Vocabulary. Learn the words
consumer-driven force, dynamic, gross output, tremendous opportunities, to challenge, labour-intensive, the multiplier effect, benefits, hospitality, commercial establishment, manufacturer, impact,
Assignment 1.1 Read and translate the text:
The tourist industry is one of the largest growing industries in the world. It is a dynamic, evolving and consumer-driven force. It appeared in the 19th century as the result of the industrial revolution when people started to earn enough money and have enough time to travel.
At the end of the 19th century tourism acquired new forms and new words such as “comfort”, “express”, “liner”. Industrialization produced better conditions for tourism. Among them is the appearance of a large number of people with an amount of disposable income – income above and beyond what is needed for basic expenses such as food, shelter, clothing and taxes.
With the growth of large cities many people had to go somewhere to have a rest in a clean sunny place. Thousands of factory workers in Northern Europe left the polluted cities and took their paid vacations in Southern European countries. In many cases the cost of the holiday was subsidized partly or wholly by government, trade unions or employers. The subsidized recreational travel was called social tourism.
The gross output of the tourist industry in recent years has been approximately $3.5 trillion. Tourism grows much faster than other sectors of economy. Growing so rapidly, tourism presents tremendous opportunities and challenges for the young people who study to work in tourism and hospitality.
There are some major factors that provide the growth of tourism. Among them we can mention tourism benefits, the multiplier effect of the tourist dollar, the labour-intensive character.
Let´s consider these factors.
Tourism benefits all the commercial establishments of the destination. But first of all it benefits airlines, hotels, restaurants, local shops, taxi-drivers. Besides it benefits the manufacturers of such varied items as cameras, films, souvenirs, sunglasses, sport clothing, jewels.
So, the tourism industry is very closely connected with the local economy. It is said to produce secondary impacts on it, because when a tourist spends money on travel, hotels, restaurants the money is recycled by these businesses to purchase more goods. This phenomenon is called “the multiplier effect of the tourist dollar”, which can be explained as the number of times that money from tourism is spent within the economy of a tourist destination area. Usually the multiplier effect is between 1.7-2.0. This means that the tourist dollar is used in the same community about two times.
The third factor concerns the number of people involved in tourism. The tourism industry is one of the most labour-intensive ones. It has the highest proportion of workers to the number of people served. This is a common feature of service industries. Tourism employs about 183 million people that represent 10.2 percent of the global workforce. That means that it employs one of every ten workers. It´s the largest employer in the world.
Assignment 1.2 Answer the following questions:
1. Which is one of the fastest growing industries of the world?
2. Which industry is evolving and consumer-driven?
3. What did tourism acquire at the end of the 19th century?
4. What has industrialization produced for tourism?
5. Why did people have to go somewhere?
6. Where did the workers in Northern Europe go to have their paid vacations?
7. What is the gross output?
8. Does tourism present any opportunities and challenges for the young people who want to work in tourism?
9. Which are the major factors in the growth of tourism?
10. What does tourism benefit?
11. Why does tourism produce great impacts on the local economy?
12. What is the multiplier effect of the tourist dollar?
13. How can the multiplier effect be explained?
14. How many times is the tourist dollar used in some communities?
15. Why is the tourism industry one of the labour-intensive ?
16. How many people does it employ?
17. Is it the largest employer in the world?
Assignment 1.3 Use the appropriate words from the list:
labour-intensive, impacts, the manufacturers, the growth of tourism, social, the cost of the holiday, disposable, consumer-driven, the largest growing
1. The tourist industry is one of … industries in the world.
2. It is a dynamic, evolving and … force.
3. Among them is the appearance of a large number of people with an amount of … income.
4. In many cases … was subsidized partly or wholly by government, trade unions or employers.
5. The subsidized recreational travel was called … tourism.
6. There are some major factors that provide … .
7. Besides it benefits … of such varied items as cameras, films, souvenirs, sunglasses, sport clothing, jewels.
8. It is said to produce secondary … on it, because when a tourist spends money on travel, hotels, restaurants the money is recycled by these businesses to purchase more goods.
9. The tourist industry is one of the most … ones.
Assignment 1.4 Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:
1. Индустрия туризма – одна из самых быстро развивающихся в мире.
2. В конце XIX века туризм получил новые формы и слова, такие как «комфорт», «экспресс», «лайнер».
3. Тысячи рабочих фабрик Северной Европы покидали загрязненные города и проводили оплачиваемый отпуск в южно-европейских странах. Во многих случаях стоимость отдыха была частично или полностью субсидирована правительством, профсоюзами или нанимателями. Этот субсидированный отдых назывался социальным туризмом.
4. Туризм развивается быстрее, чем другие сектора экономики.
5. Туризм приносит выгоду всем коммерческим предприятиям. Но, прежде всего, он приносит выгоду авиакомпаниям, отелям, ресторанам, местным магазинам и водителям такси.
6. Индустрия туризма – одна из самых трудоемких в мире. В ней самое высокое соотношение числа обслуживающего персонала на одного отдыхающего. Это является характерной чертой всех сфер обслуживания.