Choose three words from Vocabulary and write definitions for them. Other students should guess the words

e.g. «a naughty child» – a child who doesn’t follow his/her parents’ advice.

15. Tell us about these persons using the words from the table:

Mary John Mr. Smith
Russian schoolgirl music knit Green Street, 25 many friends to be fond of English killer 2 children flowers Silver Street, 11 wife like American manager reliable no family 5th Avenue golf to be interested in

16. Translate the text from Russian into English:

Разрешите мне представиться. Моя фамилия Браун. Я приехал из Англии. По национальности я американец, но живу и работаю в Лондоне. Это красивый город. Я бизнесмен, специализируюсь в маркетинге.

Я женат. Наша семья небольшая. Она состоит из меня, моей жены и сына. По профессии моя жена учитель. Я думаю, она всегда творчески подходит к своему делу. Каждый день она имеет дело со многими людьми. Иногда это трудно, но ей нравится ее работа. Моя жена очаровательная женщина и интересный человек. Она увлекается театром и книгами. Она предпочитает современную литературу. У нас с ней много общего.

Моего сына зовут Ник. Ему 14 лет. Внешне он похож на своего дедушку, а по характеру больше на меня. Ник школьник. Он хороший ученик и учится с большим интересом. Кроме того, он принимает активное участие в общественной жизни школы. Ник занимается спортом и увлекается музыкой. Он предпочитает поп-музыку. Наш сын интересуется также компьютерами. Мы обожаем нашего сына. Мы хорошо ладим с сыном и любим проводить свободное время вместе.

17. Project Work:

a) Make a PowerPoint presentation about you and your family. Give as many details as possible.

b) Draw your family tree and tell about your relatives. Use photos to make your story more interesting.

c) Choose a famous person. Find information about him/her as a person and his/her family. Make a detailed presentation.


1. Think about a role that the family plays in your life and complete the sentence:

A family is …

What family types can we meet in a modern society? Draw a diagram. What family type do you live in?

Read the text and compare how many family types are the same in your diagram and in the text.


What is a typical American family? The traditional includes mom, dad, and the kids, but there now are many other combinations of family households. Eight per cent are single-parent families, where one parent lives with the children, while other families may consist of children living with a parent or a stepparent.

In general, the average number of people living together under one roof has got smaller. In 1960, there were 3.3 people in a household; now there are only 2.7. The number of children in a family is also much smaller, and children are usually encouraged to be independent and leave home, when they finish school and start working.

Recently, more children are staying at home with their parents longer, because their salary is not high enough to cover the cost of living away from home. They also prefer the home comforts that their parents can offer.


a typical family (traditional)

to include

a single-parent family

stepparent (stepmother/stepfather)

to live under one roof

to be independent (from)

to depend on

to stay at home



to cover the cost of living

to offer comforts

to suggest doing smth.


to quarrel

to leave home

mutual understanding


lack of understanding


4. Discuss the following questions with a partner:

· Do you often spend time with your family? Why?

· What is the best thing about living at home?

· What don’t you like about living at home?

· What do you miss when you leave your home?

5. Think about relationships in your family. Do you like living under one roof with your parents or maybe you would prefer to live alone? Write a composition:«There is no place like home».

Do you face any problems living with the family? How do you solve them?

7. Read the text and point out the family problems described there:


People usually get married in their twenties or thirties, although some couples decide to live together without getting married. Many men and women stay single, because it is difficult to find a compatible person to date or marry. Some single people look for partners through the personals, ads that appear in newspapers or magazines. More divorced people or single people who have never married choose to live alone.

One out of two American marriages ends in divorce. It is a painful process for all family members, and many couples seek marriage counseling to try to prevent a divorce. Children of divorced families often live with their mothers. When the parents have joint custody of the children, the children often divide their time between each parent.


to get married

to marry

a married couple


marriage of convenience

to stay single


to date

to look for a partner

to divorce

to end in divorce


a painful process

to prevent a divorce

marriage of convenience

to pay alimony

child support payments

life experience

to decide


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