Judiciary of England and Wales


Часть 1

по дисциплине «Английский язык в сфере юриспруденции»

  Выполнила: Пленина Александра Александровна   Группа: 15ЮЗ-101   Проверил: Колеева Э.Р.  

Челябинск 2016

Task 1. Match the legal terms on the left with their definitions on the right. Make three sentences of your own using these words. Translate them into Russian.

1) deterrence measures taken to prevent hostile action
2) case study a detailed analysis of a criminal person or group
3) legislator a member of a body which gives or makes laws
4) retribution something given or demanded in repayment, especially punishment  
5) convict a person serving a prison sentence
6) rehabilitation guidance and instruction given to offenders, their beneficial treatment aimed at restitution of positive skills and attitudes

If a convict turns out to be innocent, his execution cannot be undone.


Если преступник оказывается невиновным, то отменить приговор уже невозможно.

Measures that some legislators favor, such as transforming coal into liquids, increase secure supplies, but they imply more carbon dioxide emissions than imported oil does.


Меры, которые поддерживают некоторые законодатели, такие как преобразование угля в жидкости, увеличивают безопасные поставки, но они подразумевают выброс большего количества углекислого газа, чем импортируемая нефть.

The concept of deterrence gives rise to the development and perfection of new kinds of weapons, creates an atmosphere of distrust and further accelerates the arms race.


Концепция сдерживания поощряет развитие и качественную доработку новых видов оружия, создает атмосферу недоверия и приводит к дальнейшей гонке вооружений.

Task 2. Answer the questions in the written form.

1. What is your name (surname)?

My name is Alexandra, my surname is Plenina.

2. How old are you?

I'm 19 years old.

3. When and where were you born?

I was born in 1997 in Russia.

4. Where do you live?

I live in Russia.

5. Have you got your own family?

Yes, I have my own the family.

6. When did you enter and leave school?

I entered to the school in 2006. I left the school in 2016.

7.Did you serve in the army?

No, I didn’t serve in the army.

8.What is your work experience?

I don’t have a work experience.

9.What’s your occupation now?

I'm studying now.

10.Why have you decided to enter this University?

I have decided to enter this University, order to help the family.

11.What subjects are you interested in?

I am interested in the history.

12. What is your future profession?

My future profession is a lawyer.

13. What personal skills do you have?

I don’t have of personal skills.

14. What foreign languages are you fluent in?

I'm not fluent in foreign languages.

15. What activities are you keen on?

I am interested in self-development.

Task 3. Read and translate the text in writing. Underline the verbs and write their tense (Present, Past, Future/ Simple, Perfect, Continuous) and voice (Active, Passive).

Judiciary of England and Wales

The English have given the world the system of English law that has its origins in Anglo-Saxon times. The legal system in England and Wales is divided into civil and criminal courts, which hear evidence and aim to determine what exactly happened in a case. The lower courts decide matters of fact and the upper courts normally deal with points of law.

The House of Lords is the ultimate court of appeal for both civil and criminal cases. At the base of the criminal court system, the magistrates’ courts try more than 97 percent of the criminal cases. More serious criminal cases then go to the Crown Court, which has 90 branches in different towns and cities. In 1971 the Crown Courts replaced the individual courts, and it is now a single court that may sit anywhere in England, deal with any trial on indictment, and hear appeals and proceedings either on a sentence or on civil matters.

Civil cases are dealt with in County courts. In England, simple civil actions, for example family matters such as undefended divorce, are normally heard in either the Magistrates’ Courts or the County Courts. There’s no jury in a Magistrates’ Court. Family cases may go on appeal from the Magistrates’ Court to the County Courts. The County Court also hears complex first instance civil cases, such as contract disputes, compensation claims, consumer complaints about faulty goods or services, and bankruptcy cases.

Certain cases may be referred to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.

The legal system of Great Britain also includes juvenile courts, which deal with offenders under seventeen, and coroners’ courts which investigate violent or unnatural death. Tribunals deal with professional standards, disputes between individuals, and between individuals and government departments.

More complex civil cases are heard in the High Court of Justice, which is divided into three divisions: Family, Chancery and Queen’s Bench. The court has both original, that is, first instance, and appellate jurisdiction. From the High Court cases may go on appeal to the civil division of the Court of Appeal, which can reverse or uphold a decision of the lower courts. Its decisions bind all the lower civil courts. Civil cases may leapfrog from the High Court to the House of Lords, bypassing the Court of Appeal, when points of law of general public importance are involved. The court of the House of Lords consists of twelve life peers appointed from judges and barristers. The quorum, or minimum number, of law lords for an appeal hearing is normally three, but generally there is a sitting of five judges.

About 95% of all criminal cases in England and Wales are tried in the Magistrates’ Courts, which deal with petty crimes, that is, less serious ones. In certain circumstances, the court may commit an accused person to the Crown Court for more severe punishment, either by way of a fine or imprisonment. Except in cases of homicide, children under 14 and young persons – that is, minors between 14 and 17 years of age – must always be tried summarily, meaning without a jury, by a Youth Court. A Youth Court is a branch of the Magistrates’ Court. Indictable offences, that is, more serious ones such as theft, assault, drug dealing, and murder, are reserved for trial in the Crown Court. In almost all criminal cases, the State, in the name of the Crown, prosecutes a person alleged to have committed a crime. In England and Wales, a jury of twelve people decides whether the defendant is guilty of the crime she or he is charged with. The Crown Court may hear cases in circuit areas. From the Crown Court, appeal against conviction or sentence lies to the Criminal Division of the Court of Appeal. If leave to appeal is granted by that court, cases may go on appeal to the House of Lords.

Судебные органы Англии и Уэльса.

Англичане дали миру систему английского права, которое берёт своё начало с англо-саксонских времен. Правовая система в Англии и Уэльсе делится на гражданские и уголовные суды, которые слушают доказательства дела и замысел преступника, чтобы определить, что именно произошло в данном случае. Нижние суды рассматривают обстоятельства дела, верхние суды обычно рассматривают вопросы права.

Палата лордов является конечным апелляционным судом по гражданским и уголовным делам. В основе уголовной судебной системы находятся суды магистратов, расследующие более 97% уголовных дел. Кроме того, более серьёзные уголовные дела проходят в Коронном суде, который имеет 90 филиалов в разных городах. В 1971 году Коронные суды заменили отдельные суды, и теперь один суд, который находится где-нибудь в Англии, проводит любой судебный процесс по предъявлению обвинения, рассмотрению апелляций, либо разбирает решение суда и гражданские дела.

Гражданские дела рассматриваются в судах графств. В Англии простые гражданские иски, например, семейные дела, такие как неаргументированный развод, как правило, слушали либо в судах магистратов, либо в районных судах. В магистратских судах нет присяжных. Семейные дела могут проходить по апелляции из суда магистрата в уездных судах. Окружной суд также рассматривает сложные гражданские дела первой инстанции, такие как контрактные споры, требования о выплате компенсации, требования о выплате компенсации, жалобы потребителей о некачественных товарах или услугах, а также дела о банкротстве.

Некоторые дела могут быть переданы в Европейский суд в Люксембурге. Правовая система Великобритании включает в себя также суды по делам несовершеннолетних, которые рассматривают дела с преступниками младше 17 лет, и суды Коронеры, которые расследуют случаи насильственной или неестественной смерти. Трибуналы рассматривают дела с профессиональными стандартами, споры между людьми, и споры между частными лицами и государственными ведомствами.

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