Group the words according to their meanings.

university teacher credit tutor school vacations instructor professor study lecturer break college exam learn master holidays

Read the following information on studying abroad and discuss in groups of four its advantages and disadvantages.

There are both pluses and minuses in studying abroad and it’s up to you to decide.

J Studying abroad during a summer, quarter, semester, or year will give you a fresh perspective on yourself, and the world.

J By living in a foreign country you will constantly challenge yourself in many new and exciting ways and gain a level of independence you never knew you had.

J Studying abroad will expose you to diverse people and viewpoints, and you will get to experience a different way of life apart from yours in your country.

J You will be immersed in the language, culture, and people of your host country and will get to experience life as a resident, not as a mere tourist.

JToday’s competitive job market requires applicants to distinguish themselves, and international education experience is the perfect way to do so. Having international education experience is an incredible resume booster, as it shows prospective employers you are motivated, independent, and generally more qualified.

J Additionally, obtaining foreign language skills can make you eligible for all sorts of jobs that you may have otherwise been unqualified for.

Group the words according to their meanings. -

L The main minus is the tuition fee that is rather high in foreign universities. To solve this problem you may either apply for scholarship or grant, or you can take up some part-time job on campus or anywhere else to pay for your studies.
L You should also keep in mind that studying abroad means great deal of self-reliance as you’ll have to make plenty of decisions yourself.

L Most libraries don’t provide all the books needed for studies so be ready to spend about $400 each semester on books and photocopying.

L You will also have to rent an apartment in the dormitory or in the city – and that is also rather expensive.

Remember the following verbs in three forms.

1. ring rang rung звонить
2. rise rose risen подниматься
3. run ran run бежать
4. say said said говорить
5. see saw seen видеть
6. send sent sent посылать
7. sing sang sung петь
8. sit sat sat сидеть
9. sleep slept slept спать
10. speak spoke spoken разговаривать

Give the missing form of the verb or the Russian translation.

1. hide - - прятать
2. keep - kept держать
3. grow grew - -
4. - hurt hurt -
5. - heard - -
6. - - gone идти
7. - - - давать
8. - - - держать
9.   got - -
10.   - - иметь
11. - let - -
12. - - made -
13. meet - - -
14. - - - читать
15. - lost - -


Modal verbs (Модальные глаголы)

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