Отработайте произношение следующих согласных.

[S] [C] [Z] [G] [h] [h] [j]
ship chess usual jam his horse yet
shoes cheese vision Jane her house You
shop culture measure January high hill Yellow
share fetch pleasure George him hope Yesterday
finish match decision badge hat husband year

3. Сопоставьте произношение звонких и глухих звуков.

[p] [b] [k] [g] [t] [d]
pea bea crew grew try dry
pie buy sick fog true Drew
pap pub dock dog Kate laid
pride bride pick big set said
cap cab come gum built build
[f] [v] [D] [T] [s] [z]
fame vain though throw docks dogs
few view those third said zed
safe save this fifth peace please
leaf leave that thin cease seize
knife knives without teeth niece knees

Отработайте произношение следующих звуков.

[tr] [pr] [kr] [tw] [kw] [t]-[D]
Tram Proud Cry Twice Quick At this
Tree Pretty Crowd Twelve Queen But that
Try Present Cruel Twenty Quarter Just this
Street Spring Critic Twist Quite What`s this
Strong Opera Croen Twins Question What`s that
[v-w-w-v] [D-z-z-D] [D-z-z-T-s]
Very well This is is this This is that thing
Win victory That is is that That is the truth
Wet weather There is is there Those three months
Warm wind There was was there These thousands of thanks

5. Прочитайте словосочетания, обратите внимание на связующий элемент [r] в положении между гласны­ми.

there_is for_example for_a moment

there_are for_instance near_it

where_is - far_away a sister_or_a brother

Упражнения в чтении

1. Прочитайте слова и словосочетания. Следите за тем, чтобы глухие согласные перед звонкими не озвон­чались, а звонкие перед глухими не оглушались.

a) English_books, British_guests, sit_down, hot_day, meet_Dad, top_marks, light_box, black_gate, without_danger, make_noise.

6) Tom's_pen, father's_thing, children's_toys, Ann's_flat, five_sisters, with_fish, planet_Jupiter[`Gu:pitq]

2. Прочитайте предложения и фразы со связующим [r] на стыке слов.

More_important the f loor_is brown

more_active the door_is white

a pen or_a pencil they are_old

a new or_an old lab there_is a pen on the table

a big or_a_small house what colour_is the pen?

a worker or_a student where_is the pencil?

a doctor or_an engineer what is there on the shelf?

3. Прочитайте слова. Обратите внимание на сле­дующее:

а) произношение окончания множественного числа -s у имен существительных;

б) суффикса притяжа­тельного падежа 's; в) окончания -s(es) глаголов 3 ли­ца ед. числа.

a) [s] - lake - lakes, plate - plates, book - books, sport -sports, shop - shops, test - tests, street - streets.

[z] - boy - boys, store - stores, stone - stones, plan -plans, star - stars, thing - things, chair - chairs.

[iz] - house - houses, dish - dishes, watch - watches, box - boxes, class - classes, bus - buses, page - pages.

б) [s] - Mike's flat, student's decision, students' deci­sion, accountant's papers.

[z] - girl's doll, engineer's map, country's flag, this year's plan, people's will, this family's friends.

[iz] - Max's books, Mr.Fox's car, Mrs.Patch's hus­band.

в) [s] - speaks, helps, sits, breaks, costs, eats, writes, fights, keeps, makes, sleeps, translates.

[z] - reads, leaves, gives, goes, becomes, says, drives, flies, knows, pays, spoils, sends, tells.

[iz] - teaches, freezes, kisses, discusses, loses, watches, sneezes.

4. Прочитайте следующие слова. Обратите внима­ние на произношение окончания -ed у глаголов прошед­шего времени.

[d] - moved, solved, lived, smiled, played, seemed, shaved, closed, answered, opened, considered, joined, en­joyed, carried, occupied, recognized, examined, organized, turned.

[id] - translated, visited, waited, elected, consisted, studied, decided, intended, founded, wanted, crowded, surrounded, wounded, landed, included, greeted, reflected, represented.

[t] - asked, worked, walked, helped, liked^ missed, dis­cussed, furnished, passed, reached, picked, published, an­nounced, placed, developed, finished.

Прочитайте следующие предложения несколько раз, отрабатывая произношение гласных и согласных звуков.

We were very worried.

She was wearing silver ear-rings.

Where's the railway timetable?

What are you quarrelling about?

We won by three goals to nil.

When will you get back?

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