Parts of the body Части тела
· arm [a:m] рука (до кисти) · back [bæk] спина · breast [brest] грудь · ears [i¶z] уши · foot (feet) {fu:t, fi:t] нога, ноги (ступни) · finger [`fiŋg¶] палец (на руке) · figure [`fig¶] фигура · knee [ni:] колено · hair [he¶] волосы · head [hed] голова · leg [leg] нога (до ступни) · neck [nek] шея · shoulder [`òould¶] плечо · throat [qrout] горло · waist [weist] талия
Clothes Одежда
· belt [belt] пояс · blouse [blauz] блузка · coat [kout] пальто, пиджак · shoes [òu:z] туфли · skirt [sk¶:t] юбка · shirt [ò¶:t] сорочка · suit [sju:t] костюм · tie [tai] галстук · trousers [`trauz¶z] брюки · to have … on быть одетым в
Упр. 9. Прочитайте и переведите текст:
Two Group Portraits
Картинки со стр. 73
a) You see a reproduction of Gainsborough’s famous double portrait. The name of this picture is 'The Morning Walk. John Gainsborough is a world-known English artist of the 18th century. His name is familiar to all art-lovers. He is famous for his brilliant sense of composition, harmony and form. In the foreground of the picture you see a pretty slim young woman of about 25, an elegant young man. The woman has a very fashionable long dress on, her face is attractive. She has dreamy blue eyes, and thick, curly golden hair. As for the man, he is tall and handsome, the features of his face are pleasant and expressive His eyes are dark, his look is proud, his mouth is rather large, his nose is straight and he has a classical strong figure. I am sure that the young people are happy because they are young, they are in love, because the day is fine, and life is beautiful. It is an idyllic scene in a romantic landscape. Thanks to the soft colour treatment the picture has a lyrical and poetic atmosphere
b) In the picture "American Gothic" of 1930 by the American painter Grant Wood we see a man and a woman. They are husband and wife. They are poor farmers. The man's face is thin, long and old, he has a thin long mouth and serious eyes. He has a simple coat and a white shirt on. His wife is like her husband - she also has a long face, a thin mouth. Her blue eyes are expressionless. Her hair is straight and blond. She has a rather simple clean dress on. She is not good-looking and her husband is not handsome. There are no emotions in their faces. There is no charm about them. In the background of the picture we see a simple farmer’s house. It is a symbol of a primitive, hard life. The atmosphere of the picture is sad and depressing because these people have no ideals, no spiritual life, no illusions.
Упр. 10. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:
a)1. Was Gainsborough a master of portraiture? What portraits did he create? 2. What is he famous for? 3. How are a young woman and a young man portrayed? 4. What kind of atmosphere does the picture have? 5. What is your personal attitude to this painter?
b)1. Does the picture “American Gothic” differ greatly from the picture “The Morning Walk”? 2. Why is the atmosphere of this picture so sad and depressing? 3. What means did the painter use to depict a primitive, hard life? 4. Can you say that Grant Wood is recognized as the most brilliant portraitist?
Неопределенные времена (Indefinite Tenses)
Present | Past | Future | ||
Утвердительная форма | Множ. Единств. число число | I write You write He She writes It We write You write They write | I wrote You wrote He She wrote It We wrote You wrote They wrote | I shall write You will write He She will write It We shall write You will write They will write |
Вопросительная форма | Множ. Единств. число число | Do I write? Do you write? he Does she write? it Do we write? Do you write? Do they write? | Did I write? Did you write? he Did she write? it Did we write? Did you write? Did they write? | Shall I write? Will you write? he Will she write? it Shall we write? Will you write? Will they write? |
Отрицательная Форма | Множ. Единств. число число | I do not write You do not write He She does not write It We do not write You do not write They do not write | I did not write You did not write He She did not write It We did not write You did not write They did not write | I shall not write You will not write He She will not write It We shall not write You will not write They will not write |
Do not - don’t
Does not – doesn’t
Did not – didn’t
Shall not – shan’t
Will not – won’t
Употребление времен группы Indefinite
Present Indefinite | 1. Для выражения обычного или регулярно повторяющегося действия. 2. Для выражения будущего действия в придаточных обстоятельственных предложениях времени и условия. | 1. We take our examinations twice a year. 2. They often go to the cinema. 1. If you finish your work early ring me up. 2. When you come we shall go to see our friends. |
Past Indefinite | 1. Для обозначения действия, совершившегося в прошлом. 2. Для выражения ряда последовательных действий. | 1. I saw him two days ago. 2. In winter we went skating. 1. In the morning I got at 7, took my breakfast and went to the Institute. |
Future Indefinite | 1. Для выражения действия, которое совершится в будущем. Примечание: to be going, to be about являются эквивалентами будущего времени | 1. They will come soon. 2. In summer we’ll have our holidays. 1. I'm going to enter the Institute. 2. He is about to enter the University. |
Упр. 1. Запомните слова-сигналы, которые подсказывают, что сказуемое надо употреблять в:
Present Indefinite – usually, always, every day, as a rule, sometimes, often, rarely (seldom);
Past Indefinite – yesterday, last week (month, year), two days ago, in May, on Sunday, in 1990;
Future Indefinite – tomorrow, tonight, next week (year, month), in a day (через день), in 2012.
Чтение окончания – (e)s в 3-м лице единственного числа
После глухих согласных | После гласных и звонких согласных | После –s, -z, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x |
[s] | [z] | [iz] |
He looks He talks | He wonders He rides | He passes He teaches |
Запомните исключения:
Идти to go – he goes [gouz]
Делать to do – he does [dÙz]
Говорить to say – he says [sez]
Упр. 2. Прочтите следующие глаголы в 3-м лице единственного числа. Обратите внимание на правильное чтение окончаний:
He/She speaks, listens, dresses, writes, hurries, passes, awakens, wears, studies, shines, watches, spends, teaches, gets, catches, smiles, points, knows, raises.
Обратите внимание на орфографию:
1) to study – I study – he studies (y/i + es [iz]) но: to play – I play – he plays [z] 2) to teach – I teach – he teaches [iz] |
Упр. 3. Поставьте глаголы в 3-е лицо единственного числа:
Do, go, brush (чистить), sell (продавать), match (сочетать), give, take, smile, answer, watch, dress, hear, eat, study, mix (смешивать), fly (летать), shine, hurry, catch, stay (оставаться), smoke (курить), move (двигать), manage.
Упр. 4. Выберите правильную форму глагола:
1. My daughter (go/goes) to bed at 9 p.m. 2. Our dog (eat/eats) everything we give him. 3. I (do/does) my work attentively. 4. He (speak/speaks) in a soft, quiet voice, 5, My grandmother often (tell/tells) me nice stories. 6. We (have/has) two French classes a week. 7. They (sing/sings) English songs. 8. She (come/comes) from Poland. 9. Jerry (smoke/smokes) a lot. 10. The sun (warm/warms) the earth. 11. The teacher (point/points) to our mistakes. 12. My watch (show/shows) the correct time.
Упр. 5. Используя следующие словосочетания с глаголами, составьте предложения по образцу:
I speak English. He/She speaks English too.
To write Spanish; to speak in a soft voice; to know how to manage one’s business; to make a joke; to get a sleep; to sleep at classes; to tell funny stories to friends; to listen to a lecture; to ride a bike; to dress in good taste; to have lunch at home; to go to the institute; to do homework; to work hard.
Примечание: местоимение one’s, соответствующее русскому «чье-либо», в предложении заменяется притяжательным местоимением, соответствующим подлежащему или смыслу предложения.
For example: I manage my business, he manages his business.
Упр. 6. Поставьте глагол в Present Indefinite. Следите за орфографией:
1. He (to understand) German well. 2. She (to get up) at 6 a.m. 3. We (to have) two English classes a week. 4. Peter (to have) coffee in the morning. 5. My mother (to come) home at 6 p.m. 6. I (to wonder) why you always (to walk) alone. 7. Our teacher (to wear) suits of dark colours. 8. They (to take) a train to get to Minsk. 9. In summer my son (to ride) a horse (лошадь). 10. John and Jane (to come) from America. 11. The girl (to talk) to strange people. 12. The sound of Big Ben (to go) all over the world. 13. He (to want) to catch the six o’clock train.
Упр. 7. Переведите на английский язык:
1. Она читает английские книги. 2. Петр не курит. 3. Я ношу яркие платья (костюмы). 4. Он преподает французский. 5. Мы ходим в институт по будням. 6.Она рассказывает детям смешные истории. 7. У них два урока немецкого языка в неделю. 8. Анна плавает хорошо. 9. Летом дети купаются в море. 10. Он работает до полуночи.
Упр. 8. Сделайте предложения отрицательными:
1. She knows English well. 2. I get up early. 3. Her mother teaches at school. 4. We find our flat cosy. 5. She tells the truth. 6. They make an awful noise. 7. They dance every day. 8. She keeps company with these students. 9. He drinks red wine. 10. We spend our days in reading.
Упр. 9. Сделайте предложения вопросительными:
1. You buy many books. 2. He hates shopping. 3. We ask many questions. 4. You live in Pushkin Street. 5. You pay much money for the room. 6. Your mother lives with you. 7. Your friends like to sing. 8. We know these young people.
Различные функции окончания –s (es)
-s -es | Показатель множественного числа существительных: walls, classes |
Показатель 3-го лица единственного числа глаголов в Present Indefinite: he goes, he reads | |
Показатель притяжательного падежа существительных: a student’s book, students’ books, Mike’s flat |
Упр. 10. Определите функцию окончания –s (-es) в слове. Предложения переведите:
1. I changed places with Mrs. Clark. 2. He places his books on the shelf. 3. She always books tickets in advance (заранее). 4. There are two national parks in this country. 5. Sometimes he parks his car near the house. 6. I went to my friend’s two weeks ago. 7. The results of the game were unpredictable. 8. He got good marks in French. 9. The teacher marks our homework twice a week. 10. He is Tom’s son.