Дополните предложения правильной формой глагола (Past Simple or Past Continuous).

a) A: What (you, do) ___________________ when you heard that noise? B: I (try) ___________________ to change a light bulb that had burnt out.

b) After I (find) ___________________ the wallet full of money, I (go, immediately) ___________________ to the police and (turn) ___________________ it in.

c) The doctor (say) ___________________ that Brian (be) _________________ too weak to go to work and that he (need) ___________________ to stay at home for a couple of days.

d) My best friend (arrive) ___________________ at my house a little before 9:00 pm, but I (be, not) ___________________ there. I (study) ___________________ at the library for my final examination in Italian.

e) John is in the living room working on his computer. At this time yesterday, he (work, also) ___________________ on his computer. That's all he ever does!

f) I (call) ___________________ you last night after dinner, but you (be, not) ___________________ there. Where were you? B: I (work) ___________________ out at the gym.

g) When I (walk) ___________________ into the busy office, the secretaries (talk) ___________________ on the phone with customers, a clerk (work, busily)___________________ at his desk, and two managers (discuss, quietly) ___________________ methods to improve customer service.

h) I (watch) ___________________ a thriller on TV when the electricity went out. Now I am never going to find out how the film ends.

i) Samantha (be) ___________________ in the room when Bob (tell) ___________________ me what happened, but she didn't hear anything because she (be, listen) ___________________ to music.

j) It's strange that you (call) ___________________ because I (think, just) ___________________ about you.

4. Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в нужном времени: Past Simple или Past Continuous.

a) George ______________ (fall) off the ladder while he ______________ (paint) the ceiling.

b) Last night I ______________ (read) in bed when suddenly I ______________ (hear) a scream.

c) ______________ (you/watch) television when I phoned you?

d) Ann ______________ (wait) for me when I ______________ (arrive).

e) I ______________ (not/drive) very fast when the accident ______________ (happen).

f) I ______________ (break) a plate last night. I ______________ (do) the washing-up when it ______________ (slip) out of my hand.

g) Tom ______________ (take) a photograph of me while I ______________ (not/look).

h) We ______________ (not/go) out because it ______________ (rain).

i) What ______________ (you/do) at this time yesterday?

j) I ______________ (see) Carol at the party. She ______________ (wear) a really beautiful dress.

Past Perfect

Образование Употребление Временные выражения
Утвердительная форма   1. Действие, совершившееся до определенного момента в прошлом. E.g. After the sun had set, we decided to return home.   2. Past Perfect употребляется в главном предложении при наличии наречий: hardly…when (едва, не успел как, как только) scarcely…when no sooner…when В последующем придаточном предложении употребляется Past Simple.   He had hardly (scarcely) entered the house, when it started to rain. - Едва он вошел в дом, как начался дождь. No sooner had he arrived, than he fell ill. – Не успел он приехать, как заболел. after, before, when + придаточное предложение времени
I You He She It We They had     worked played gone
Отрицательная форма
I You He She It We They hadn’t     worked played gone
Вопросительная форма
Had I you he she it we they worked played gone


1. Дополните следующие предложения, используя глаголы, данные в скобках:

a) My best friend, Kevin, was no longer there. He ______________ (go) away.

b) The local cinema was no longer open. It ______________ (close) down.

c) Mr. Johnson was no longer alive. He ______________ (die).

d) I didn’t recognize Mrs. Johnson. She ______________ (change) a lot.

e) Bill no longer had his car. He ______________ (sell) it.

f) The woman was a complete stranger to me. I ______________ (never/ see) her before.

g) Tom wasn’t at home when I arrived. He ______________ (just/ go out).

h) We arrived at the cinema late. The film ______________ (already/ begin).

2. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени - Past Simple или Past Perfect:

a) The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody ______________ (go) to bed.

b) I felt very tired when I got home, so I ______________ (go) straight to bed.

c) Sorry I’m late. The car ______________ (break) down on my way here.

d) There was a car by the side of the road. It ______________ (break) down and the driver was trying to repair it. So we ______________ (stop) to see if we could help.

e) I ______________ (be) sorry that I ______________ (not be) nicer to him.

f) Nobody ______________ (come) to the meeting because Angela ______________ (forget) to tell people about it.

g) I ______________ (see) her before somewhere – I ______________ (know).

h) Because he ______________ (not check) the oil for so long, the car ______________ (break) down.

i) She couldn’t find the book that I ______________ (lend) her.

j) They ______________ (never find) where he ______________ (hide) the money.

k) It was a firm I ______________ (never hear) of.

l) When she ______________ (come) in, we all knew where she ______________ (be).

m) The lesson ______________ (already start) when I ______________ (arrive).

3. Соедините следующие пары предложений, используя союзы , данные в скобках. Один из глаголов поставьте в Past Perfect:

a) I read the letter. I threw it away. (when)


b) He passed his driving test. He bought a car. (as soon as)


c) I took the book back to the library. I finished reading it. (when)


d) I didn’t go to bed. I did my homework. (until)


e) I spent all my money. I went home. (when)


f) I read the book. I saw the film. (before)


g) Her children left home. She started writing. (after)


h) I listened to the news. I went to bed.


i) They finished their work. They went home. (when)


j) My stomach-ache disappeared. I took some medicine. (after)


4. Переведите следующие предложения с русского языка на английский:

a) Когда я зашёл за своим другом, его сестра сказала, что он ушёл час назад.

b) Он рассказал мне о многих городах, которые он посетил во время своих путешествий.

c) Я не мог ответить на вопросы преподавателя, потому что я ничего не повторял перед экзаменом.

d) Когда мы пришли в театр, спектакль уже начался, и наши места были заняты.

e) После того, как я написал письмо другу, я пошел смотреть телевизор.

f) Она не могла найти книгу, которую я ей одолжил.

g) Она рассказала мне, что она работала во Франции и Германии.

h) Когда я пришел на автостоянку, я понял, что потерял ключи.

i) Это была фирма, о которой я никогда не слышал.

j) У меня перестала болеть голова после того, как я принял лекарство.

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