Radiological safety o nuclear power plants
Pursuant to the radiological safety principals adopted by the international society, one of the major tasks of the nuclear power plants of Rosenergoatom in 2003 was to achieve further decrease in the impact of ionizing radiation on people by means of establishing the conditions for maintaining the individual exposure doses and the number of the exposed persons as low as reasonably achievable, taking into account economical and social factors.
The basic exposure dose limits are complied with by all NPP of the utility. Moreover, the personnel exposure doses have been decreasing for a number of years. Resulting from the administrative and technical measures implemented in 2003, the collective personnel exposure doses decreased in by 20 % compared to the year of 2002, and by a factor of 1,9 compared to the moment when the new, more stringent dose limits were introduced (1996). The NPP with VVER and BN reactors achieved extremely low values of exposure doses, comparable with the best NPP in the world.
The implementation of the Dose Mniimization Program for the NPP with RBMK-1000 reactors according to the requirements of the radiological safety code NRB-99, initiated by Rosenergoatom in 2002, resulted in decrease in 2003 of the collective personnel exposure doses at the NPP with RBMK-1000 by approximately 24 % (1.3 times). However, the task of decreasing the exposure of the personnel of NPP with RBMK reactors will remain оn the agenda in the future.
The average individual exposure doses of the plant personnel and contractors are close to the public exposure doses received from natural sources (1,5-15 mSv, in certain regions - up to 50 mSv per year). It is worth mentioning that due to purposeful activities of the operating utility and of the plants, no individuals received the exposure dose in excess of 20 mSv in 2003.
Further decrease of NPP personnel exposure will depend upon improvement of maintenance management through implementation of ALARA methodology, wide implementation of quick-detachable protective screens, electronic instant-reading dosimeters, as well as upon optimization of maintenance duration etc.
The radiological survey information collected over many years around the NPP sites prove that in the normal modes of operation nuclear power plants cause no detectable impacts on public and environment. In 2003, the releases of gaseous, aerosol and liquid releases from all NPP were significantly below the prescribed acceptable limits.
Thus, the radiological impact of NPP on public and environment in 2003 was within 0,003 - 0,06 % of the dose caused by natural sources of radiation, which is not detectable against the natural background. The individual lifetime radiation-induced risk to public associated with NPP operation is below 10-6 per year which is classified as unconditionally acceptable according to the Radiological Safety Code (NRB-99).
2 Переведите на русский язык следующие английские словосочетания:
1)The Emergency Response Center;
2) main information and monitoring element;
3) emergency prevention and management;
4) basic information systems;
5) information and computation systems of the power units;
6) automated unit radiation background monitoring systems;
7) automated environmental radiation monitoring systems;
8) The 24-hour activities of specialists;
9) monitoring of the basic safety and plant radiation parameters;
10) fast mobilization of all the information systems of engineering support.
3 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:
1)проведение регулярных тренировок и учений;
2) оказать поддержку АЭС при нештатных ситуациях;
3) система аварийного реагирования;
4) единое информационное пространство;
5) современные телекоммуникационные средства;
6) инженерная и научно-техническая поддержка;
7) круглосуточный мониторинг;
8) техническое обслуживание программно-технического комплекса центра;
9) принципы обеспечения радиационной безопасности;
10) уменьшение степени воздействия ионизирующего излучения на человека.
4 Найдите в тексте слова, имеющие общий корень с данными словами. Определите, к какой части речи они относятся, и переведите их на русский язык:
1) to prevent;
2) to mobilize;
3) to manage;
4) radio;
5) to accept;
6) normal;
7) environment;
8) to communicate;
9) back;
10) significant.
5 Задайте к выделенному в тексте предложению все типы вопросов (общий, альтернативный, разделительный, специальный: а) к подлежащему, б) к второстепенному члену предложения).
The Emergency Response Center receives data from the basic information systems of the plants.
6 Выполните анализ данных предложений, обратив внимание на следующие грамматические явления: формы и функции инфинитива, инфинитивные конструкции (сложное дополнение, подлежащее), существительное в роли определения, функции слов one (ones), that (those), условные предложения:
1)Regular training and field exercises allow monitoring and maintaining readiness of the Emergency Response Center to support nuclear power plants in case of abnormal situations.
2) However, the task of decreasing the exposure of the personnel of NPP with RBMK reactors will remain оn the agenda in the future.
3) It is worth mentioning that due to purposeful activities of the operating utility and of the plants, no individuals received the exposure dose in excess of 20 mSv in 2003.
4) In 2003, the releases of gaseous, aerosol and liquid releases from all NPP were significantly below the prescribed acceptable limits.
5) The radiological survey information collected over many years around the NPP sites prove that in the normal modes of operation nuclear power plants cause no detectable impacts on public and environment.
7 Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1) What is the Emergency Center?
2) Where is it located?
3) What does the Emergency Response Center receive data from?
4) How many persons does the on-duty shift consist of? What are they?
5) What measures allow monitoring and maintaining readiness of the Emergency Response Center to support nuclear power plants in case of abnormal situations?
6) What is created for all participants of the emergency response system?
7) What kind of NPP reactors achieved extremely low values of expo sure doses, comparable with the best NPP in the world?