variety of services?
3. Kenneth Olsen and Harlan Anderson founded Digital in 1957.
4. The first computer of DEC was substantially smaller than the standard mainframe computers of the time.
5. PDP-8 was one of the least expensive computers on the market at the time.
6. PDP-8 was the largest-selling computer in the world.
7. During much of the 1970s and 1980s, Digital ranked second to International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) in the overall computer market.
8. Digital’s profits began to decrease in the late 1980s.
9. In 1991 the company lost money for the first time.
10. In 1995 the company introduced an Internet search engine called AltaVista.
11. AltaVista is one of the most widely used search engines on the World Wide Web.
12. Digital created alliances with other leading corporations in computer industry.
Exercise 4
Расскажите, что вы знаете о компании DEC (основатели, этапы развития, продукты компании, рынки, конкуренция и т.д.)
Text C
Metric System
Metric System is a decimal system of physical units based on the unit of length the meter. Introduced and adopted by law in France in the 1790s, later the metric system was adopted as a common system of weights and measures by a majority of countries, and it was adopted by all countries as the system used in scientific work.
The meter (m), which is approximately 39,37 inches, was originally defined as one ten-millionth of the distance from the equator to the North Pole on the line running through Paris. Between 1762 and 1799, French scientists measured part of this distance. Treating the earth as a perfect sphere, they then estimated the total distance and divided it into ten-millionth. Later when it was discovered that the earth is not a perfect sphere the standard meter was defined as the distance between two fine lines marked on a bar of platinum-iridium alloy, the international prototype meter.
All metric units were originally derived from the meter, but by 1900 the metric system began to be based on the (meter-kilogram-second) system. Later a unit of the electromagnetic system, the ampere, was added to form the MKSA (meter-kilogram-second-ampere) system. Because of the need of science for small units, cgs (centimeter-gram second) came into use. The unit of volume, the liter, was originally defined as 1 cubic decimeter (cdm3), but in 1901 it was redefined as the volume occupied by a kilogram of water at 4 degrees C; in 1964 the original definition (cdm3) was restored.
The United States uses inches, feet, miles, pounds, tons, and gallons as units of length, weight, and volume for common measurements. In the USA several attempts were made to bring the metric system into general use. In 1965 the Great Britain became the first of the English-speaking countries to begin an organized effort to abandon the older units of measurement. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa quickly followed and soon exceeded the speed of change in Great Britain. In 1971, after and extensive study, the US secretary of commerce recommended that the United states convert to metric units under a ten-year voluntary plan. On December 23, 1975 President Gerald Ford signed the Metric Conversion Act of 1975.
Words and expressions
metric - метрический
system - система
decimal - десятичный
unit - единица, величина
common - общий
metric system - метрическая система
majority of countries - большинство стран
measure - измерять
estimate - оценивать, рассчитывать
to be based - основываться
distance - расстояние
length - длинна
weight - вес
volume - объем
inch - дюйм
gallon - галлон ( равный 3,785 литра)
define - определять
effort - усилие
follow - следовать
exceed - превышать, обгонять
convert - переходить, переводить
Exercise 1
Ответить на вопросы:
1. When was the metric system adopted first?
2. How can you explain the meaning of the metric system?
3. Who were the first to define the meter?
4. What was it equal to?
5. How 1 liter initially was defined?
6. What units do United States use for common measurements?
7. What were the English-speaking countries that followed the UK in an organized effort to abandon the older units of measurements?
8. When did the United States officially convert to Metric system of measurements?
9. What system of measurements does Russia use?
Exercise 2
Переведите на английский язык следующие слова и выражения:
Общая система; большинство стран; измерить часть расстояния;
длина линейки; ширина двери; объем стакана; общее применение; объем этой бутылки равен 2 литрам; расстояние от экватора да северного полюса.
Exercise 3
Составьте рассказ о метрической системе измерений, используя синонимы данные в правой колонке к основной лексике текста “Metric System”.
1. scientific - technical, methodical, systematic, logical, precise,
exact, controlled.
2. line - raw, column, procession, stripe, contour.
3. perfect - ideal, just right, faultless.
4. sphere - ball, globe, bubble.
5. meter - gauge, indicator, measuring device.
6. derived - resulting, resultant, consequent.
7. system - classification, arrangement, structure, method.
8. volume - size, capacity, amount, quantity, degree.
9. effort - attempt, try, endeavour, shot, exertion.
Exercise 4
Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:
1. Metric System is a decimal system of physical units.
2. Metric system was adopted as a common system of weights and measures by a majority of countries.
3. Metric system was adopted by all countries as the system used in scientific work.
4. The meter (m) was originally defined as one ten-millionth of the distance from the equator to the North Pole.
5. Later when it was defined as the distance between two fine lines marked on a bar of platinum-iridium alloy.
6. All metric units were originally derived from the meter.
7. The United States uses inches, feet, miles, pounds, tons, and gallons as units of length, weight, and volume for common measurements.
8. Several attempts were made in the USA to bring the metric system into general use.
9. Great Britain became the first of the English-speaking countries to begin an organized effort to abandon the older units of measurement.
10. The United States started to convert to metric units under a ten-year voluntary plan.
Exercise 5
Расскажите, что вы знаете о метрической системе измерений.
Text D
International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)
IBM is an American computer manufacturer, with headquarters in Armonk, New York. The company is a major supplier of information-processing products and systems, software, communications systems, workstations, and related supplies and services in the United States and around the world. Its products are used in a wide variety of industries, including business, government, science, defense, education, medicine, and space exploration.
The company was incorporated in 1911 as Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company in a merger of three smaller companies. After further acquisitions, it absorbed the International Business Machines Corporation in 1924 and assumed that company’s name. Thomas Watson arrived that same year and began to build the floundering company into an industrial giant. IBM soon became the country’s largest manufacturer of time clocks and developed and marketed the first electric typewriter. In 1951 the company entered the computer field. The development of IBM’s technology was largely funded by contracts with the U.S. government’s Atomic Energy Commission, and close parallels existed between products made for government use and those introduced by IBM into the public marketplace. In the late 1950s IBM distinguished itself with two innovations: the concept of a family of computers (its 360 family) in which the same software could be run across the entire family; and a corporate policy dictating that no customer would be allowed to fail in implementing an IBM system. This policy spawned enormous loyalty to “Big Blue,” as IBM came to be called.
From the 1960s until the 1980s IBM dominated the global market for mainframe computers, although in the 1980s IBM lost market share to other manufacturers in specialty areas such as high-performance computing. When minicomputers were introduced in the 1970s IBM viewed them as a threat to the mainframe market and failed to recognize their potential, opening the door for such competitors as Digital Equipment Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Company, and Data General.
In 1981 IBM introduced its first personal computer, the IBM PC, which rapidly became a standard in micro computing. The company’s market share dropped, however, after competitors introduced IBM-compatible computers at a lower price.
In the late 1980s IBM introduced its first personal computer, including typewriters and photocopiers. The company was also the largest manufacturer of integrated circuits, all of which were used in its own products. The sale of mainframe computers and related software and peripherals accounted for nearly half of IBM’s business and about 70 to 80 percent of its profits.
In the early 1990s, amid a recession in the U.S. economy, IBM reorganized itself into autonomous business units more closely aligned to the company’s markets. The company suffered record losses in 1992 and, for the first time in its history, IBM cut stock dividends (to less than half of their previous value). John F. Akers, chairman of IBM since 1985, resigned in early 1993. Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., was named chairman of the company later that year. In 1995, IBM paid $3.5 billion to acquire Lotus Development Corporation, a software company, expanding its presence in the software industry.
In 1997 an IBM supercomputer known as Deep Blue defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov in a six-game chess match. The victory was hailed as a milestone in the development of artificial intelligence.
Words and expressions
Headquarters - штаб квартира
Major supplier - основной поставщик
Information processing - обработка информации
Communications systems - системы связи
wide variety - широкое разнообразие
Space exploration - исследование космоса
Industrial giant - промышленный гигант
Electric typewriter - электрическая пишущая машина
Global market - мировой рынок
Competitor - конкурент
Full line of computers - полная линия компьютеров
Profits - прибыли
Integrated circuits - интегрированные сети
Peripheral - периферия
Record losses - рекордные потери
supercomputer - суперкомпьютер
artificial intelligence - искусственный интеллект
Exercise 1
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What can you say about the International Business Machines Corporation (IBM)?
2. Is IBM a major supplier of information-processing products and systems, software and communications systems?
3. When and where IBM was founded?
4. In what industries are IBM products used?
5. Was the company incorporated in 1911 as Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company?
6. Did it absorb the International Business Machines Corporation in 1924 and assumed that company’s name?
7. Who was to begin to build the floundering company into an industrial giant?
8. Did IBM soon become the country’s largest manufacturer of time clocks?
9. When did IBM enter the computer field?
10. How did IBM distinguish itself in the late 1950-th?
11. When did IBM dominate the global market for mainframe computers?
12. Are Digital Equipment Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Company, and Data General serious competitors for IBM? Prove it.
13. When did IBM introduce its first personal computer?
14. What company is the world’s largest manufacturer of integrated circuits?
15. When did IBM suffer record losses?
16. Did IBM computer defeated the world chess champion Garry Kasparov in a six-game chess match? When did it happen?
Exercise 2
Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:
Производитель компьютеров; основной поставщик; информационные системы; сопутствующие поставки; услуги; во всем мире; широкое разнообразие; компания была основана; поглотила; промышленный гигант; продукция , изготавливаемая по заказу правительства; корпоративная политика; доминировать на мировом рынке; потенциал; персональный компьютер; по более низким ценам; спад в экономике; рекордные потери.
Exercise 3
Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:
1. IBM is an American computer manufacturer.
2. The company is a major supplier of information-processing products.
3. Its products are used in a wide variety of industries.
4. The company was incorporated in 1911.
5. In 1951 the company entered the computer field.
6. The development of IBM’s technology was largely funded by contracts with the U.S. government’s.
7. From the 1960s until the 1980s IBM dominated the global market for mainframe computers.
8. In 1981 IBM introduced its first personal computer.
9. The company was also the largest manufacturer of integrated circuits.
10. The company suffered record losses in 1992.
11. The victory of supercomputer over Garry Casparov was recognized as a development of artificial intelligence.
Exercise 4
Расскажите, что вы знаете о компании IBM (основатели компании, основные вехи развития, производимая продукция, место в мировом компьютерном рынке и т.д.)
Text A.
Electricity (History)
The first machine for producing an electric charge was described in 1672 by the German physicist Otto von Guericke. It consisted of a sulfur sphere turned by a crank on which a charge was induced when the hand was held against it.
The French scientist Charles Fransois de Cisternay Du Fay was the first to make clear the two different types of electric charge: positive and negative.
Benjamin Franklin spent much time in electrical research. His famous kite experiment proved that the atmospheric electricity that causes the phenomena of lightning and thunder is identical with the electrostatic charge on a Leyden jar. Franklin developed a theory that electricity is a single “fluid” existing in all matter, and that its effects can be explained by excesses and shortages of this fluid.
The British chemist Joseph Priestley proved the law that the force between electric charges varies inversely with the square of the distance between the charges experimentally in 1766. Priestley also demonstrated that an electric charge distributes itself uniformly over the surface of a hollow metal sphere, and that no charge and no electric field of force exists within such a sphere.
Charles Augustin de Coulomb invented a torsion balance to measure accurately the force exerted by electrical charges. With this apparatus he confirmed Priestley's observations and showed that the force between two charges is also proportional to the product of the individual charges. Faraday, who made many contributions to the study of electricity in the early 19th century, was also responsible for the theory of electric lines of force.
The Italian physicists Luigi Galvani and Alessandro Volta conducted the first important experiments in electrical currents. Galvani produced muscle contraction in the legs of frogs by applying an electric current to them. Volta in 1800 announced the first artificial electrochemical source of potential difference, a form of electric battery.
The Danish scientist Hans Christian Oersted demonstrated the fact that a magnetic field exists around an electric current flow in 1819. In 1831 Faraday proved that a current flowing in a coil of wire could induce electromagnetically a current in a nearby coil. About 1840 James Prescott Joule and the German scientist Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz demonstrated that electric circuits obey the law of the conservation of energy and that electricity is a form of energy.
An important contribution to the study of electricity in the 19th century was the work of the British mathematical physicist James Clerk Maxwell, who investigated the properties of electromagnetic waves and light and developed the theory that the two are identical. His work paved the way for the German physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, who produced and detected electric waves in the atmosphere in 1886.
The Dutch physicist Hendrik Antoon Lorentz first advanced the electron theory, which is the basis of modern electrical theory in 1892. The widespread use of electricity as a source of power is largely due to the work of such pioneering American engineers and inventors as Thomas Alva Edison, Nikola Tesla, and Charles Proteus Steinmetz.
Words and expressions
electric charge - электрический заряд
sphere - шар
crank - заводная ручка, рычаг
to be induced - быть индуцированным
positive charge - положительный заряд
negative charge - отрицательный заряд
kite experiment - змейковый эксперимент
atmospheric electricity - атмосферное электричество
lightning - молния
thunder - гром
electrostatic charge - электростатический заряд
Leyden jar - лейденская банка
square of the distance - квадрат расстояния
to distribute - распределять
electrical current - электрический ток
magnetic field - магнитное поле
to induce - индуцировать
electromagnetic waves - электромагнитные волны
electron theory - теория электронов
widespread use - широкое использование
source of power - источник энергии
to vary inversely - изменяться обратно
Exercise 1
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Who was the first physicist to describe the first machine for producing an electric charge?
2. What was the name of the first scientist who made clear the two different types of electric charge?
3. Who proved the identity of the atmospheric electricity with the electrostatic charge on a Leyden jar?
4. What is the British chemist Joseph Priesley is famous for?
5. Who was responsible for the theory of electric lines of force?
6. What kids of an experiment related to electric current did Italian physicists Luigi Galvani and Allesandro Volta conduct?
7. Does the magnetic field exist around the electric current?
8. Who proved the fact of the magnetic field’s existence around the current?
9. Do electric circuits obey the law of the conservation of energy?
10. Who proved that the electricity is a form of energy?
11. What contributions to the study of electricity James Clerk Maxwell and Heidrik Rudolf Hertz did?
12. What are the names of American engineers and inventors who pioneered the widespread use of electricity as a source of power?
Exercise 2
Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:
Электрический заряд; два различных типа; положительный; отрицательный; эксперимент; исследования в области электричества; атмосферное электричество; молния; электростатический заряд; избыток; недостаток; сила; квадрат расстояния; распределять; измерять; наблюдения; теория электрических линий; искусственный; электрохимический источник; электрические волны; теория электронов; основа современной электрической теории.
Exercise 3
Закончите предложения подходящими по смыслу словосочетаниями:
1. The first machine for producing an electric a) James Watt
Charge was described by … b) Alfred Nobel
c) Otto von Guericke
2. There are two different types of electric a) soft and hard
charge … b) negative and positive
c) black and white
1. An electric charge distributes itself a) hollow metal sphere
Uniformly over the surface of … b) flat piece of wood
c) a Leyden jar
4. A magnetic field exists around … a) storage battery
b) electric current flow
c) the neighborhood
5. Electric circuits obey the law of … a) gravitation
b) energy conservation
c) Newton
6. The properties of electromagnetic waves a) controversial
and light are … b) negative
c) identical
7. The widespread use of electricity as a a) Albert Einstein
source of power is largely due to the b) Thomas Edison
work of … c) Nicola Tesla
Exercise 3
Закончите предложения подходящими по смыслу словосочетаниями:
2. The first machine for producing an electric a) James Watt
Charge was described by … b) Alfred Nobel
c) Otto von Guericke
2. There are two different types of electric a) soft and hard
charge … b) negative and positive
c) black and white
2. An electric charge distributes itself a) hollow metal sphere
Uniformly over the surface of … b) flat piece of wood
c) a Leyden jar
4. A magnetic field exists around … a) storage battery
b)an electric current flow
c) the neighborhood
5. Electric circuits obey the law of … a) gravitation
b) energy conservation
c) Newton
8. The properties of electromagnetic waves a) controversial
and light are … b) negative
c) identical
9. The widespread use of electricity as a a) Albert Einstein
source of power is largely due to the b) Thomas Edison
work of … c) Nicola Tesla
Exercise 4
Поставьте предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах
1. The first machine for producing an electric charge was produced in 1672.
2. Two different types of electric charge exist.
3. The phenomena of lightning and thunder are identical with the electrostatic charge.
4. Electric charge distributes itself uniformly over the surface of a metal sphere.
5. The force between two charges is proportional to the product of the individual charges.
6. A magnetic field exists around an electric current flow.
7. A current flowing in a coil of wire can induce electromagnetically a current in a nearby coil.
8. Electricity is a form of energy.
9. Properties of electromagnetic waves and light are identical.
10. The electron theory is the basis of modern electrical theory.
Exercise 5
Составьте предложения, используя данные слова и словосочетания:
1. Different; charge; types; positive; negative.
2. Electricity; atmospheric; lightning; thunder; phenomena; causes.
3. Electric; distributes; charge; itself; surface; over the; uniformly.
4. Conduct; experiments; current; electric.
5. Contributions; electricity; study; in 19th century.
6. Energy; electricity; form.
7. Modern; electrical theory; electron theory; basis.
8. Source; power; use; widespread; electricity.
Exercise 6
Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:
1. Существуют два вида электрических зарядов: положительный и отрицательный.
2. Его эксперименты доказали, что атмосферное электричество, вызывающее феномен молнии и грома, идентично электростатическому заряду «лейденской банки».
3. Сила между электрическими зарядами изменяется обратно пропорционально квадрату расстояния между зарядами.
4. Этот ученый внес большой вклад в развитие учения об электричестве.
5. Электричество является формой энергии.
6. Электрические цепи подчиняются законам сохранения энергии.
7. Свойства электромагнитных волн.
8. Широкое применение электричества как источника энергии произошло в начале прошлого века.
Exercise 7
Расскажите, что вы знаете об истории электричества (этапах развития, ученых связанных с наукой об электричестве, изобретателях и т.д.).
Text B
Current Electricity
If two equally and oppositely charged bodies are connected by a metallic conductor such as a wire, the charges neutralize each other. This neutralization is accomplished by means of a flow of electrons through the conductor from the negatively charged body to the positively charged one. (In some branches of electrical engineering, electric current has been conventionally assumed to flow in the opposite direction, that is, from positive to negative.) In any continuous system of conductors, electrons will flow from the point of lowest potential to the point of highest potential. A system of this kind is called an electric current. The current flowing in a circuit is described as direct current (DC) if it flows continuously in one direction, and as alternating current (AC) if it flows alternately in either direction.
Three interdependent quantities determine the flow of direct currents. The first is the potential difference in the circuit, which is sometimes called the electromotive force (emf) or voltage. The second is the rate of current flow. This quantity is usually given in terms of the ampere, which corresponds to a flow of about 6 250 000 000 000 000 000 electrons per sec past any point of the circuit. The third quantity is the resistance of the circuit. Under ordinary conditions all substances, conductors as well as nonconductors, offer some opposition to the flow of an electric current, and this resistance necessarily limits the current. The unit used for expressing the quantity of resistance is the ohm (V), which is defined as the amount of resistance that will limit the flow of current to 1 amp, in a circuit with a potential difference of 1 V. This relationship is known as Ohm's law and is named after the German physicist George Simon Ohm, who discovered the law in 1827. Ohm's law may be stated in the form of the algebraic equation E = I x R, in which E is the electromotive force in volts, I is the current in amperes, and R is the resistance in ohms. From this equation any of the three quantities for a given circuit can be calculated if the other two quantities are known. Another formulation of Ohm's law is I = E/R.
When an electric current flows through a wire, two important effects can be observed: the temperature of the wire is raised, and a magnet or a compass needle placed near the wire will be deflected, tending to point in a direction perpendicular to the wire. As the current flows, the electrons making up the current collide with the atoms of the conductor and give up energy, which appears in the form of heat. The amount of energy expended in an electric circuit is expressed in terms of the joule.
Words and expressions
equal - равный
charged bodies - заряженные частицы
metallic conductor - металлический проводник
neutralize - нейтрализовать
flow of electrons - поток электронов
conductor - проводник
negatively charged - негативно заряженный
electron - электрон
positively charged - положительно заряженный
electrical engineering - электротехника
electric current - электрический ток
direct current (DC) - постоянный ток
alternating current (AC) - переменный ток
electromotive force (emf) - электродвижущая сила
resistance - сопротивление
conductor - проводник
quantity of resistance - размер сопротивления
algebraic equation - алгебраическое уравнение
compass needle - стрелка компаса
Exercise 1
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Do the charges neutralize each other if two equally and oppositely charged bodies are connected by a metallic conductor?
2. Is this neutralization accomplished by means of a flow of electrons or by any other mean?
3. In which direction electrons will flow in any continuous system of conductors?
4. How do we call the current if it flows continuously in one direction?
5. How do we call the current if it flows alternately in either direction?
6. What is called as the electromotive force (emf) or voltage?
7. What quantity is usually given in terms of the ampere?
8. How do we call the unit used for expressing the quantity of resistance?
9. What relationship is known as Ohm's law?
10.What can be observed when an electric current flows through a wire?
11. In what unit of measurement the amount of energy expended in an electric circuit is expressed?
Exercise 2
Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:
Противоположено заряженный; металлический проводник; заряд; поток электронов; проводник; электротехника; непрерывная система; низший потенциал; высший потенциал; электрический ток; ампер; соответствовать; сопротивление; обычные условия; закон Ома; уравнение; формулировка; температура проволоки; атомы; измерять.
Exercise 3
Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:
1. Two equally and oppositely charged bodies are connected by a metallic conductor.
2. The charges neutralize each other.
3. Electrons flow through the conductor from the negatively charged body to the positively charged one.
4. Electrons flow from the point of lowest potential to the point of highest potential.
5. The current flowing continuously in a circuit in one direction is described as direct current (DC)?
6. Potential difference in the circuit is called the electromotive force (emf) or voltage.
7. The second is the rate of current flow.
8. The temperature of the wire is raised.
9. The electrons making up the current collide with the atoms.
10. The amount of energy expended in an electric circuit is expressed in terms of the joule.
Exercise 4
Составьте предложения, используя данные слова и словосочетания:
1. Metallic conductor; connected; neutralize; charged; bodies.
2. Electrical; engineering; current; electrical; opposite; positive; negative.
3. Flow; second; rate; current.
4. Limits; resistance; current; necessarily.
5. Law; can be stated; equation; Ohm’s.
6. Collide; atoms; electrons; conductor; energy.
7. Joule; energy; amount; expended; circuit; electric.
8. Needle; compass; placed; deflected; magnet.
Exercise 5
Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:
1. Равные и противоположено заряженные тела соединены между собой металлическим проводником.
2. Поток электронов от отрицательно заряженного тела к положительно заряженному телу.
3. Поток электронов от точки с низшим потенциалом к точке с высшим потенциалом.
4. Сопротивление в сети ограничивает величину тока.
5. Закон Ома можно выразить в виде следующего алгебраического уравнения.
6. При прохождении электрического тока по проводу, температура провода повышается.
7. При столкновении электронов тока с атомами проводника образуется энергия.
8. Стрелка компаса расположенного рядом с проводом будет отклоняться в направлении перпендикулярном проводу.
Exercise 6
Расскажите, что вы знаете об электрическом токе.
Text C
Electric Power Systems.
The production and transmission of energy in the form of electricity have important economic advantages in terms of cost per unit of power delivered. Electric power systems also make possible the utilization of hydroelectric power at a distance from the source. Alternating current (AC) is generally used in modern power systems, because it may be easily converted to higher or lower voltages by means of transformers. Thus, each stage of the system can be operated at an appropriate voltage. Such an electric power system consists of six main elements: the power station; a set of transformers to raise the generated power to the high voltages used on the transmission lines; the transmission lines; the substations at which the power is stepped down to the voltage on the sub transmission lines; the sub transmission lines; and the transformers that lower the sub transmission voltage to the level used by the consumer's equipment.
In a typical system the generators at the central station deliver a voltage of from 1000 to 26,000 volts (V); higher voltages are undesirable because of difficulties of insulation and the danger of electrical breakdown and damage. This voltage is stepped up by means of transformers to values ranging from 138,000 to 765,000 V for the primary transmission line. At the substation the voltage may be transformed down to levels of 69,000 to 138,000 V for further transfer on the sub transmission system. Transformers step down the voltage again to a distribution level. Finally the voltage is transformed once again at the distribution transformer near the point of use to 240 or 120 V.
The central station of a power system consists of a prime mover, such as a water or steam turbine, which operates an electric generator. Most of the world's electric power in the early 1990s was generated in steam plants driven by coal, oil, nuclear energy, or gas, with lesser percentages generated by hydroelectric, diesel, and internal-combustion plants.
The lines of high-voltage transmission systems are usually composed of wires of copper, aluminum, which are suspended from tall latticework towers of steel by strings of porcelain insulators. By the use of clad steel wires and high towers, the distance between towers can be increased, and the cost of the transmission line thus reduced. In modern installations with essentially straight paths, high-voltage lines may be built with as few as eight towers to the kilometer. In some areas high-voltage lines are suspended from tall wooden poles spaced more closely together. For lower voltage sub transmission and distribution lines, wooden poles are generally used rather than steel towers. In cities and other areas where open lines create a hazard, insulated underground cables are used for distribution. Any electric-distribution system involves a large amount of supplementary equipment for the protection of generators, transformers, and the transmission lines themselves. The system often includes devices designed to regulate the voltage delivered to consumers and to correct the power factor of the system.
Words and expressions
transmission of energy - передача энергии
economic advantage - экономическая выгода
utilization - использование
source - источник
alternating current - переменный ток
power systems - энергетические системы
lower voltage - более низкое напряжение
to consist of - состоять из
to raise the power - повышать напряжение
transmission line - передающая линия
to step down - понижать
the consumer's equipment - оборудование потребителя
electrical breakdown - выход из строя эл. оборудования
distribution level - уровень распределения
copper - медь
aluminum - алюминий
porclain insulator - керамический изолятор
underground cables - подземные кабеля
supplementary equipment - обязательное оборудование protection - защита
power factor - коэффициент мощности
Exercise 1
Ответьте на вопросы:
1. Can we state that the production and transmission of energy in the form of electricity is an important economic advantage?
2. Do electric power systems make possible the utilization of power at a distance from the source?
3. Why alternating current (AC) is generally used in modern power systems?
4. By means of what equipment the current is easily converted to higher or lower voltages?
5. Does an electric power system consist of six main elements? Name them.
6. Are transformers used to raise the generated power to the high voltages used on the transmission lines?
7. What does the central station of a power system consist of?
8. Why do we call a water or steam turbine as a prime mover?
9. Was most of the world's electric power in the early 1990s generated in steam plants?
10. What are the lines of high-voltage transmission system usually composed of?
11. How can the distance between towers be increased?
12. What are generally used for lower voltage sub transmission and distribution lines?
13. In cities and other areas where open lines create a hazard, insulated underground cables are used for distribution.
14. Where and why insulated underground cables are used for distribution?
15. How can you explain the fact that any electric-distribution system involves a large amount of supplementary equipment?
16. Does the system include devices designed to regulate the voltage?
17. What kind of equipment is used for protection of generators, transformers, and the transmission lines?
18. What do electric power systemsinclude?
Exercise 2
Найдите с тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:
Производство и передача электроэнергии; стоимость; единица энергии; источник; современные энергетические системы; трансформатор; шесть основных элементов; электрическая станция; передающие линии; подстанция; понижать; повышать; оборудование потребителя; поломка; уровень распределения; электрический генератор; медные провода; алюминий; керамические изоляторы; деревянные столбы; регулировать напряжение; коэффициент мощности.
Exercise 3
Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной формах:
1. Transmissions of energy in the form of electricity have important economic advantages.
2. Electric power systems make possible the utilization of power at a distance from the source.
3. Alternating current (AC) is generally used in modern power systems.
4. Each stage of the system can be operated at an appropriate voltage.
5. An electric power system consists of six main elements.
6. Transformers are used to raise the generated power to the high voltages used on the transmission lines.
7. Transformers are used to lower the transmission voltage to the level used by the consumer's equipment.
8. The central station of a power system consists of a prime mover.
9. High-voltage transmission systems are usually composed of wires of copper.
10. Any electric-distribution system involves a large amount of supplementary equipment.
11. System includes device to regulate the voltage delivered to consumers.
12. Underground cables are used for distribution in cities.
Exercise 4
Составьте предложения, используя данные слова и выражения:
1. Power; electric; distance; systems; power; source.
2. Elements; six; consist; main; power; system.
3. Transformers; used; to rise; high; voltage; power; generated.
4. Step down; consumers; transformers; deliver; power.
5. Prime mover; central; station; consist of.
6. Used; high voltage; lines; transmission; wires; towers of steel; insulators; porcelain.
7. Used; insulated; cables; underground; cities.
8. System; protection; generators; transformers; equipment; supplementary.
Exercise 5
Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:
1. Передача электрической энергии через высоковольтные линии.
2. Электрическая станция является основным элементом энергосистемы.
3. Энергия повышается и понижается при помощи трансформаторов.
4. На электрических подстанциях напряжение понижается до уровня потребителя.
5. Большинство энергии в мире генерируется на тепловых станциях.
6. Тепловые станции используют в качестве топлива уголь, газ, мазут и ядерное топливо.
7. Высоковольтные линии электропередачи состоят из мачт, проводов и керамических изоляторов.
8. В городах применяются подземные кабеля для передачи электроэнергии.
9. Для защиты трансформаторов и генераторов используется большое количество вспомогательного оборудования.
Text D