Rewrite these sentences in the passive.

examples: No-one has made the bed. ------ The bed hasn`t been made.

No-one told me about the fight delay.-----------I wasn`t told about the flight delay.

a They put my luggage in the hold.

b No-one has cleaned the room today.

с Someone has already filled in the form.

d Someone booked the taxi last night.

e They cancelled my flight.

f They gave me a first class ticket.

Match the statements and questions with the responses.

1 Can I have your name, please a A single or a double?

2 I'd like to book a room for Tuesday night. b When's the next flight?

3 I hope you catch the flight. с I'll send someone to look at it.

4 I've missed my connection. d Yes, of course.

5 Can I pay by credit card? e It's Ahmed Salem.

6 The TV in my room doesn't work f Can I see your passport, please

7 What kind of identification do you need? g Here, please.

8 Where do I need to sign? h Thanks. Wish me luck!

13.Complete the word map. Use the words in the box:

Rewrite these sentences in the passive. -

14. Practise the following dialogues:

Mr Maliarchuk is going to have a business trip to London. He is having a meeting with the business partner on 12 November. He is making his last arrangements.

Buying a ticket

Cashier: Good morning. What can I do for you?

VM: I want to fly to London. Are there any seats available on Wednesday, next week?

C-r: Are you flying alone, sir?

VM: Yes.

C-r: What class?

VM: Economy.

C-r: Just a moment, sir... I'm afraid this flight is full. But there are a few seats left for Friday.

VM: Fine.

C-r: What is your name, sir?

VM: Viktor Maliarchuk.

C-r: As a rule, we sell Ukrainian citizens return tickets. You can buy an open return.

VM: O.K. How much is it?

C-r: It's one thousand, one hundred and fifty-five hryvnias, including airport taxes.

VM: May I pay in cash?

C-r: Certainly, sir. Here you are. Flight PS501.

VM: What time is the flight due to depart?

C-r: It leaves at 8.55 a.m., but you must check in one hour prior to departure, sir.

VM: And what time does it arrive in London?

C-r: 10.30 local time. There's two-hour time difference, you know.

VM: Thank you very much.

At the Check-in Desk

Mr Maliarchuk has come to the airport. He is at the check-in desk now.

Clerk: Hello. Can I see your passport and ticket, please?

VM: Here you are.

Clerk: Thank you. Do you have just this one case?

VM: Yes.

Clerk: Do you have any hand luggage?

VM: Just this one bag.

Clerk: Would you like smoking or non-smoking?

VM: Non-smoking, please.

Clerk: Right. Here is your ticket and a boarding card.

VM: Thanks.

Clerk: Your flight will board at gate 14 in about an hour's time. Have a good trip.

VM: Thanks. Bye.

15.Match the words in the box:


visa cheques
foreign department
insurance license
driving documents
credit ticket
travel agent
plane rental company
traveller’s car currency card  

Express your opinion about business trip. Speak about the information you should know if you are going to have a business trip.

Going Through Customs

17. Learn the following word combinations and phrases:

to go viaїхати через, проїжджати


Which way to customs?Як пройти до митниці?

Passport controlпаспортний контроль

Where do they examine (check) the luggage/baggageДе перевіряють багаж?

Here’s my …Ось мій (моя, моє)

- passport -паспорт

- visa -віза

- health certificate -довідка про стан здоров'я

- certificate of vaccination -свідоцтво про вакцинацію

- declaration formдекларація

Do you have anything to declare?У Вас є речі, які підлягають оподаткуванню?

Is there anything liable to duty?

I have nothing to declare.Я не маю нічого, що підлягаєоподаткуванню

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