The characteristic of auxiliary raw material

Leavens are used in the production of baked articles for purposes of the formation of the porous structure of an increase in the volume.

In the articles with the small content of sugar, saccharine substances and fat biological leavens are used. These are the baking pressed yeast, dry yeast(s) and yeast milk.

Yeast(s) possess the ability to ferment part sugar test with the formation of ethanol and dioxide of carbon, which is ant bonding dough. Optimum temperature for the vital activity of yeast(s) 26 - 30 °C. Yeast(s) perish at a temperature of 55 °C. Quality - the pressed yeast is evaluated according to color, smell, taste and consistency. Dry yeast(s) consist of small grains or are the powder of light yellow, light brown color.

Starch syrup is intended for replacing the part of the saccharine. It is transparent colorless or pale yellow viscous fluid. The taste of treacle - sweet, without the outside aftertastes, smell practically is absent. The high content of treacle prevents the crystallization of saccharine. The crystallization of saccharine is not removed with the smaller content of treacle, but an increase in the crystals is limited. Simultaneously treacle influences the hygroscopic of articles and their tendency toward drying during the storage.

Dry grapes (raisin) can be light and dark types.

Raisin is let out the highest, first and second types with humidity 17-19%.

Salt the culinary food - this natural crystalline sodium chloride NaCl of salt taste with the content of a insignificant quantity of other natural salts. Salt is obtained from the crystalline deposits of rock salt or by evaporation from the natural solutions.

Enriching additives increase the food nourishment value of articles, frequently changing also their color and taste. As the enriching additives most frequently use eggs and egg products, and also dairy products (milk, milk serum, buttermilk) and some vitamins.

Gustatory additives do not increase the nourishing value of articles, but give to them specific taste and colored.

Spices are the products of plant origin dried and ground. They give specific taste, aroma, to the articles, which are caused by the content in them of essential oils, and also glycosides and alkaloids.

Control questions

1. Give the characteristic of basic raw material.

2. Name the additional raw material, utilized in the production of baked articles.

Lecture 13

Assortment of bread and baked articles


1. Assortment of bread and baked articles.

2. Requirements for the quality of bread.

Proving – расстойка small white loaf – калач

Wicker articles – плетеные изделия interlacing – переплетение

Strap жгут network – плетенка

Poppy – мак twist – хала

Ring – кольцо thickened – утолщенный

Rich – сдобные ordinary – обыкновенные

Cropping – отрубной bud – почки

Heartily vascular – сердечно-сосудистой whey – сыворотка

Ulcerous - язвенная болезнь cabbage – капуста

Thyroid gland – щитовидная железа blurred – расплывчатый

Openness – пористость sticky – липкий

Friable – крошливый burned – горелый

Pale - бледный

  1. The assortment of bread and baked articles

Bread, as are considered scientists, appeared on the Earth more than 15 thousand years ago. For the first time bread from the test began to bake Egyptians, and 5-6 thousand years ago - Greeks and Romans. To the present in Rome was preserved 13- meter monument - monument to baker. In Russia from the ancient times the baking of bread was considered the honorable and critical matter.

Bread is most important food product of the population of many countries of peace. The daily consumption rate of bread in the different countries is 150-500 g per capita of population. In Russia the traditionally high consumption of bread. On the average per capita of population at present are felt more than 500 g during the day, of them about 30% compose rye (black bread).

Baked bread - foodstuff, obtained by baking of that loosened by ferment or by yeast(s) of test. With the bread of men are obtained the carbohydrates, squirrel, fats, mineral salts, vitamins. Into the composition of bread enter the proteins (4, 5 - 8, 5%), carbohydrates (40-50%), mineral substances are represented K, P, Fe, Ca, and vitamins – B1, B2, and PP.

Production of bread. Basic raw material for obtaining the bread are flour, water, salt, yeasts, and in the dough for the improved articles are added sugar, treacle, milk, fats, protein enriches, milk serum, buttermilk, beans of soya, malt, raisin, poppy, spices and others The production of bread consists of several operations: preparation and the dosage of raw material, batch of test, fermentation, working-out and proving, baking and cooling of articles.

Wheaten bread production simple, improved and rich. The simple includes bread from the flour of the wheaten of the highest, 1 and the 2nd of types.

The bakery articles (article with a mass of less than 500 g) bake from the flour of the wheaten of the highest, 1 and the 2nd of types. This of article woven, in the form long loaves, rolls, rolls, small white loaf, bakery trifle and other. Into their formula enter the fat, sugar (not less than 7%).

Long loaves - this of the article of oblong form, with the sharp, rounded or dull ends, with the cuts on the surface, with mass 200, 400, 500 g made of the simple or improved test. Assortment of the long loaves: Simple, threaded, with the raisin, urban, capital, Moscow and other

Rolls and rolls bake rounded or oblong form with mass of 100 and 200 g. Assortment: Urban, Russian rolls; roll - Moscow, with the poppy, with the raisin, with the sweets, school and other

Rolls are the variety of rolls, are baked on the sheets or the forms on several pieces, by tightly sponsors to each other. Assortment: Simple, mustard, with the raisin.

Wicker articles are prepared by the interlacing of straps from the steep improved wheaten test. Assortment: network with the poppy, wicker twist.

Small white loaf and Moscow sitnichki - ancient Russian national articles. They bake from the simple test, prepared from wheaten flour of the highest type with mass of 100 and 200 g. Form in sitnichka is round; the form of small white loaf is in terms of ring, but one half of plait is thickened.

Rich articles contain 10-26% of sugar, 7-20% of fat, 0, 8-16% of eggs, jam, jam, powdered sugar. Fancy bread is ordinary, Vyborg, simple and figured (children's).

Special types of bread - therapeutic and dietetic. Bread for the diabetics (patients with diabetes) with the reduced content of the carbohydrates: protein- wheaten, protein- cropping (basic raw material - washed clean damp gluten and wheaten flour). Articles without the addition of salt recommend to people with the diseases of bud and heartily vascular system. This is bread of salt-free (akhloridnyy), baked from the wheaten flour without the salt on the whey. Articles with the lowered acidity recommend with gastritis and ulcerous with the increased acidity. As raw material serves flour wheaten of the 1st type, sometimes sugar. To such articles carry rolls and blocks with the lowered acidity. Articles with the addition of phosphatides and sea cabbage are intended for those, who suffer the diseases of cardiovascular system, and for the elderly people. This of roll with sea cabbage, loaves with the lecithin and sea kale, and others. The articles, enriched by iodine, recommend for the preventive nourishment of people, which live in the regions with the iodine insufficiency, and with the diseases of the thyroid gland. These are bread wheaten and rye with the sea kale, bread iodinated. Basic raw material for their production are flour wheaten 1 and the 2nd of types, rye wallpaper and peeled, iodide potassium or powder of sea kale.

National baked articles manufacture according to special technology in central Asia, Transcaucasia. Assortment: lavash, churek, flat cake and other.

  1. Requirements for the quality of bread

The form of articles must be correct, correspond to their name, not blurred , without the lateral accretions, surface - smooth, without the cracks, painting from the light yellow, the golden to the brown.

The state of the crumb of articles is characterized by its baked, openness, elasticity and freshness. The baked through articles have the crumb of dry, nonstick, not moist by feel the touch, without clusters and tracks of nepromesa, elastic, not stale hard and not friable.

Taste smelled they must be characteristic for this form. Bitter, musty, moldy and other outside aftertastes and smells are not allowed.

The openness of bread and baked articles - this is the ratio of the total volume of times in the crumb to the volume of crumb, expressed in the percentages. Minimum porosity is normalized for each type of articles (except rich).

Humidity of bread and baked articles: rye- wheaten bread - 45-50%, rye - 46-51, wheaten - 42-46, bakery articles - 37-45%.

The acidity of articles is expressed in the degrees: for the rye bread - 7- 12, for the rye- the wheaten - 7-11, for the wheaten - 2, 5-7, for the bakery articles - 2,5-4.

The most common defects of bread are: temper (nonporous mass of crumb), the increased acidity, clusters of flour, low porosity, crack for the surface, the lowered volume, the burned, pale bread, the molding, potato disease, chalky disease and other.

Transport and storage of bread. Baked articles transport in the specialized transport, equipped by regiments, in the chutes or the containers. In the retail outlet network because of the rapid drying, the staling and the possible microbiological spoiling baked articles store short time. Bread from the rye flour stores 36 hours, from the wheaten and the wheaten- the rye - 24 clocks, small-piece articles - 16 hours.

Accommodation for storing the bread must be clean, dry, aired, the temperature of 18-20°С (not lower than 6°С), the relative humidity of air is not more than 75%.

Control questions

1. Name the assortment of bread.

2. Name the assortment of bakery articles.

3. Of what stages does consist the production of bread?

4. What are imposed requirements on the quality of bread?

Lecture 14

Bagel articles


1. Assortment of the bagel articles.

2. Requirements for the quality of articles.

Bagel – бараночные, булочки cracknel – бублик

Round cracknel – баранка strap – жгут

Steep – крутой ferment – закваска

Wiping – натирочная molasses – патока

Brew – опара intermediate – промежуточный

Shuttles – челнок swelling - вздутие

Split – трещина sanded – посыпанный

Roughness – шероховатость looseness – разрыхленный

Swelling – набухаемость scattering – насыпанные

String - шпагат

  1. Assortment of bagel articles

To the bagel articles carry cracknels, round cracknel and dryings. These articles have a form of rings or ovals with the bright glossy surface. They are distinguished by the thickness of strap, by mass and humidity.

Bagel articles bake from the wheaten flour and different additives - sugar, fat, aromatic substances and others. Dough for the round cracknel and the dryings prepare by steep, on the special ferment, in which are multiplied yeast(s) and lactic acid bacteria. In order to give homogenous structure and plasticity to test, it is processed in the wiping machine. After the fermentation of dough they direct to the molding. The molded articles they maintain during 30 min, and then subject to cooking during 2 min in the boiling water, into which they add a little molasses (1- 1,5%). As a result pasting starch and denaturing of proteins the surface of articles after baking becomes bright, glossy, whereas treacle gives rosy painting to them. After cooking them dry and direct semi finished product to the baking. Dough for the cracknel prepare by brew method as for the bakery articles.

Cracknels in the moisture content occupy the intermediate position between the bakery articles and the bagels, during the storage they get stale. Them let out from the flour of the 1st type, with mass on 50 and 100 g. Depending on formula distinguish cracknels Ukrainian, Donskoy, rich, milk, Vanillas and other.

Round cracknel manufacture from the flour of the highest and 1st types in the form of rings or shuttles with the diameter of 7-9 cm, the mass of article 25-40 g. IN the I kg must be them of 25-65 pieces. From the flour of the highest type prepare round cracknel sugar with the poppy (Kiev), lemon, vanilla, rich, Cherkizov and other. From the flour of the 1st type let out the round cracknel simple, mustard, children's, sugar, milk.

Dryings work out flour of the highest and 1st types. They take the form of rings and shuttles with the diameter of 4-6 cm, the mass of article - 6-12 g. In 1 kg must be of 90-240 pieces. The dryings are manufactured from the flour of the highest type: with the poppy, vanilla, mustard, with the cinnamon, lemon, dryings to beer and others From the flour of the 1st type prepare dryings baby, rich with the caraway, salt, tea and other.

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