Listen to the following dialogues and read them in pairs.

Listen to the following dialogues and read them in pairs. -

Dialogue 1

Shopkeeper Hello, can I help you?

Customer Yes, I want one liter of milk, a loaf of bread, ten eggs and some cheese.

Shopkeeper What kind of cheese do you want?

Customer Cottage cheese; that one on the right.

Shopkeeper OK, anything else?

Customer Also, I want a kilo of tomatoes and a bunch of green onions.

Shopkeeper That makes 120 rubles. How do you wish to pay? by cash or card?

Customer By card.

Shopkeeper Thank you! Take your receipt.

Dialogue 2

Alfiya So, what shall we buy?

Diana I want a blue shirt to match my jeans and a new purse; mine is too old.

Alfiya OK, and I’d like to buy a pair of dress shoes, something not

very expensive.

Diana Oh, look! Here’s a nice pair and they are really cheap! Do

you like them?

Alfiya Let me try them on. Yes, indeed, they fit me perfectly! But I

don’t like the color.

Diana Do you want them in black? Try these!

Alfiya Yes, they are a nice match for my black dress.

Listen to the following dialogues and read them in pairs. -


boots сапоги
bunch пучок, букет
cash наличные деньги
clothes [kləuðz] одежда
cottage cheese творог
currency ['kÙrənsi] валюта
customer ['kÙstəmə] клиент, покупатель, потребитель
dress платье, одеваться
grocery ['grəusəri] продуктовый магазин
hat шляпа, шапка
jeans джинсы
loaf буханка
mall [mo:l] торговый комплекс
purse [pə:s] дамская сумочка, кошелек
receipt [ri'si:t] кассовый чек
shirt рубашка, кофточка, блузка
shoes туфли
shop магазин
shopping center торговый центр
skirt юбка
store магазин
sum [sÙm] сумма
supermarket супермаркет
to buy – bought – bought покупать
to fit подходить (по размеру), сидеть (об одежде)
to match подходить (по цвету), сочетаться
to pay – paid – paid платить
to sell – sold – sold продавать
to try on примерять
trousers (AmE pants) ['trauzəz] брюки


Listen and repeat.

[ò] shop, shoes, shirt, cash, shopping center

[ei] pay, paid

[u:] boots, shoes

[ə:] shirt, skirt, purse

Read the following words in transcription and write them in your notebooks.

[mol] [dʒi:ns] [tòi:p] [klou¶z] [sto:]

[pænts] [dres] [louf] [òu:z] [hæt]

Oral exercises

Practice the following sentences with the words given below. Listen and repeat the sentences until you can say them fluently.

a) shoes: I wanted shoes to match my dress.

a purse, jewelry, a hat

b) tomatoes: I’ll also take a kilo of tomatoes.

potatoes, carrots, cabbage, ball peppers

c) 120: That makes 120 rubles.

12; 338; 470; 600; 1,836

Listen to the following dialogues and read them in pairs. -

Cross out the odd word.

a) shirt, cake, pants, skirt, dress

b) onion, apple, pear, peach, orange

c) oatmeal, semolina, salt, buckwheat, millet

d) pen, notebook, shoe, clip, stapler

e) store, egg, shop, grocery, supermarket

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