Risk factors for a stroke include
Compose vocabulary to the text.
2. Read and translate the text:
Heart Diseases
Heart disease describes a range of conditions that affect your heart. Coronary heart disease is a common type of heart disease. This condition results from a buildup of plaque on the inside of the arteries, which reduces blood flow to the heart and increases the risk of a heart attack and other heart complications. Other forms of heart disease include:
– irregular heartbeat (arrhythmias);
– congenital heart defects;
– weak heart muscles (cardiomyopathy);
– heart valve problems;
– heart infections;
– cardiovascular disease.
The term "heart disease" is often used interchangeably with the term "cardiovascular disease." Cardiovascular disease generally refers to conditions that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can lead to a heart attack, chest pain (angina) or stroke. Other heart conditions, such as those that affect your heart's muscle, valves or rhythm, also are considered forms of heart disease.
Symptoms of heart diseases. Symptoms of heart disease vary depending on the specific condition. For example, if you have a heart arrhythmia, symptoms may include a fast or slow heartbeat; dizziness; lightheadedness; chest pains; shortness of breath. Symptoms of congenital heart defect may include skin discoloration, such as a bluish or pale color. You may also notice swelling in your legs and stomach. You might become easily tired or have shortness of breath shortly after beginning any type of physical activity. If you have weak heart muscles, physical activity may cause tiredness and shortness of breath. Dizziness and swelling in the legs, ankle, or feet are also common with cardiomyopathy. Signs and symptoms of a heart infection can include: tiredness; coughing; skin rash; irregular heartbeat; swelling in legs and stomach.
Risk Factors of Heart Disease. Several factors increase your risk of heart disease, like a family history of the disease, age, or ethnicity. Other common risk factors include:
– smoking;
– high blood pressure;
– high blood cholesterol;
– diabetes;
– poor diet;
– lack of exercise;
– obesity;
– stress;
– poor hygiene (some viral and bacterial infections can affect the heart).
Many forms of heart disease can be prevented or treated with healthy lifestyle choices.
3. Compose a summary to the text. Use the following material:
A summary is a condensed version of a larger reading (books, chapters, articles, research papers, etc.). To write a summary, express briefly the main idea and relevant details of the piece you have read. Your purpose in writing a summary is to give the basic ideas of the original reading, to provide a brief outline of major points. The following aspects of a primary text should be highlighted:
- Major theme or problem;
- The aim of the research;
- The key statements;
- Practical application;
- Conclusions and results.
A summary is usually structured by means of the following expressions:
І. Major theme or problem:
The present paper | describes… | Ця стаття описує… |
This work | considers… | Ця робота розглядає... |
This article | discusses… | У статті обговорюється... |
The present article | analyzes… | У статті аналізується... |
deals with… | У статті розглядається… | |
is devoted to the problems… | Стаття присвячена проблемам… | |
This work | gives a review of… | Ця робота становить собою огляд… |
I’d like to start with a description of… | Я хотів би розпочати з опису … |
ІІ. The aim of the research:
this study is the investigation of… | дослідження – це вивчення… | ||
The object of | investigations is the improvement of treating… | Мета | досліджень – покращення лікування… |
experiment is the investigation of… | експерименту – дослідження… | ||
this work is the study… | цієї роботи – вивчення… | ||
It is important to point out that… | Важливо вказати, що… | ||
Let me pass to the description of… | Дозвольте перейти до опису… |
ІІІ. The key statements:
It has been indicated (that)… | Було зазначено, що… |
It is necessary to point out (that) … | Необхідно вказати, що… |
This article has shown (that)… | Ця стаття продемонструвала, що… |
It has been noted (that)… | Зазначено, що… |
Much attention is paid to… | Значна увага приділяється… |
Special attention is paid to… | Особлива увага приділяється… |
It was stressed (that)… | Підкреслено, що… |
It has been determined (that)… | Установлено, що… |
It should be noted (that)… | Необхідно зазначити… |
The different points of view concerning … are considered. | Представлені різні погляди щодо… |
Therefore, … | Таким чином, отже… |
Further, … | Крім того, більш того… |
Furthermore, … | До того ж, окрім того… |
Thus, … | Так, отже, таким чином… |
It was suggested… Basic principles of … have been formulated. | Було запропоновано… Були сформульовані загальні принципи щодо… |
IV. Practical application:
New method | is used… | Новий метод | використовують… |
is experimented… | апробують… | ||
This treatment | is proposed… | Таке лікування | пропонується… |
This problem | is investigated… | Цю проблему | досліджують… |
is discussed… | обговорюють… |
V. Conclusions and results:
It can be concluded from this study (that)… | На підставі представленого дослідження можна зробити висновок, що… |
On the basis of the results of this study it was proved… | На підставі результатів цього дослідження було доведено… |
The obtained results showed (that)… | Отримані результатів виявили, що… |
In conclusion let me emphasize that… | На завершення дозвольте наголосити, що… |
It is necessary to make further investigation of… | Необхідно здійснити подальше дослідження… |
Ex. 4. Match the words in column A with the words in column B:
A | B | ||
skin | heartbeat | ||
congenital | attack | ||
family | factor | ||
risk | rash | ||
irregular | defect | ||
heart | history | ||
Ex. 5. Match the terms with their definitions:
1) Hypertension | a) build of plaque on the walls of the artery |
2) Cardiomyopathy | b) permanent damage to the heart muscle; death of heart tissue due to lack of blood supply |
3) Thrombus | c) disorder of the heart rate |
4) Atherosclerosis | d) high blood pressure |
5) Heart attack | e) chest pain |
6) Angina | f) a blood clot |
7) Arrhythmia | g) a chronic disease of the heart muscle |
Ex. 6. Choose the correct variant:
Risk factors for a stroke include
a) low blood pressure, high cholesterol and smoking.
b) high blood pressure, low cholesterol and smoking.
c) high blood pressure, high cholesterol and smoking.
d) old age, diabetes and cancer.
2. What are three foods you should eat in small amounts to lower your risk of heart disease?
a) fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables and lean meats
b) frozen dinners, hot dogs and butter
c) meat, eggs and vegetables
d) vegetable oils, dark chocolate and butter
3. What is atherosclerosis?
a) inflammation of the walls of arteries that causes swelling and a buildup of plaque
b) inflammation of the walls of veins that causes swelling and a buildup plaque
c) a buildup of plaque
d) inflammation of the walls of arteries
If cardiac muscle is starved of oxygen for more than _________, it will die.
a) 1 minute
b) 5 seconds
c) 5 minutes
d) 10 minutes
Plaque is made of
a) platelets, cholesterol, calcium and connective tissue
b) cell pieces and cholesterol
c) cell pieces, fatty substances, calcium, and connective tissue
d) sodium, calcium, fat, and tobacco
Ex. 7. Read and translate the text:
Heart Diseases: Diagnosing and Treatment
Different tests are used to diagnose heart disease, and your doctor may choose a particular test based on your symptoms and a review of your family history. After a blood test and chest X-ray, other tests include:
– electrocardiogram (EKG): a test that helps doctors identify problems with your heart’s rhythm;
– echocardiogram: a test that uses ultrasound waves to view the flow of blood through the heart;
– cardiac computerized tomography (CT) scan: an X-ray test that creates cross sectional views of your heart;
– cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): a test that uses powerful magnets and radio waves to create images of your heart and surrounding tissue;
– stress test: a test that monitors your heart during periods of strenuous activity or exercise.
Heart disease treatments depend on the condition, but may include lifestyle changes and medications. Lifestyle changes can include:
– eating a healthy diet rich in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, fruits, and vegetables. Choose foods that are low in fat, sodium, and cholesterol to help control your blood pressure;
– increasing physical activity to maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of diabetes, and improve cholesterol levels. Aim for at least 60 minutes of activity per week, says the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute;
– quitting smoking can lower your risk of heart disease and complications;
– drinking alcohol in moderation can lower blood pressure and decrease the risk for heart disease;
– learning how to deal with stress, either through exercise, medication, stress management therapy or support groups.
When lifestyle changes do not improve your conditions, doctors may prescribe certain medications to reduce your risk of a heart attack or stroke. These include medications that lower blood pressure or prevent blood clotting. Sometimes, medical procedures are necessary to treat certain types of heart disease. These include an angioplasty (a flexible tube inserted in arteries to improve blood flow) or a coronary artery bypass surgery (blood vessels surgically moved from one area of the body to another to improve blood flow to the heart).
Ex. 8. Answer the questions:
1. How does heart attack occur? 2. What are the causes of heart diseases? 3. What are the symptoms of heart diseases? 4. How can heart diseases be prevented? 5. How are heart diseases diagnosed and treated? What medical procedures may be necessary to treat certain types of heart disease?
А: Тестові завдання
1. Choose one correct variant:
1. How many chambers does the heart have?
a) 1;
b) 5;
c) 4;
d) 2.
2. Which of the following chambers would have oxygen rich blood?
a) left atrium;
b) pulmonary artery;
c) right ventricle;
d) vena cava.
3. What does pulmonary mean?
a) pertaining to the heart;
b) pertaining to the lungs;
c) pertaining to the spleen;
d) pertaining to the kidney.
4. How does oxygen poor blood enter the heart?
a) vena cava;
b) aorta;
c) pulmonary artery;
d) pulmonary vein.
5. Which is the strongest chamber of the heart?
a) right atrium;
b) right ventricle;
c) left ventricle;
d) left atrium.
6. The movement of blood through the heart and body is called:
a) circulation;
b) ventriculation
c) heart pump;
d) locomotion.
7. What wall separates the left side and right side of the heart:
a) ventricle;
b) atrium;
c) septum;
d) great wall.
8. You can keep your heart strong by:
a) eating sweets;
b) swimming, riding a bicycle, running;
c) smoking;
d) sleeping 18 hours a day.
1. These are tubes that carry blood back to the heart:
a) pipes;
b) arteries;
c) veins;
d) tubules.
2. A thin sac that surrounds the sac is called….
a) myocardium;
b) pericardium;
c) endocardium;
d) ectocardum.
2. Match the following Ukrainian words and word combinations to the English ones:
скорочення клапан серцебиття шлуночок кровообіг здатність передсердя | ability contraction atrium valve ventricle blood circulation heartbeat |
В: Питання для самоконтролю:
1. Where is the heart located?
2. What is the function of the heart?
3. What does the heart consist of?
4. What is the difference between right and left ventricles?
5. What is the structure of the heart wall?
6. How many chambers of the heart are there?
С: Завдання для самоконтролю.
Translate into English:
1. Хвороби серця – це група захворювань, які вражають серце та серцево-судинну систему. 2. В основі ішемічної хвороби серця лежить порушення кровоплину в коронарних судинах, що призводить до недостатнього кровопостачання серцевого м’яза. 3. Аритмія серця може виникати як самостійне захворювання і як прояв інших хвороб. 4. Міокардє найпотужнішою оболонкою серцевої стінки. 5. Серце виконує функцію насоса, який приносить кров за допомогою артерій, артеріол і капілярів і повертає назад за допомогою венул і вен. 6. Протягом 1 хвилини серце б'ється 60-80 раз і за цей час накачує в кровоносну систему майже 6 літрів крові. 7. За добу через серце проходить від 7 000 до 10 000 літрів крові, а в цілому за рік приблизно 3 150 000 літрів. 8. Розвитку хвороб серця сприяє спосіб життя: шкідливі звички, стресові ситуації, мала рухова активність, незбалансоване харчування.
1. Ісаєва О.С. Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням для студентів-медиків. Professional English in general medicine : підручник / О.С. Ісаєва, Л.Я. Аврахова, І.А. Прокоп [та ін.]. – Львів : ЛНМУ ім. Данила Галицького, 2013. – 546 с.
2. Марковина И.Ю. Английский язык : учебник / И.Ю. Марковина, З.К. Максимова, М.Б. Вайнштейн. – под. общ. ред. И.Ю. Марковиной. – 4-е изд., испр. и перераб. – М. : ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2010. – 368 с. : ил. ISBN 978-5-9704-1794-2
3. Марковина И.Ю. Аглийский язык. Грамматический практикум для медиков. Ч. 1. Употребление личных форм глагола в научном тексте. Рабочая тетрадь: учебное пособие / И.Ю. Марковина, Г.Е. Громова. – М. : ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2010. – 200 с.
4. Пісоцька О.О. Англійська мова для фахівців у галузі медицини : (підручник з англійської для студентів вищих медичних навчальних закладів України ІІІ-ІV рівнів акредитації) / О.О. Пісоцька, І.В. Знаменська, В.Г. Костенко. – Ч. ІІ. – Полтава : ТОВ «АСМІ». – 2010. – 191 с.
5. Чурилов Л.П. Английский язык для медиков / Л.П. Чурилов, Ю.И. Строев, В.И. Утехин [и др.]. – СПб. : ЭЛБИ-СПб, 2012. – 312 с. [руководство с электронным аудиодиском]
6. Medicine [Електроний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://www.dmoz.org/Health/Medicine.
7. MedicineNet [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://www.medicinenet.com.
8. Romanko I.G. English in Professional Use : “Medicine”. Reading-book / I.G. Romanko, O.O. Pisotska, I.V. Znamenska. – Poltava, 2014. – 220 p. / [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу : www.umsa.edu.ua/lecture/inmov/english_in_professional_use.pdf.
Методичні вказівки укладені к. філол. н., доц. Знаменською І.В., к. філол. н., викл. Лисанець Ю.В.