Describe your room in about 7 sentences.

3 Ask your neighbor 5 questions about his/her apartment or room.

Example: Is there a balcony in your room?

Unit 4 City

Listen to the dialogues and read them in pairs.

Describe your room in about 7 sentences. -

Dialogue 1

Stranger Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the UralSib bank, please!

Native Oh, yes, the nearest branch is just around the corner. You turn left at the next crossing.

Stranger Sorry, I want to go to the main building.

Native Ah, then you take any bus that goes to Gostinny Dvor. Get off at “Uralsib bank” stop and go straight by Revolutsionnaya street. The highest building is UralSib bank.

Stranger Thank you very much!

Native You are welcome!

Dialogue 2

Tania Hi, Gulnaz!

Gulnaz Hi, Tania!

Tania Where are you going?

Gulnaz I decided to go to the Bashkir State Drama Theater but I don’t know how to get there.

Tania It’s easy: go by the 12 trolley. The stop is in front of the University building and get off at the last stop. The theater will be in front of you across the street.

Gulnaz Thanks a lot!

Describe your room in about 7 sentences. -


across напротив
avenue ['ævə,nju:] проспект
bank банк
block квартал
boulevard ['bu:lə,va:d] бульвар
bridge мост
building здание
bus автобус
cinema кинотеатр
city город (большой)
crossing перекресток
hotel [həu'tel] гостиница
in front of перед
library библиотека
museum [mju:'zi:əm] музей
on the left (right) слева (справа)
post office почта
square [skweə] площадь
stop остановка
straight [streit] прямо
street улица
taxi такси
theater театр
to get off сходить (с транспорта)
to go by bus (taxi, tram…) ехать на автобусе (такси, трамвае…)
to take – took - taken сесть (на транспорт), пойти (по улице)
to turn повернуть
to walk гулять, идти пешком, прогулка
town город (маленький)
traffic дорожное движение
traffic lights светофор
tram трамвай
trolley троллейбус
underground, metro (AmE subway) метро


Listen and repeat. Add more words.

[æ] tram, taxi, bank, traffic, traffic lights

[i] cinema, city, bridge

[Λ] bus, underground, subway

[o] stop, office, trolley, walk

[ə:] turn

[ei] take, straight, subway

[ai] library, lights, right

[eə] square

[au] town

[ou] hotel, post

[iə] theater

[ju] museum, avenue

[ŋ] building, crossing

Oral exercises

Practice the following sentences with the words given below. Listen and repeat the sentences until you can say them fluently.

a) theater: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the theater?

museum, hotel, library, post office

b) tram: Where is the nearest tramstop?

bus, trolley, taxi, train

c) traffic lights: Turn right at the traffic lights.

corner, bank, cinema, bridge, crossing

d) 16: Take #16 bus and get off in three stops.

2, 18, 22, 59, 255

e) Kirova street: Take Kirova street and walk three blocks.

prospect Oktyabrya, Mendeleeva street, Lenina street,

boulevard molodezhi

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