Make a short report on geography of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

12. Situation. You’re going to visit London. Speak on the places of interest you would like to see.


Perfect Continuous Tenses

13. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous.

1) I _____ (make) cakes. That's why my hands are all covered with flour.

2) Her phone _____ (ring) for 10 minutes. I wonder why she doesn't answer.

3) Have you seen my bag anywhere? I _____ (look) for it for ages.

4) He _____ (work) in this company since 1985.

5) The film _____ (run/not) for ten minutes yet, but there's a commercial break already.

6) I _____ (ask) you to mend this window since summer. When are you going to do it?

7) I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. I _____ (try) to make a telephone call to Rome.

8) How long _____ (you/wear) glasses?

9) It _____ (rain) for two days now. There'll be a flood soon.

10) He _____ (study) English for two years and doesn't even know the alphabet yet.

Put together the beginnings and the endings of the conversation.

  1) You look hot. 2) Aren't you hungry? 3) Let me drive a little now. 4) Why is your hair wet? 5) You look tired. 6) She's very dirty. 7) There isn't a penny in the purse! 8) You're very late.   a) I've been swimming. b) No, I've been eating all day. c) She's been cleaning the cellar. d) Yes, I've been running. e) Oh, dear, I've been shopping all day. f) I've been gardening all afternoon. g) You've been driving all day. I ' think it's quite enough. h) I've been talking to Harry and he just goes on and on.

15. Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous? Provide the correct form of the verb.

1) I _____ (never/study) French. I'd like to go on a course.

2) I _____ (study) English all day. I'm fed up with it now.

3) She _____ (read) a book for two hours and she ____ (read) half of it so far.

4) It was lovely at 11 o'clock, but since then the sky _____ (get) steadily darker and the wind _____ (rise).

5) How many times _____ (she/be) to Poland? More than once?

6) How long ____ (you/work)? I think you should take a break now.

7) He _____ (do) this project for three days but he ____ (not/do) it yet.

8) She just _____ (sell) two of her own paintings. — She's lucky. I _____ (paint) for 5 years and I (not/sell) a single picture yet.

9) You're sweating all over. _____ (you/run)?

10) John _____ (have) two car accidents so now he drives more carefully.

16. Complete the sentences using Past Perfect Continuous.

1) She _____ (not/sit) at home for long before she went out.

2) _____ (stay) in a hotel before they found a flat in Warsaw?

3) _____ (Peter/do) such kind of things before or was that the first time?

4) How long _____ (learn) English before you took FCE?

5) Jack _____ (work) on the project for at least half an hour when the boss came in.

6) ______ (sing) for a long time when that crazy fan attacked her?

7) Why were you so hot when we met? _____ (run)?

8) We _____ (travel) all day before we got to Madrid.

9) _____ (you/think) about that problem before Tom started talking about it?

10) They _____ (not/fly) for a long time when the plane crashed.


1) The ground was wet. 2) I had a headache. 3) The phone bill was huge. 4) She had red eyes. 5) He got sacked. 6) He was happy when it was finished. 7) They were very tired when they arrived. 8) It smelled of cigarettes.   a) They had been driving for ten hours. b) I had been working on the computer all day. c) It had been raining. d) Somebody had been smoking. e) He had been working on it for years. f) She had been calling her boyfriend in Australia. g) He hadn’t been working at all. h) She had been crying again.

18. Complete the sentences using Future Perfect Continuous.

1) By the end of June they _____ (live) in Poland for ten years.

2) I _____ (work) in this company for a year by the end of the month.

3) He _____ (wait) for Kate for two hours by now.

4) By next year I _____ (study) English for five years.

5) My brother _____ (construct) bridges for eleven years by next year.

6) They _____ (build) that motorway for six months by the end of August.

7) My grandmother _____ (feed) stray cats for ten years by next year.

8) Jack _____ (drive) his car for seven years by next year.

9) By January I _____ (do) my project for three months.

10) By next year Tom _____ (practise) tennis for three years.

19. Put the verb into the correct form.

1) Sorry I'm late. It's fine. I _____ (not/wait) long.

2) By next summer Bill _____ (sing) in our band for two years.

3) The room smells bad because many people _____ (smoke) here.

4) Susan _____ (do) various sports for a long time so she was very fit.

5) She _____ (cook) all day and she wanted to get out of the kitchen at last.

6) You look tired. _____ (work) hard?

7) By next July Jessica _____ (act) in that serial for a year.

8) Someone _____ (use) my computer! It's broken now!

9) Richard _____ (write) his poem for three days by tomorrow.

10) I can smell dinner. _____ (your sister/cook)?

11) I felt dizzy because I _____ (sit) in the sun for too long.

12) I _____ (teach) English for a year by the end of October.

13) You have to rest now, you _____ (help) her since dinner!

14) She wasn't tired at all because she _____ (sleep) all day.

15) By next Monday Helen _____ (wear) glasses for two months.

Unit 14 Political System of the UK
  Vocabulary in Use The Political System of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Queen Elizabeth II Language Focus Passive Voice. Simple Tenses

Vocabulary In Use

1. Find the Ukrainian equivalents in the right-hand column for the following:

1) constitutional monarchy 2) upper house 3) lower house 4) hereditary peers 5) royal assent 6) House of Commons 7) heir to the throne a) спадкоємець трону b) палата громад c) спадкові пери d) нижня палата e) конституційна монархія f) верхня палата g) королівська санкція

2. Match the words with similar meanings:

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