Соотнесите русские и английские словосочетания.

1. further work a. помешивание ложечкой
2. instant tea b. динамичное время
3. to wobble in a cup c. “растворимый” чай
4. enquiring mind d. дальнейшая работа
5. to affect the taste e. покачиваться в чашке
6. boiling point f. любознательный ум
7. stirring with a spoon g. температура начала кипения
8. fast-moving time h. влиять на вкус

Согласно информации, данной в тексте, подберите к каждому предложению (1-5) соответствующее продолжение (a-e).

1) When you drink tea in the middle of the morning…….

2) Most English people do not know what happens ..…….

3) The water can be very hot, ……

4) Nowadays people expect …………

5) You get the best cup of tea, ………

a). ……… when they pour water over tea-leaves.

b). ……… when you use water near the boiling point.

c). …….... it stimulates you for further work.

d). ……... but the process still takes a few minutes.

e). ……... instant tea.

Напишите, соответствуют ли предложения содержанию текста. Отметьте данное утверждение как T (True), если предложение верно передает содержание текста, и как F (False), если оно не соответствует его содержанию.

  Statement True False
1. The English know how to make tea.    
2. Tea helps falling asleep at night.    
3. The scientists are interested in making a pot of tea.    
4. Theoflavings affect the colour of tea.    
5. Stirring with a spoon helps to make a faster cup of tea.    

Найдите в тексте необходимую информацию и дайте ответы на вопросы, приведенные ниже.

1. What are the effects of tea on people?

2. How do the English test a good tea?

3. What substances are there in tea leaves?

4. Why is the temperature of water important?

5. Why do people want instant tea?

Выполните задание в письменном виде.

Во время заграничной командировки Вы решили остановиться в Рояль Отель. Заполните предложенную форму, для того, чтобы зарезервировать номера для себя и своего коллеги. Выберите наиболее подходящие даты.

THE ROYAL HOTEL   Room Reservation Request   Please, reserve (insert numbers of rooms): □ Twin bedded □ Double bedded □ Single From night of ___________________________________ To morning of ___________________________________ □ With breakfast □ Without breakfast Surname________________________________________ Name __________________________________________ Address ________________________________________ Telephone No. ___________________________________ Approximate time of arrival _________________________
Соотнесите русские и английские словосочетания. - student2.ru

Вариант IV

I. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Where …. you now? Please, call me.
    a) is b) is not c) are  
2. Your socks …. all wet!
    a) is b) are c) isn’t  
3. This …. a very boring book. I don’t like it.
    a) is b) isn’t c) are  
4. Children …. happy when they don’t have lessons at school.
    a) are not b) are c) is  
5. Her sister …. in Spain now.
    a) is b) are c) am  
6. I hope John …. free in the evening. I have two tickets to a cinema.
    a) were b) was c) will be  
7. The hotel was very expensive but it ……. comfortable.
    a) was b) will be c) were  
8. Our friends were tired after the journey but they …… hungry.
    a) will be b) were not c) were  
9. Do you think the examination …….. difficult?
    a) were b) will not c) will be  
10. We like to travel. Today we are in Rome and then we….. in London.
    a) were b) will be c) was  

II. Раскройте скобки и употребите глагол “to have” в нужной форме.

1. She …. (have) an excellent mark for her composition.

2. He is very generous and …. (have) many friends.

3. Children …. (have not) classes today, they are staying at home.

4. My aunt …. (have) many recipes of cakes.

5. I …. (have) many lessons every day so I must go to bed early.

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