Read the descriptions of guest houses and hostels. In what way do they similar to and differ from hotels?

Guest houses

A guest house (also guesthouse) is a kind of lodging. In some parts of the world a guest house is similar to a hostel, bed and breakfast, or inn where in other parts of the world, guest houses are a type of inexpensive hotel-like lodging. In still others, it is a private home which has been converted for the exclusive use of guest accommodation. The owner usually lives in an entirely separate area within the property and the guest house may serve as a form of lodging business.

In some areas of the world, guest houses are the only kind of accommodation available for visitors who have no local relatives to stay with. Among the features which distinguish a guest house from a hotel, or inn is the lack of a full-time staff.

Most guest houses are family owned and family members normally live on the premises. Hotels maintain a staff presence 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, whereas a guest house has a more limited staff presence. The check-in at a guest house is often by appointment.


Hostels provide budget-oriented, sociable accommodation where guests can rent a bed, usually a bunk bed, in a dormitory and share a bathroom, lounge and sometimes a kitchen. Rooms can be mixed or single-sex, although private rooms may also be available.

Hostels are generally cheaper for both the operator and the occupants; many hostels have long-term residents whom they employ as desk clerks or housekeeping staff in exchange for free accommodation.

There are several differences between hostels and hotels:

· Hostels tend to be budget-oriented; rates are considerably lower, and many hostels have programs to share books, DVDs and other items.

· For those who prefer an informal environment, hostels do not usually have the same level of formality as hotels.

· For those who prefer to socialize with their fellow guests, hostels usually have more common areas and opportunities to socialize. The dormitory aspect of hostels also increases the social factor.

· Hostels are generally self-catering.

There is less privacy in a hostel than in a hotel. Sharing sleeping accommodation in a dormitory is very different from staying in a private room in a hotel or bed and breakfast, and might not be comfortable for those requiring more privacy. Hostels encourage more social interaction between guests due to the shared sleeping areas and communal areas such as lounges, kitchens and internet cafes.

Care should be taken with personal belongings, as guests may share a common living space, so it is advisable to secure guests’ belongings. Most hostels offer some sort of system for safely storing valuables, and an increasing number of hostels offer private lockers.

In attempts to attract more visitors, many hostels nowadays provide additional services not previously available, such as airport shuttle transfers, internet cafes, swimming pools and spas, tour booking and car rentals. Some hostels may include a hot meal in the price.

The traditional hostel format involved dormitory style accommodation. Some newer hostels also include en-suite accommodation with single, double or quad occupancy rooms, though to be considered a hostel they must also provide dormitory accommodation. In recent years, the numbers of independent and backpackers’ hostels have increased greatly to cater for the greater numbers of overland, multi-destination travelers.

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1. В течение последних трёх лет в России наблюдается стремительное развитие гостиничного бизнеса. В крупные города приходят международные гостиничные сети, растет число маленьких частных отелей, реконструируются старые советские гостиницы.

2. Лидерами по развитию гостиничного бизнеса сегодня являются Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Сочи. Быстро растет отельный бизнес в Калининграде, Томской и Волгоградской областях, на Урале (в частности, в Челябинске и Екатеринбурге), а также в Красноярске.

3. Одним из главных стимулов для развития гостиничного бизнеса в некоторых странах стало проведение крупных спортивных мероприятий. Зимние Олимпийские игры 2014 года в Сочи и развитие города как горного климатического курорта привлекло многих международных гостиничных операторов. Победа России в борьбе за право проведения Чемпионата мира по футболу в 2018 году также является прекрасной возможностью для строительства качественных гостиниц в ряде регионов.

4. Средний прирост рынка мини-гостиниц и хостелов в России вышел на показатель «+10%» ежегодно. Значительную долю в этом росте обеспечивают хостелы. Почти половина сегмента приходится на Москву и Санкт-Петербург (49%), где насчитывается почти 2,4 тыс. «малых средств размещения». К 2018 году число мини-гостиниц и хостелов в Москве и Московской области должно вырасти на 20% по сравнению с 2016 годом. Причина очевидна – ЧМ-2018 по футболу.

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