What kind of holidays do you prefer: exciting and adventurous or peaceful and relaxing? Tell a story to prove your ideas


How do you choose any means of travelling if you want to go anywhere?

2. Read and translate the text:


A lot of people are fond of travelling. But the term «to travel» means different things for different people. Some people travel on business. Other people travel for pleasure. They visit different countries, learn about different culture, communicate with different people. There are a lot of means of travelling. People can travel by train, by sea, by air, on foot.

Many men many minds.

Travelling by train has many advantages. First of all, there are no stressful traffic jams, and trains are fast and comfortable. You can use the time in different ways. For example, you can sit and read, or watch the world go by. You can work, or you can have a meal or a snack in the buffet car.

Travelling by train also has some disadvantages. It is expensive and there are a lot of people there. What is more, you have to travel at certain times and trains can’t take you from door to door. You need a bus or a taxi to take you to the railway station.

Speaking about travelling, some people mean a walking tour. You walk alone. You stop and go on, and follow this way and that. You are open to all impressions. They think that a walking tour is the only possible way to travel. They say that in our hurry to get from one place to another, we do not see anything on the way. For example, air travel gives us a birds-eye view of the world. As for sea travel, we can use the words of the old song «I joined the navy to see the world, and what did I see? I see the sea». Such traveller can say: «I've been there». But «I've been there» means «I drive through, or I fly through».


to travel on business to travel for pleasure many men many minds fast comfortable in different ways watch the world have a meal have a snack need to need railway station walking tour walk alone impression hurry to hurry (to be in a hurry) ticket cheap expensive baggage/luggage suitcase to pack necessary things to travel light to travel abroad hitch-hike to hitch-hike to be sea(air)sick sea(air)sickness ездить в командировку (по делам) путешествовать для удовольствия сколько людей, столько и мнений быстрый удобный по-разному посмотреть мир покушать перекусить необходимость (нужда) нуждаться вокзал пешая прогулка (тур) гулять в одиночестве впечатление спешка спешить билет дешевый дорогой багаж чемодан упаковывать необходимые вещи путешествовать налегке ездить (путешествовать) заграницу автостоп путешествовать автостопом страдать морской (воздушной) болезнью морской (воздушной) болезнью


3. Guess the riddles:

What kind of holidays do you prefer: exciting and adventurous or peaceful and relaxing? Tell a story to prove your ideas - student2.ru What kind of holidays do you prefer: exciting and adventurous or peaceful and relaxing? Tell a story to prove your ideas - student2.ru What kind of holidays do you prefer: exciting and adventurous or peaceful and relaxing? Tell a story to prove your ideas - student2.ru


What kind of holidays do you prefer: exciting and adventurous or peaceful and relaxing? Tell a story to prove your ideas - student2.ru What kind of holidays do you prefer: exciting and adventurous or peaceful and relaxing? Tell a story to prove your ideas - student2.ru


Find the means of travel: OOOOO

4. Fill in the gaps using the words from vocabulary:

1. If you need to go to the airport or _______ you can take a taxi.

2. Travelling is a good way to get new _______ and emotions.

3. If you don’t _______ we may miss the train.

4. Some people don’t like to travel by plane because they don’t feel good, they
are _______.

5. I’ve visited a lot of cities in Russia and now I want to travel _______.

6. My friend is a student and he doesn’t have much money to travel. That’s why
he _______.

7. Unlike my girlfriend who usually takes a big suitcase with her while travelling, I prefer _______.

8. One of air travel disadvantages can be an _______ _______.

9. When you travel you can face a lot of problems, for example, a lost _______.

10. Our company’s director has to _______ _______ _______ as we have offices in different cities.

11. Many people like _______ _______ because they have a chance to enjoy nature.

5. Translate the text from Russian into English:

Я люблю путешествовать. В моей семье отдают предпочтение, прежде всего, пешим походам по местности. Такие походы еще называются прогулками.

Если мы хотим побывать за городом, то нам надо провести часть лета в таких прогулках. Во время этих прогулок можно увидеть много достопримечательностей, повстречать интересных людей. Это очень полезно для всех членов моей семьи. Мы собираем рюкзаки. Нет необходимости торопиться и заботиться о билетах.

На мой взгляд, путешествовать поездом и самолетом удобнее. Но на самолет трудно достать билеты. Поэтому мы покупаем билеты заранее. Когда я путешествую самолетом, то у меня уходит мало времени на то, чтобы добраться до места назначения. Я люблю летать на самолете. Если я путешествую поездом или самолетом, друзья провожают меня на вокзал или в аэропорт.

Я люблю путешествовать на машине. Это также очень интересно, потому что за небольшой промежуток времени можно увидеть много интересного. Когда мы едем на машине, билеты нам не нужны. Все необходимые вещи мы кладем в машину. Нет необходимости их носить. Кроме того, мы можем взять достаточно большой багаж.

Иногда мы ездим на море на несколько дней. Обычно погода хорошая, и мы купаемся. Одно удовольствие наблюдать за белыми кораблями и наслаждаться морскими видами.

Итак, я могу сказать, что мне очень нравятся все виды путешествий.

6. Make a table «Advantages and disadvantages of different means of travelling»:

means of travelling advantages disadvantages
plane train ship car foot    

7. Complete the sentences:

1. Travellers like to visit different cities because …

2. I don’t like to travel alone because …

3. The best way for many people to spent holidays is to go to mountains as …

4. When I travel I always take a camera with me …

5. I prefer to travel light as …

6. Many young people prefer to hitch-hike because …

7. Some people never travel by plane as …

8. For many people travelling is a good way to …

9. Travelling on foot can be very interesting as …

10. Travelling is the only way …

11. Today many Russian people prefer to travel abroad because …

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