Task 3. Подчеркните сказуемые в следующих предложениях, укажите их время и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык

1) As an agreement had not been arrived at, the dispute was decided by arbitration.

2) Most of public expenditure is financed through taxation and government borrowing.

3) More people have been found to choose to stay unemployed in countries with very high tax rates.

Task 4. Раскройтескобки и употребите глагол в правильной временной форме и залоге. Укажите время изалог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) Last year we... (to begin) to manufacture new items of office equipment.

2) We... (to sign) a few contracts last month.

3) I... (to lose) my passport and my credit card. It is a real disaster.

4) How long she... (to work) for your company before that accident?

Task 5. Прочитайте текст. Переведите текст на русский язык в письменной форме.


Economists have described the causes of unemployment as frictional, seasonal, structural, and cyclical. Frictional unemployment arises because workers seeking jobs do not find them immediately; while looking for work they are counted as unemployed. Friction in this case refers to the incongruity between the demand for and supply of labour. The amount of frictional unemployment depends on the frequency with which workers change jobs and the time if takes to find new ones. This type of unemployment could be reduced somewhat by more efficient placement services. When workers are free to quit their jobs, however, some frictional unemployment will always be present.

Seasonal unemployment occurs when industries have a slow season, such as construction and other outdoor work in winter. It occurs at the end of the school year in June, when large numbers of students and graduates look for work.

Structural unemployment arises from an imbalance between the kinds of workers wanted by employers and the kinds of looking for jobs. The imbalances may be caused by inadequacy in skills, location, or personal characteristics. Technological developments, foe example, necessitate new skills in many industries, leaving those workers who have outdated skills without a job. A plant in a declining industry may close down or move to another area, throwing out of work those employees who are unable or unwilling to move. Workers with inadequate education or training and young workers with little or no experience may be unable to get jobs because employers believe that these employees would not produce enough to be worth paying the legal minimum wage or the rate agreed on with the union. Structural unemployment shows up most prominently in some cities, in some occupations or industries, for those with below-average educational attainments, and for some other groups in the labour force.

Cyclical unemployment results from a general lack of demand for labour. When the business cycle turns downward, demand for goods and services drops; consequently, workers are laid off.

Task 6. Поставьте все типы вопросов к следующему предложению. Отметьте типы вопросов.

The amount of frictional unemployment depends on the frequency with which workers change jobs and the time it takes to find new ones.

Task 7. Ответьте на вопросы текста в письменной форме.

1) What causes of unemployment have economists described?

2) Why does frictional unemployment arise?

3) When does seasonal unemployment occur?

Вариант 2.8

Для выполнения контрольной работы № 2 необходимо повторить следующий грамматический материал:

1) Условные предложения;

2) Система времен английского глагола в действительном и страдательном залоге;

3) Косвенная речь и согласование времен;

4) Типы вопросов в английском языке.

Task 1. Open the brackets and write each sentence three times making conditionals of I, II, and III types. Translate the sentences into Russian. Example: If you (to be) free, I (to come) to see you.

If you arefree, I shallcome to see you.

If you werefree, I shouldcome to see you.

If you had beenfree, I shouldhave cometo see you.

1) If labour resources (to be used) properly, labour efficiency (to grow).

2) If the company (not to earn) a reasonable profit, the share price (to fall) and it (to be) difficult to attract additional capital.

Task 2. Supply the necessary forms for the verbs given in brackets in the following Conditional sentences. Indicate the type of the Conditional sentence (I, II, III). Translate the sentences into Russian.

1) If we (to apply) new highly efficient equipment, we would decrease the production cost.

2) If cash (to be paid) to purchase equipment, this figure will be added to the assets account of a plan.

3) If labour supply is inelastic, there (to be) an increase in wages as a result of improvements in technology.

Task 3. Translate the following Conditional sentences from Russian into English.

1) Хоть бы мне повысили зарплату! На твоем месте я бы не увольнялась с этой работы.

2) Если бы вы присутствовали, вы бы заключили сделку?

Task 4. Underline the predicate in the following sentences, indicate its Tense and Voice. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1) Trade union restrictions do not allow employment of youths in some industries and many service sectors.

2) The number of their customers has increased this month.

3) The consumer will always prefer buying the good that gives him more marginal utility per dollar spent.

Task 5. Open the brackets and use the verb in the right tense form and voice. Indicate the Tense and the Voice. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1) They... (to earn) a great deal of profit since they... (to start) running their own business.

2) The demand for a commodity... (to affect) by a change in price and this relationship... (to call) elasticity of demand.

3) How long she... (to work) for your company before that accident?

4) Last year we... (to begin) to manufacture new items of office equipment.

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