Fruit and berry confectionery articles
1. Assortment of fruit and berry confectionery articles.
2. Requirements for the quality.
Previously – предварительно frozen – замороженных
Treacle – паточный wholes – целые
Sodden – разваренные conserves – джем
Single – однократный cinnamon – корица
Carnation – гвоздика smudge – мажущаяся
Wizened – сморщенные hassocks - подушечки
Taws - шарики removal – удаление
Vatted – бочковая brittle – хрупко
Mastication – жевание tin - жестяные
- Assortment of fruit and berry confectionery articles
Jam is the product, obtained by the short-term cooking of the previously prepared fresh or frozen fruits or berries, vegetables (pie plant, the crust of watermelons, muskmelon, pub, tomatoes, and carrot) in the sugar or sugar- treacle syrup. Fruits, berries, vegetables must be the wholes, not sodden and evenly distributed in the syrup. Consistency of syrup is liquid, not jelly.
Conserves prepares just as jam, but by single cooking to the readiness of the entire or cut fruits, berries, vegetables in the sugar or sugar- treacle syrup. In contrast to the jam the fruits and berries can be boiled, and its consistency must be gelatinous. If fruits or berries do not possess sufficiently grow prettier by the gelling ability, then it is allowed to introduce the gelling substances into the conserves.
Jam is manufactured via the cooking of the wiped through mass of fruits or berries with the sugar. For preparing the jam is allowed the use of fruits and berries of two or several forms. For an improvement in the taste and aroma it is possible to add food acids and spices (cinnamon, carnation, the nutmeg and other). The consistency is thick, is uniform, which is smudge.
Jelly is obtained by the boiling down of fruit and berry juices with the sugar, with the addition or without the addition of the gelling substances and acids. The consistency is gelatinous, is transparent. On the quality manufacture the jelly of the highest and 1st types.
Candied fruits are fruits or berries, welded in the sugar syrup, isolated from it and slightly dried slightly. Manufacture also the candied fruits, covered with the sugar crust (glazed, candying). In sale they are let out cup- in the form mixtures, and on the quality - by highest and 1st type. Are not allowed the candied fruits sticky, which became wet, sugared, wizened, which dried, with the aftertaste of the damaged raw material.
Confitureis prepared from the selected fresh raw material with the addition with the boiling down of the gelling substances and organic acids. Confiture has gelatinous consistency, but berries, fruits are not boiled, but they are evenly distributed in the mass of jelly. Content of dry matter in confiture - 70-75%. On the quality is subdivided into the types of extra and highest.
Chewing gum - article, prepared on the special elastic basis (natural or artificial origin) with the addition of food flavorings, aromatizes and dyes. Is let out chewing gum with the filling and without it, dredged and not draping, various forms (plate, hassocks, taws and other).
- Requirements for the quality
On the quality jam, conserves, jam and jelly divide into the types, but candied fruits into the types do not subdivide.
Jam, depending on the method of preparation, is sterilized and unsterilized, and according to the quality indicators - three types: extra, highest, the 1st. Jam from the cherries or the cherry without the removal of bones, and also packed at vatted container is evaluated not higher than the 1st type. Taste smelled jam they must be marked; in the jam of the 1st type - by weakly expressed, is allowed the insignificant aftertaste of the caramelized sugar. The color is uniform, is close to the color of natural fruits, berries. Fruits and the part of the fruits well boiled thoroughly, but not boiled (which is allowed only in the 1st type). The content of fruits in all forms of jam must compose 40-45% of the mass of finished product. Jem, as jam, is performed with that sterilized and that not sterilized, and on the quality they divide into the highest and 1st type. Principle of the estimation of the quality of the jem of the same as jam. The color of jem must be single-tone, in the 1st type darker nuances are allowed. Consistency is gelatinous, which is smeared, which is not spread over the horizontal surface. Taste and smell, characteristic of fruits and to berries, pleasant sweet or sourest- sweet, in the 1st type - those less expressed taste smelled and the smack of the caramelized sugar.
Jam using the method of production is subdivided into that sterilized and that not sterilized, and on the quality they divide into the types: highest and the 1st. The jam, prepared with the use of preservatives, semi finished products, is evaluated by the 1st type. Taste smelled they must be well expressed, in the 1st type is allowed the taste and smell weakly expressed. The color of jam - characteristic of the color of puree or mixture of puree, from which it is prepared; in the 1st type brown tones or reddish-brown are allowed (for the jam from the dark-colored fruits).
The inadmissible defects they are sugaring jams, jem, jam (presence of the crystals of sugar); fermentation (appearance of foam on the surface, phials in the mass); the liquid consistency of jam, jem, jelly; the absence of the characteristic of this form of taste and aroma, and also the presence of unusual or unpleasant smack and smells.
Chewing gum must have a taste and a smell marked, without the outside smack. The article of a good quality has brittle plastic consistency, after mastication it is extended, on no account sticks to the teeth. Painting must be uniform, surface dry.
Packing and storage. Jam, jem, jam pack into the glass or tin varnished cans, the wooden barrels and the container from the thermoplastic polymeric materials. For the packing of jam the boxes use boxes. Candied fruits pack just as jelly-candy and paste.
To store jam, jem, jam is recommended at a relative humidity of air 70-75% and a temperature not more than 20°C. The sterilized products can be stored 24 mo., not sterilized in the glass and metallic container - 12 mo., the unsterilized jam in the barrels - 9 mo., the unsterilized jam in the boxes - 6 mo. Period of storage of candied fruits - 6 mo., of chewing gum: made pills - 6 mo., not dragging - 9 mo.
Control questions
1. Name the assortment of fruit and berry confectionery articles?
2. How to distinguish jam, jem, jam, confiture?
4. What requirements are imposed on the quality of jam, jem, jam?
5. Conditions and the period of storage of jam, jem, jelly-candy, paste.
Lecture 19
Cocoa - powder
1. Cocoa- products.
2. Preparation of chocolate mass and chocolate.
Cacao husks - какавелла tanning - дубильные
Oilcake – жмых suspension - взвешенное состояние
Prepared - препарированный dregs - осадок
Larva – личинка firmness – стойкости
Breeding – разведение receipting - квитирование
Cocoa- products
This group of articles call to cocoa- products and since the basic raw material (but for the cocoa- powder only) they are cocoa- beans - seeds of cocoa- tree. Tree grows in the countries of West Africa (Ghana Nigeria, Mozambique and other), South America (Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia and of others), Central America (Mexico, Guatemala and others), in Java and in Sri Lanka.
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Fig. Fruits of the cocoa- tree
Cocoa- beans consist of shell and nucleus. In the shell (cacao husks) much cellulose tissue, mineral connections, few aromatic substances; therefore with the production of chocolate and its cocoa- powder do not use. However, the nuclei of cocoa- beans contain of about 50% of valuable fat (cocoa- oil); 1-2% of physiologically active materials (teobromin and caffeine); to 10% of starch; to 15% of proteins; tanning, aromatic and some other substances.
Cocoa butter is the most valuable component part. At usual room temperature the cocoa butter solid, brittle, but rapidly is melted in the mouth, since it has a melting point of 32-34°C. Because of the special features of the composition of fat and the presence of natural antioxidants the cocoa butter can remain without the racidification and salting very for long.
Cocoa- powder is obtained by the fine grinding of oilcake, which is remained after the partial removal of oil from the ground cocoa. Are used cocoa- powder as the semi finished product with the production of some types of confectionery articles (for the cushioning layer of candies, caramel, cakes, pastry), ice cream and others. But basic assignment of cocoa- powder - preparation of the beverage of cocoa. The smaller the particle of powder and the longer they are retained in the suspension, the higher the quality of beverage.
Cocoa- powder can be not prepared and prepared. The prepared powder is differed from the usual the fact that in the process of production the ground cocoa is processed by carbonate alkalis (potash, carbonate ammonium, the drinking soda), as a result of which is improved the taste of beverage and in it longer it is not formed dregs. The not prepared types are Gold label, Prima, Our stamp, prepared - Gold anchor, Extra.
The cocoa- beverages are obtained on the basis of cocoa- powder: Morning, Youth, Milk with the cinnamon. Into the composition of cocoa- beverages besides cocoa- powder enter the powdered sugar, dry milk, dry cream and other. Cocoa- powder must have characteristic of it taste and aroma, without the outside aftertastes and the smells; color from the light- to the dark brown, without the dim gray nuance. By standard are normalized also moisture content, a mass fraction of fat, the degree of crushing and others.
The inadmissible defects of cocoa- powder are: the loss of taste and aroma, dim, gray color, and also the presence of outside aftertastes and smells, caking in the lumps, the defeat by the larva’s of chocolate mole.
Cocoa- powder is the finely ground powder-like product, obtained by splitting and crushing cocoa- oilcake - withdrawal with the isolation of cocoa- oil from the ground cocoa during the extrusion.
Distinguish cocoa- powder commodity and production, prepared and prepared. They are distinguished by the content of fat, dispersity, acidity, firmness of the obtained beverage, the gustatory and aromatic qualities, and the color. Commodity cocoa- powder is used for the preparation of beverage. It contains more than fat - cocoa- oil, has the best dispersity, a taste and an aroma.