Task 4. Это задание к тексту, затрагивающему проблему денег

Decide whether the statements are true or false to your personal experience.

1. Money can’t buy love

Money makes the world go round

Everyone has their price

The love of money is the root of all evil

5. Money doesn’t grow on trees

Fool and his money are soon parted

7. Money isn’t everything

Nothing for nothing and just a bit for a penny

Task 5. Answer the questions:

1. What are the main uses of money?

2. What can you say about modern money and its disadvantages?

3. Why is saving money sometimes necessary?

  1. What is the meaning of money to you?

Now read and translate the talking about money and possessions.

a) Is how much you earn important for your job satisfaction?

b) What the average wage in your country?

c) If you had a lot of money, what would you do?

d) If you had to leave your home in an emergency, what would you try to take with you?

e) Would you ever lend money or borrow money from someone?

f) How many jobs do most workers have in your country?


Counterfeiting of money is one of the oldest crimes in history. In the United States, for example, it was a serious problem in the past, when each bank issued its own currency. Therefore they adopted a national currency in 1863. But it did not solve the counterfeiting problem. The national currency or the dollar was soon counterfeited so widely, that it became necessary for the US Government to take special measures. In 1865 the United States Secret Service was established to suppress counterfeiting. It helped to a certain extent but this crime still exist.

The US dollar is now the most counterfeited currency in the world. Modern photographic and printing devices, colour copies, laser scanners have made the production of counterfeit money relatively easy.

A lot of special security features are usually used in making banknotes of every country.

In making American dollars, for example, the following security features are used:

Red and blue fibres, embedded in the paper

The intaglio printing of some fibres and many others.

Besides, not long ago, a few more new security features were added to US dollars. These features are as follows:

Invisible thread embedded in the paper

Micriprinting and others.

These new features appeared first in banknotes of certain denominations only. Other denominations will be gradually made with the same security features.

Text 5. A Brief History of Counterfeit Money

Where there is money, there is counterfeit money. That is inevitable. A brief look at the history of counterfeit money proves that conclusively.

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