Прочтите следующие существительные. Обратите внимание на чтение окончаний
Pens, beds, lips, hands, dresses, matches, cities, boys, ties, maps, toys, lives, tables, boxes, knives, stories, windows, heroes, days, hats.
Образуйте форму множественного числа от следующих существительных.
a dog, a half, a film, a sister, a hat, a city, a cap, a piano, a room, an apple, a face, a dress, a knife, a baby, a dish, a woman, a foot, a match, a fly, a kiss, a shelf, a brush, a box, a hero, а wolf, a photo, a wife, a life, a lady, a day, a country, a tomato, a story, a leaf, a man, a tooth.
Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания.
two sheep, six fish, ten deer, much snow.
Образуйте единственное число существительных, данных во множественном числе.
Example: stories – a story
boxes, eyes, games, knives, lives, teeth, wolves, feet, children, donkeys, pianos, wives, women, halves, sheep, ladies, babies, sisters-in-law, tomatoes, photos.
Заполните пропуски существительными, данными в скобках, в соответствующем числе.
1. I’d like to buy a pound of (tomato) & two (pound) of bacon. 2. They bought a 5kg bag of (potato). 3. I see two (man) & three (woman) there. 4. Bring me four (fork) & four (knife) from the kitchen. 5. The (book) are on the (shelf). 6. The summer (holiday) last two (month). 7. They put on their (coat) because it is cold. 8. There are a lot of (fruit) in autumn.
Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.
1. I caught two fish. 2. He gave me some good advice. 3. Our teacher was glad of our progress. 4. What is the news? 5. She didn’t like her sister–in–law. 6. His hair is dark. 7. We eat much fruit in summer. 8. These goods always arrive from Moscow. 9. There are many people in the square. 10. He likes mathematics. 11. His clothes were wet. 12. Do you know the contents of this book?
Раскройте скобки. Переведите данные в них существительные на английский язык.
1.We saw a lot of (фруктов и овощей) at the market. 2. There are many (мужчин и женщин) in the street. 3. We bought new (туфли). 4. Last year (картофель) didn’t grow in our field. 6. There are many (людей) in the square. 7. He gave me two big (рыбы).
Переведите на английский язык следующие словосочетания.
два стола, три стула, пять кресел, три свечи, семь коробок, девять рыб, десять мужчин, двадцать ножей, тридцать два зуба, много денег, мало новых сумок.
Переведите следующие словосочетания.
a) my brother’s name, these students’ names, his parents’ names, our teacher’s bag, your parents’ house, his friends’ books, her sister’s report, my children’s room, Tom’s bicycle, my relatives’ flat, the girls’ school, a day’s work, today’s paper, two years’ pay. | b) a hall door, a dining–room table, a street lamp, a kitchen table, a kitchen towel, Moscow transport, Liverpool Cathedral, tennis shoes, football ground, summer holidays, detective stories, adventure stories. |
Переведите на английский язык, используя притяжательный падеж существительных.
а) книга моего друга, комната моих родителей, новый портфель отца, перчатки моей мамы, сапоги брата, стол преподавателя, карандаши детей, кабинет директора, сумка этой девочки, машина его отца;
б) кухонный стол, детская кровать, воскресная прогулка, чайная ложка, городская площадь, Московская улица.
Замените притяжательный падеж существительного существительным с предлогом of.
Example: my sister’s room – the room of my sister
his friend’s name; my teacher’s bag; your parents’ car; the doctor’s office; this student’s record; my friend’s flat; her children’s names; this woman’s hat; Nick’s room; the teacher’s questions; my friend’s father; Dickens’ work; France’s economy.
Закончите предложения.
Example: My … flat is very small. – My sister’s flat is very small.
1.His … name is Nick. 2. My … name is Ann. 3. … car is in the street. 4.My … house was old. 5. The … bag is new & nice. 6. Our … was very important. 7. The … drawings were on the table. 8. The … is in the middle of the room. 9. My … portrait is in the sitting–room. 10. … ball was under the table.
Ответьте на вопросы, обращая внимание на употребление притяжательного падежа существительных.
Example: What book is this? – It’s Nick’s book.
1. What is your friend’s name?
2. Where does your friend’s family live?
3. Has your friend’s family a large flat?
4. Is this your sister’s room?
5. Where is your parents’ room?
6. Whose son works at the plant?
7. Whose daughter goes to college?
8. How long haven’t you seen Ann’s family?
Ответьте на вопросы, используя слова, данные в скобках, в притяжательном падеже.
1. Whose car is in the street? (my father).
2. Whose bag is this? (her friend).
3. Whose newspapers are you reading? (my brother).
4. Whose books have you brought? (our teacher).
5. Whose hat is this? (my sister).
6. Whose diary is there in your bag? (my friend Peter).