Согласно информации, данной в тексте, подберите каждому предложению (1-5) соответствующее продолжение (a-e).

1) Less people live in Australia, Peru or Sweden.…….

2) Today some land on Manhattan costs …….

3) Sometimes subway trains stop only …. ……

4) In New York people move vertically …………

5) In New York one can find ………

a). ……. the biggest publishing houses of the USA.

b). ……. than in New York.

c). …….. by elevator to their offices on the eighteenth floor.

d). …….. a million dollars an acre.

e). …….. at the most important stations.

Напишите, соответствуют ли предложения содержанию текста. Отметьте данное утверждение как T (True), если предложение верно передает содержание текста, и как F (False), если оно не соответствует его содержанию.

  Statement True False
1. In New York you can meet people speaking all the languages of the world.    
2. New York is the city of skyscrapers.    
3. If you are in a hurry, you should go by subway train.    
4. We must pay twice if we change trains but don’t go out of the station.    
5. In New York you can find expensive stores and little shops with cheap souvenirs.    

Найдите в тексте необходимую информацию и дайте ответы на вопросы, приведенные ниже.

1. What do many visitors like in New York?

2. How much did Manhattan cost?

3. How do people get from Manhattan island to other parts of the city?

4. Why are buses slow in New York?

5. Where should you go in this city if you want to listen to some classical music?

Выполните задание в письменном виде.

Когда иностранный гражданин приезжает зарубеж, его обычно просят заполнить таможенную декларацию (customs declaration). Представьте, что Вы прилетели в Америку и получили подобный бланк. Просмотрите его внимательно, найдите части, которые необходимо заполнить, и впишите требуемую информацию.

Согласно информации, данной в тексте, подберите каждому предложению (1-5) соответствующее продолжение (a-e). - student2.ru

DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY UNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE CUSTOMS DECLARATION PRESENT TO THE IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS INSPECTORS Each arriving traveler or head of a family must write in the following information. Please print. 1.FAMILY NAME GIVEN NAME MIDDLE NAME   2. DATE OF BIRTH (MO./DAY/YR.) 3. VESSEL, OR AIRLINE & FLIGHT NO.   4. CITIZEN OF (COUNTRY) 5. RESIDENT OF (COUNTRY) 6. PERMANENT ADDRESS   7. ADDRESS WHILE IN THE UNITED STATES   8. NAME AND RELATIONSHIP OF ACCOMPANYING FAMILY MEMBERS   9. Are you or anyone in your party carrying any fruits, plants, meats, other plant or animal products, birds, □ YES □ NO snails, or other live organisms of any kind? 10. Have you or anyone in your party been on a farm or ranch outside the USA in the last 30 days? □ YES □ NO 11. Are you or any member of the family carrying over $5000.00 (or equivalent value in any currency) in monetary instruments such as coin, traveler’s checks, □ YES □ NO money orders, or negotiable instruments in bearer form? 12. I certify that I have declared all items acquired abroad as required herein and that all oral and written statements which I have made are true, correct and complete. SIGNATURE:

The law of the US require that you declare ALL articles acquired abroad (whether worn or used, whether dutiable or not, and whether obtained as a purchase, as a gift, or otherwise) which are in your or your family possession at the time of arrival. Repairs made abroad also must be declared.

Вариант V

I. Выберите правильный вариант из слов, данных курсивом.

1. Teenagers wear much/ most/ more casual clothes than their parents.

2. Winter is the cold/ coldest/ colder season in our region.

3. This is the most/ more/ much difficult rule of all.

4. It was her better/ best/ the best dress.

5. This path was longest/ longer /long than the road.

6. This is the more/ less/ least important task of all.

7. The film was shorter/ more shorter/ the shortest than an hour.

8. This modern equipment is much/ more/ most expensive than the old one.

9. Where is the near/ nearer/ nearest hotel?

10. This is my older/ oldest/ more old friend.

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