Отработайте произношение следующих согласных.
[S] | [C] | [Z] | [G] | [h] | [h] | [j] |
ship | chess | usual | jam | his | horse | yet |
shoes | cheese | vision | Jane | her | house | You |
shop | culture | measure | January | high | hill | Yellow |
share | fetch | pleasure | George | him | hope | Yesterday |
finish | match | decision | badge | hat | husband | year |
3. Сопоставьте произношение звонких и глухих звуков.
[p] | [b] | [k] | [g] | [t] | [d] |
pea | bea | crew | grew | try | dry |
pie | buy | sick | fog | true | Drew |
pap | pub | dock | dog | Kate | laid |
pride | bride | pick | big | set | said |
cap | cab | come | gum | built | build |
[f] | [v] | [D] | [T] | [s] | [z] |
fame | vain | though | throw | docks | dogs |
few | view | those | third | said | zed |
safe | save | this | fifth | peace | please |
leaf | leave | that | thin | cease | seize |
knife | knives | without | teeth | niece | knees |
Отработайте произношение следующих звуков.
[tr] | [pr] | [kr] | [tw] | [kw] | [t]-[D] |
Tram | Proud | Cry | Twice | Quick | At this |
Tree | Pretty | Crowd | Twelve | Queen | But that |
Try | Present | Cruel | Twenty | Quarter | Just this |
Street | Spring | Critic | Twist | Quite | What`s this |
Strong | Opera | Croen | Twins | Question | What`s that |
[v-w-w-v] | [D-z-z-D] | [D-z-z-T-s] |
Very well | This is is this | This is that thing |
Win victory | That is is that | That is the truth |
Wet weather | There is is there | Those three months |
Warm wind | There was was there | These thousands of thanks |
5. Прочитайте словосочетания, обратите внимание на связующий элемент [r] в положении между гласными.
there_is for_example for_a moment
there_are for_instance near_it
where_is - far_away a sister_or_a brother
Упражнения в чтении
1. Прочитайте слова и словосочетания. Следите за тем, чтобы глухие согласные перед звонкими не озвончались, а звонкие перед глухими не оглушались.
a) English_books, British_guests, sit_down, hot_day, meet_Dad, top_marks, light_box, black_gate, without_danger, make_noise.
6) Tom's_pen, father's_thing, children's_toys, Ann's_flat, five_sisters, with_fish, planet_Jupiter[`Gu:pitq]
2. Прочитайте предложения и фразы со связующим [r] на стыке слов.
More_important the f loor_is brown
more_active the door_is white
a pen or_a pencil they are_old
a new or_an old lab there_is a pen on the table
a big or_a_small house what colour_is the pen?
a worker or_a student where_is the pencil?
a doctor or_an engineer what is there on the shelf?
3. Прочитайте слова. Обратите внимание на следующее:
а) произношение окончания множественного числа -s у имен существительных;
б) суффикса притяжательного падежа 's; в) окончания -s(es) глаголов 3 лица ед. числа.
a) [s] - lake - lakes, plate - plates, book - books, sport -sports, shop - shops, test - tests, street - streets.
[z] - boy - boys, store - stores, stone - stones, plan -plans, star - stars, thing - things, chair - chairs.
[iz] - house - houses, dish - dishes, watch - watches, box - boxes, class - classes, bus - buses, page - pages.
б) [s] - Mike's flat, student's decision, students' decision, accountant's papers.
[z] - girl's doll, engineer's map, country's flag, this year's plan, people's will, this family's friends.
[iz] - Max's books, Mr.Fox's car, Mrs.Patch's husband.
в) [s] - speaks, helps, sits, breaks, costs, eats, writes, fights, keeps, makes, sleeps, translates.
[z] - reads, leaves, gives, goes, becomes, says, drives, flies, knows, pays, spoils, sends, tells.
[iz] - teaches, freezes, kisses, discusses, loses, watches, sneezes.
4. Прочитайте следующие слова. Обратите внимание на произношение окончания -ed у глаголов прошедшего времени.
[d] - moved, solved, lived, smiled, played, seemed, shaved, closed, answered, opened, considered, joined, enjoyed, carried, occupied, recognized, examined, organized, turned.
[id] - translated, visited, waited, elected, consisted, studied, decided, intended, founded, wanted, crowded, surrounded, wounded, landed, included, greeted, reflected, represented.
[t] - asked, worked, walked, helped, liked^ missed, discussed, furnished, passed, reached, picked, published, announced, placed, developed, finished.
Прочитайте следующие предложения несколько раз, отрабатывая произношение гласных и согласных звуков.
We were very worried.
She was wearing silver ear-rings.
Where's the railway timetable?
What are you quarrelling about?
We won by three goals to nil.
When will you get back?